Highway Technician Hit By Car Passes Away

February 13, 2013

A highway technician passed away Tuesday from injuries he received after being hit by a car Monday morning on Nine Mile Road.

Brian Steinbeck, an employee of HSA Consulting Group, was assisting in the placement of a traffic counter across East Nine Mile Road at Scenic Hills Drive. Brigitte Keith, age 42 of Cantonment, applied the brakes on her 1999 Honda as she approached other traffic slowed for the contractors. She lost control and rotated into the median where she struck an unoccupied GMC truck and hit Steinbeck.

Steinbeck, 25, was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital in critical condition. He passed away from his injuries on Tuesday, according to the FHP.

Keith was not injured

Charges against Keith are pending, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.


31 Responses to “Highway Technician Hit By Car Passes Away”

  1. Kristen on December 28th, 2014 12:31 am

    I miss you Brian I miss our sweet innocent late night talks on your front porch At night I remember how comfortable we were to talk about anything with each other you truly were a kind soul and my best friend.. I love you and can’t wait till the day I see u again! :’( xoxoxoxo

  2. Caroline on February 14th, 2013 5:21 pm

    I knew Brian. He was an extremely funny and outgoing guy. What happened here is a complete travesty. Now his family is without their son, Danca is without her love, & his friends, we’re without the person who kept us laughing constantly. He was out doing his job, as he always does. Did you not read this article or weartv.com? The traffic was slowing down for him and his partner, this woman said she looked away & by the time she looked back, traffic was braking so she applied her brakes too quickly, lost control of her car, rotated counter clockwise and went into the median where he was working. He died because this stupid woman took her eyes of the road. Her careless decision making while operating a moving vehicle has taken him away from everyone who loves him! I’m sorry she’s upset, but I hope she gets what’s coming to her. Whatever happens won’t bring him back and she’s going to have to live with that for the rest of her life.

  3. curious on February 13th, 2013 9:10 pm

    Someone in a previous comment, hinted that she was putting makeup on, that means she was distracted, whether putting makeup on, texting, etc. For her to have done all she done, she must have been moving on. Just because everybody else is flying doesn’t mean she should have been. People don’t care anymore driving in pensacola, they done gone stupid. Once you get past molino, its each his on. SALT LIFE is what I say. I am 40, and I know about the Move Over, & if I know ahead of time I’m gonna slow down, more than I should & move over. I can’t help but to think of him & his family. She knew better, it’s not like she was a careless teenager, but if it truely was an accident, I feel for her feelings to, of what she must be going thru & especially for her family, because they too are victims, they didn’t ask for what they’re going thru.

  4. Not You on February 13th, 2013 8:10 pm

    @puddin: “Most accidents of this kind can be prevented by proper and timely placement of warning devices.”

    Most collisions of this type can be prevented by driving the posted speed limit and being aware of your surroundings at all times.

  5. LegalEagle on February 13th, 2013 6:12 pm

    Prayers for the victim who was murdered…I think they need to make an example out of the driver…PERIOD.

  6. Doug Masters on February 13th, 2013 5:31 pm

    It was not an accident. The word accident implies that no one is/was at fault. It was a traffic crash. About two years ago the state of Florida and Highway Patrol changed the wording/policy on crashes because of that fact. She is and was responsible for this crash and should be held accountable. Praying for all involved.

  7. sonors on February 13th, 2013 1:40 pm

    @ can,,, accident? a freak accident? read the article again why dont ya? dont think anybody but you is calling this a freak accident! My prayers to this sad family.

  8. can on February 13th, 2013 11:24 am

    @ Mark – no one is denying that it was HER RESPONSIBILITY while she was operating a vehicle. Yes, responsibility lies in the hands of the driver. But accidents happen. She may have not seen a puddle in the road, hit the brakes and skidded right on over the pavement. Yes, it was her responsibility to ensure that she was watching for these things, but people make mistakes and unfortunately mistakes can be fatal at times. My goodness, this lady killed someone by a direct or indirect action (depending on the circumstances of the accident that we don’t know) in a completely freak accident. I don’t want to try and lift any blame from the driver because she is obviously responsible for the death of this young man, but crazy things happen. That is why it is called an accident. I also don’t want to downgrade the death of the young man because it is absolutely tragic that he was killed, so please don’t think I am being disrespectful towards the family. Don’t jump to conclusions.

  9. BentStraight on February 13th, 2013 10:32 am

    There will ALWAYS be unexpected reasons to to stop quickly, being unprepared for any reason can have devastating consequences.
    NEVER let your guard down, avoid distractions and hurrying,

  10. Mark on February 13th, 2013 9:52 am

    Like it or not, when you get behind the wheel of a vehicle, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to operate that vehicle in a safe manner. That means you change your driving style dependent on the weather.

    Say what you will, but that driver was NOT DOING something right to lose control of a vehicle like that. You can’t blame wet roads, as it was HER RESPONSIBILITY to operate her vehicle at a safe speed for the weather conditions, and NOT try to keep up with the flow of traffic if it is too fast for her vehicle.

    Weather it was distracted driving by texting or putting on makeup, following too close, or traveling at an unsafe speed for the weather conditions and her vehicle, it is still HER RESPONSIBILITY for the accident.

  11. max on February 13th, 2013 7:46 am

    Rip….prayers for the man’s family and for the lady that hit him.

    All the more reason to CHECK Tires AND TIRE PRESSURE, simply stated over/under inflated tires, worn tires can and will cause you to lose traction and control of a vehicle.

  12. carolyn on February 13th, 2013 6:38 am

    My prayers go out to Brians family. Brian was a great person. now he is gone because this woman couldnt take alittle extra time to put her make-up on before she left her hime. no she wasnt on her cell phone, but this is just as bad a young mans life was taken because she wasnt paying attention.

  13. David Huie Green on February 13th, 2013 6:25 am

    It says the others were already slowed, that she lost control when she started to slow, went into a spin, went into the median, struck a stopped vehicle. Nothing against her, but she was either going too fast, too slow to respond to traffic conditions or both. Regardless, her actions and decisions failed to avoid killing him. You could be right and she was blameless, but none of the other drivers lost control. (And yes, I have lost control in the past and yes, it was my fault.)

    David for doing better

  14. mg on February 13th, 2013 6:16 am

    its obvious that someone was driving too fast for the road conditions to lose control of a vehicle like that; applying the brake and slowing down can mean many things.

  15. Nine MIle Driver on February 13th, 2013 6:12 am

    “Can” I agree with you. I came by just after the accident happened and it was extremely wet and can totally see how this could have happened. Traffic typically backs up in this area as a result of the red light at Sonic/Kohls. I am so sorry for the family that lost a loved one and I am sorry for the lady that hit him. Both families are in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. 429SCJ on February 13th, 2013 4:15 am

    Amen Can.

  17. Can on February 13th, 2013 1:23 am

    Why is everyone assuming that she was driving like an idiot, while talking on the phone, speeding, etc? It clearly states in the article that she was slowing down with traffic as they all approached the contractors working. It is horrible that this happened, but don’t make assumptions and predictions based on what you “think” may be the case. Now, it very well could all be true. But just consider both sides of the story instead of jumping to conclusions because of what you want to be true. Prayers to both families!

  18. Meredith on February 12th, 2013 10:42 pm

    Nine mile road is a busy and dangerous road. I agree with mommabear’s post completely. I have sat at the light at nine mile and University Pkwy and counted the cell phone talkers come around on their green light arrow blaben away. This is such a shame to have happened to a 25 year old young man. There is a good view on that particular stretch near the entrance to Scenic Hills. The road was probably wet and speed was no doubt a factor. People need to slow down and keep their distance get off their phones and pay attention!
    Prayers for the young man’s family. This is a sad story.

  19. ms p on February 12th, 2013 7:07 pm

    I was on my way to work and barely missed the accident. The lady that hit the guy was sitting in the car crying. It is unfortunate for both families no matter how we look at it. I will pray for them all.

  20. mommabear on February 12th, 2013 7:05 pm

    I have to drive that stretch of the road quite often. The people, for the most part, do not pay any attention to the speed limit on that stretch of the road, nor do you see them using signals when changing lanes or turning. And if look close enough, you’ll see the drivers talking on cells. Very busy section of road between UWF, the Target/Publix/Kohls shopping centers, the medical center, along with West Florida Hospital just up the road….
    People need to slow down and pay attention… get OFF the cell phones. This worker didn’t have to die and wouldn’t have, had she just slowed down and watched the traffic around her….

  21. Gembeaux on February 12th, 2013 4:54 pm

    Praying for his family and.loved one, as well as for the driver who struck him. What an awfully heartbreaking time for all involved.

  22. Becky Johnson on February 12th, 2013 4:48 pm

    He was a beautiful person inside and out. We love u Brian you will be missed, too young to leave us

  23. fish621 on February 12th, 2013 3:33 pm

    Prayers to this young man’s family.

  24. Sam on February 12th, 2013 2:18 pm

    RIP Brian! Fly high with the angels! My prayers go out to his family as well.

  25. puddin on February 12th, 2013 11:37 am

    @DL HALL. Pehaps, and this is just my own experiance here, she didnt see the warning signs until it was too late. I have come over the top of a hill, more than once, to find workers just out of the line of sight. The last time it happened, a few years ago was on 99 just before it hits 196. There were no signs out until you got over that hill, but the prisoners were working at the bridge. I slammed on the brakes, barely missing the poor guy holding the stop/slow sign. I pulled over and ripped the FHP officer a new one then and there. Same thing happened on 29 about 4-5 years ago. Ended up in the ditch that time, trying to avoid rear ending another car that was stopped. Most accidents of this kind can be prevented by proper and timely placement of warning devices. Since the article states that they were in the process of doing that there wasnt much else that could be done. Sure hope the poor worker is ok. And the driver that hit him is ok too. That all said, if we just quit doing anything but driving behind the wheel there would be a lot less accidents in the future. :-)

  26. Donna Lambeth on February 12th, 2013 12:19 am

    I’m praying for this man to be fine and for his family as they go through this with him. Accidents happen so unexpectedly and fast.

  27. EMD on February 11th, 2013 10:27 pm

    Praying for Brian’s healing, pain relief and Peace. And, for a safer job when he recovers.

  28. Poppz on February 11th, 2013 10:09 pm

    DL Hall – The answer to your question is, unfortunately, quite simple.
    Our society today has gone to me me me me me me me me. It’s all about ‘me’.
    Most people don’t give three squats about anybody or any thing that is outside of their current goals and needs. Teach your children different than this. I know I am trying to!

  29. DL Hall on February 11th, 2013 8:04 pm

    I Can Not Understand Why People Don’t Slow Down Or Use Caution When They See or Know That There Are People Working On/Near The Highway – This Includes Police,Wrecker Drivers,Firemen EVEN Someone Trying To Change A Flat Tire (I Even Slow or Use Caution With Bikes & People Trying To Cross The Road On Foot) . I Wonder How Many People Know About The “Move Over Law” ? Maybe I’m Old Fashioned , Uh ? …

  30. well on February 11th, 2013 5:38 pm

    Praying for Mr. Steinbecks recovery.

    There is never a good day to work around traffic and today was worse with the wet roads.

  31. MOM3 on February 11th, 2013 2:17 pm

    Praying for this man to recover.