‘Golden Cow Dung Award’ Presented To Betty Coon

February 23, 2013

Ernest Ward Middle School faculty member Betty Coon received the fifth annual “Golden Cow Dung Award” from members of the Ernest Ward FFA. The award presented Friday morning featured a large piece of cow dung, painted a golden color.

(Cow dung, in case you did not know, is what you are probably thinking it is. It’s that natural byproduct that cows drop in the field. The award is 100 percent real dung spray painted a golden color. The golden piece presented Friday is actually the first award piece created four years ago.)

Coon received the award from the school’s FFA members as a “thank you” for supporting FFA. The same Golden Cow Dung Award was presented last year to history teacher Kenneth Hicks. Previous awards were presented to teacher’s assistant Lindsey Kelley, Family & Consumer Science teacher Kathy Ellis and four years ago to Principal Nancy Perry.

More than half a million members around the nation participated in National FFA Week activities at the local and state levels this week.

Pictured: Ernest Ward Middle School FFA Golden Cow Dung Award presentation to Betty Coon Friday morning. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “‘Golden Cow Dung Award’ Presented To Betty Coon”

  1. Hunter Connell on February 25th, 2013 8:40 pm

    Congrats Mrs. Coon!!!!

  2. Jarrod Davison on February 23rd, 2013 4:51 pm

    Congratulations Ms.Coon

  3. BentStraight on February 23rd, 2013 3:08 pm

    LOL! She finally gets her picture in the paper and she has to wear a cow patty around her neck. What a good sport! Congratulations, we know that it really is an honor!

  4. Mitchell Singleton on February 23rd, 2013 12:54 pm

    Congratulations Mrs. Coon! You deserve it!

  5. molino jim on February 23rd, 2013 11:48 am

    To bad the FFA does not have it’s / a new home.

  6. David Huie Green on February 23rd, 2013 11:36 am

    “The golden piece presented Friday is actually the first award piece created four years ago.”

    This shows how generous they all are, that nobody insists on keeping it to keep on their mantle piece or wear during a night out on the town.

    David for generous people

  7. Mary Spence on February 23rd, 2013 11:03 am

    She is a tremendous asset to Ernest Ward. I have personally seen her go beyond school activities in order to furnish clothes for those that have none, funish homes for those that have none. She is sooooo good!

  8. Bonnie Reaves on February 23rd, 2013 8:56 am

    Yes she is…she has a heart of gold when it comes to her kids. Over the years have seen her go above n boyond for the school activities etc. Now she is crazy as a june bug… but thats what makes her so special…love u girl

  9. Andy Gott on February 23rd, 2013 7:39 am

    Betty Coon is a tremendous asset to every school she has been employed. She loves kids and is a loyal dedicated hard worker. Ernest Ward is fortunate to have her.