Trial Set For Teen Accused Of Violent Attack During Molino Burglary

January 24, 2013

An April trial date has been set for a 15-year oldĀ  teen accused of a violent attack against a woman during a burglary at a Molino residence.

Aquanis Javon Brown of Richardson Road will be tried as an adult for burglary of a dwelling with assault or battery, aggravated battery using a deadly weapon and petit theft. As a juvenile, he was also charged with battery by strangulation and attempted sexual assault with a weapon at the time of his October 2012 arrest.

The 54-year old victim told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that she returned alone to her home were she found Brown standing in a bedroom wearing gloves. Brown physically attacked her, punching her in the face and body with his fists, according to an arrest report, before attempting to remove the victim’s pants. He then began to strangle the victim to the point she told deputies she believed she was going to die. She fought back, clawing at Brown’s face.

Brown grabbed a pair of scissors, the report states, and began stabbing at the victim, stabbing her in the hand. Brown continued to attempt to remove the victim’s pants before walking out and going through things in other rooms of the home. She then closed the bedroom door, barricaded it with furniture and waited for deputies to arrive.

Deputies found the victim with several injuries. She told them that she was absolutely certain that Brown was her attacker; she said she has known him all of his life. The victim was transported to an area hospital for treatment.

Sheriff’s deputies located Brown suffering from multiple fresh lacerations to his face and neck. He told deputies that he had cut himself shaving. He was arrested and delivered to the Department of Youth Services.

According to court documents, Brown is accused of stealing needles, medications, baking powder and other household items from the victim’s home.

Charged as an adult, Brown is being held in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $165,000. This week, Judge Linda Nobles set jury selection in Brown’s trial to being April 1.


24 Responses to “Trial Set For Teen Accused Of Violent Attack During Molino Burglary”

  1. oneparenttoanother on January 27th, 2013 4:07 pm

    some of the people in this world kills me with the comments they make. why when a child do something everyone always asking where were the parents and what the parent isnt teaching them. Work… and doing the best they can (some) . We all forget that kids have a mind of their own. you can teach them right from wrong but they have to learn to be strong enough to do right from wrong. he had no reason to do none of this but he did it anyways so hold him accountable for his own actions. Not all fault belongs to his parents. Why must you all assume he has no father around either…..

  2. S. Wine on January 26th, 2013 8:30 pm

    I have known him since 1st grade….. When I saw this… All I could do was shake my head and ask why?… Why do people that were once such good people… Turn out like this?

  3. T on January 25th, 2013 10:31 pm

    This young man has been in trouble his whole life. He was expelled from middle school, you heard me right middle school. Each and everytime he got in trouble his mother defended him. Instead she should have been disiplining him and making him take responsible for his actions. Being a parent is a hard and time consuming job. It is a full not part time job. My mother told me once that “children want to be disiplined, it beens you care about them.” It is always easy to do nothing. I am afraid this is time she won;t be able to get him out of troublef. My prayers are with her.

  4. Britt on January 25th, 2013 10:08 pm

    I went to school with him a while back and i hope he gets everything he deserves he did not have the right to do that to this poor woman i hope she gets better

  5. Concerned Resident on January 25th, 2013 8:31 pm

    There, but by the grace of GOD…

  6. Ifish4 on January 25th, 2013 5:15 pm

    Human bean, now I know there are two of us, I feel the same way you do. Molino Resident, if you don’t have a weapon get one and the proper training. If this punk breaks in on you, shoot him, and shoot to kill, and when his mother comes crying about him only being 15, tell her the truth, she should have spent more time with him and raised him better.

  7. Molino Resident on January 25th, 2013 4:01 pm

    This is so scary! This kid lives behind me! It now explains why the neighbors moved. I cannot belived this happened so close to me and I knew nothing about it. I’m so glad we have a house alarm and beleive in 2nd amendment rights!

  8. human bean on January 25th, 2013 2:33 pm

    I have zero sympathy for this social miscreant. I don’t care if he had a hard life many of us have and would never rob, beat and try to rape someone. It’s too bad the lady didn’t have a weapon to put him down. He will be in trouble for the rest of his life if he’s doing this at 15. The juvenile law needs to be re-addressed as kids as young as 12 are commiting major crimes. Parents aren’t doing their jobs nowadays and it will get worse. I feel for the victim who has had her safety shattered and bears the scars. I hope he gets what he deserved.

  9. jack on January 24th, 2013 8:59 pm

    I’ve seen that “judge not” comment misused on here several times. It’s important to finish the verse with “lest ye be judged”. What it’s saying is you will be judged by the same standards that you use to judge others.

  10. Phreda on January 24th, 2013 7:08 pm

    I feel so sorry for this boys parents. But please unless you have ever delt with your own children and look them in the face and know that somthing is so wrong you will not know the hurt that goes with that just because a child is mean bitter even a threat does not mean that someone has not tried. My sister has a child who is very scary and she has tried everything besides killing him and he has loving parents who are always there to help but…. It is just hard for parents when they are judged so hard and looked down on. I also hate to say it but its only getting worst these children are being mainstreamed in school due to cut backs when some of them have major learning problems.I really feel for the victim words can never be enough to help get past the horror. But what is also bad is that there had to be a victim to get somthing done.

  11. beef on January 24th, 2013 5:23 pm

    Holy cow ik him he had bad anger problems.

  12. Dan on January 24th, 2013 4:16 pm

    15 years old?

    Where are his parents?
    They should be prosecuted along with him.

    Thank God the victim’s injuries were not too serious.
    But her emotional scars will lasta lifetime!

  13. pm on January 24th, 2013 3:21 pm

    I agree not to judge a person but we would all be remiss if we did not judge their actions. Even Jesus judged the moneylenders when he chased them out of the temple. That is all I am trying to say – this community is where we live and raise our children – we do have a right and a duty to judge the criminal actions of those among us who would hurt another. I also agree that prayer is needed and is a good thing – however, as we all know sometimes the answer to our prayers is NO- God gave us a brain and free-will. If convicted we will know that this young man chose to exercise his free-will in a brutal and criminal manner. Therefore, i will chose to use brain to advocate for the victim by saying that he needs to be put away forever before he can hurt another innocent. Surely God will judge us all in the end but until then we have to rely on our own good judgment and the Criminal Justice System.

  14. Andrea on January 24th, 2013 1:50 pm

    You are right, Teresa, no one should judge. However, the facts are the facts. he was on house arrest when he did this. So, so far he hasn’t learned his lesson at all! Let you or your family be his victim, and I GUARANTEE you…you would feel differently. Yes, you would still pray, but your prayers would be different. He may need help, but behind bars!

  15. Shay on January 24th, 2013 12:10 pm

    I went to school with him and he’s always had a very bad attitude and anger problems. He deserves to be tried as an adult so maybe he will realize what acting like a complete heartless idiot will put you at!

  16. teresa on January 24th, 2013 11:39 am

    This is a sad situation my prayers goes out to everyone involved. I mean everyone .there was no since in this bad judgement and the child was wrong for what he did. And he desreves to be punished. Be jesus says we not suppose to judge others. This child needs to be put where he can get what ever the help he needs and for the victim I hope with the help of her family ,friends and god. That she can get past this . I’m sorry you had to leave the house you grew up in .my god bless you all.

  17. pm on January 24th, 2013 11:31 am

    Last week i read one of the comments on here about a certain local judge that listened to offenders and really “heard” their life stories and then sentences according to the sad story he is told. This young boy also probably also has a very sad story, (history of abuse, no education, no intact family, etc.) But, how many of us do not have similar stories. We do what my mama told us to do “pull yourselves up by your own bootstaps”. My guess is that if and when evaluated we will find that this kid is a sociopath and will never stop. If as the story goes he tried to remove her pants be assured he intended to rape her. As one who has had to be present and listen to victims testify about their ordeals i can only tell you how really brutal they are. It is too bad these victims statements are closed to the public and then maybe all of us could be as informed as we need to be. The worst case I ever had was a 17 year old guy who raped his bedridden grandmother because he was angry with aunt (grandma’s caretaker). Naturally he got some time but when he got out within 6 months he raped some other unfortunate woman. The solution to this is a lot of prison time followed by a Civil Commitment Oder and put him away for life. I personally would not mind capital punishment for this but guess that may be a little to harsh for some liberal minded people.

  18. Matt on January 24th, 2013 10:01 am

    I hope the victim will recover and that the idiot gets life and never sees daylight again. Hats off for the DA for charging that trash as an adult.

  19. Flo on January 24th, 2013 7:17 am

    No she is not completely ok. She still has issues that she must deal with on a daily basic. This young man left her for dead. It was weeks before all the effects of the beating went away on the outside. She still has issues with her hands. Inside of her head, think what she must live with each day of her life due to a junkie’s kid.

  20. Flo on January 24th, 2013 7:13 am

    This 15 year old young man has ruined a very good friend of mine life’s. She is a good God fearing woman who did not deserve to have this happen to her. She has since moved from her home, never to go back to the home she grew up in.

    This animal should never see the light of day again. He will be put, I hope, in the big jail to stay a very long time.

  21. NHS Student on January 24th, 2013 7:08 am

    This is so sicken. He should be locked away for good! Poor lady, I hope she’s doing okay.

  22. Andrea on January 24th, 2013 6:26 am

    Acting like this already…at 15 years old?!? I hope he receives a whole lot more that a “slap on the hand”. If not, the next victim may not actually live to tell about it. I’m happy this one did! Put him away!!!

  23. 429SCJ on January 24th, 2013 3:58 am


  24. David Huie Green on January 24th, 2013 2:18 am

    Go ahead, tell us how he is really a good boy and just needs more attention.

    David disgusted