Teen Motorcylist Dies Hours After Highway 29 Crash

January 26, 2013

A 19-year old motorcyclist passed away a few hours after a traffic crash on Highway 29 Friday afternoon.

The Florida Highway Patrol said 31-year old Kathleen Eccles of Pensacola was southbound on Highway 29 at Van Pelt Lane in a Kia when she made a left turn into the path of a Honda motorcycle driven by Taylor Austin Weir.

Weir was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital where he passed away at 6:46 p.m. Eccles was not injured.

Charges are pending the outcome of an investigation, the FHP said.


31 Responses to “Teen Motorcylist Dies Hours After Highway 29 Crash”

  1. Jeremy Pittman on January 30th, 2013 9:41 pm

    Taylor sweetheart we miss you so much!!!funerals are sad but the once who attend it have to agree with me-this one was to celebrate a life of really hero.you been only 19years old but what you done and accomplish in these 19 years most of us never will even with our full life of living.there been probably 400 people and most of them have a story to tell how you touch there lives.TAYLOR JOB WELL DONE BABY!!!!!Mr.Roger and Mrs.Renee you raise the most awesome young men I ever know.I know your girlfriend my daughter Andrea will never forget the love you two share.you change our lives for ever.-THANK YOU…HAVE FUN WITH ANGELS…TAYLOR.

  2. Pat on January 30th, 2013 11:51 am

    Prayers go out to Taylor’s family and friends. I know what it’s like to lose your only son to a tragic accident. I pray every day that no other family has to go through what we’ve had to endure. Drivers need to slow down and pay attention to the road and their surroundings. Way too many tragedies lately. Taylor is with Jesus now, may he rest in peace.

  3. friend on January 28th, 2013 5:19 pm

    I am a co-worker of the mom, and this is just so awful. I will be praying for everyone involved. There is nothing harder than the loss of your own child. I ask that everyone pray for the family and friends. They need it now more than ever.

  4. Dannie on January 28th, 2013 4:40 pm

    I’ve been a neighbor of the Weir’s for many years. Our sons used to play together as little boys across the back fence. I, too, have an only child. There are no words that can comfort at a time like this. It is just too tragic! I am so so sorry for your loss. I’m a believer, and I trust that Jesus was with Taylor in the end and carried him with Him to Heaven, and someday we will get to see him again. My prayers and thoughts will be with the family, especially his parents.

  5. JB on January 28th, 2013 2:59 pm

    first and foremost my praters for the family and the lady driving the car. I’m not going to debate or blame, I just know I ride a bike myself and and far to many times have people pulled out in front of me, cut over on me and yes far to many times as well I have seen bikes splitting lanes and being stupid just as well but fact remains most “accidents” where the car has turned into the path of a it’s because the driver is only looking for something that can hurt them, would she have turned had it been a Semi traveling at the posted speed limit, whether 45mph or 65mph? People do need to pay more attention and what would happen if I pulled out a baseball bat and smashed your window out when you start to change lanes and cut over on me just because you didn’t care to turn ur head and look or was to busy on the phone to see me, would I get a pat on the back for maybe staying alive or ticket for property damage? Bottom line it’s a tragedy either way you look at it but had it beed a pedestrian crossing the road would she have seen them or ran them over. Her driving record makes no difference and her having to live with it doesn’t change it. People just need to be more careful both the Biker and the Driver. “Strange when it’s a Pedestrian walking with traffic at night with dark close on everyone wants to hang the motorist and a motorcycle is bigger and has at least one light on it.

  6. Della on January 28th, 2013 2:37 pm

    I worked with Taylor’s mom. I know how Taylor meant to her. I have an only child and can’t even imagine what her family is going through. Just found out today and my heart is broken. I will pray that God will give them peace and comfort through this horrible tragedy..Renee I love you and i’m so sorry.

  7. bill2 on January 28th, 2013 1:00 pm

    No having to live with is not bad enough ,they should have to live with it it jail

  8. Freedom on January 28th, 2013 8:51 am

    I passed by this accident Friday while I was on my lunch break. They were getting ready to load the young man into the ambulance. I could tell he took a hard hit just from the glance I got at the woman’s vehicle. I was also pretty sure that the motorcycle driver was young by the type of motorcycle, the shoes I saw on the ground, and the helmet the paramedic was carrying. I thought one of the people by his bed was talking to him, so I was so hoping he would pull through. I prayed for him several times that day. I am saddened to see this story this morning. I will now pray for his family as I cannot imagine losing my child. I will also pray for the woman who now must live knowing she caused another to die. We ALL make mistakes. We ALL look away while driving. The only perfect person to walk this Earth was Jesus, and none of us can compare to Him. God, please provide comfort and peace.

  9. EVELYN WASHINGTON on January 27th, 2013 10:57 pm

    I am so sorry for everyone that was involve in this accident.the young man lost his life i know this is hard on the family.but no one knows what the driver of the vehicle is going through but she and God.now she has to wait and see what her penalty will be pray for her .her life will never be the same and this will be with her forever i would not wish this on anyone.keep her and the young man family in your prayers.

  10. AJH on January 27th, 2013 8:00 pm

    To Taylor’s family, I am so very sorry for the loss of your son.

  11. BH on January 27th, 2013 11:42 am

    Seriously? A young man just lost his life people!! Save the debate for another time! Pray for the family and friends that lost their loved one! I knew Taylor….he was talented, creative, funny and full of life. He will be missed by so many people.

  12. tasha on January 27th, 2013 10:39 am

    may god be with the family of Taylor. So sorry for your loss.

  13. RIP on January 27th, 2013 8:37 am

    My thoughts are with Taylor’s family. They will need support from friends and family for a long time, not only FAITH. I am a believer of faith and that you never know when you will be call home, have to live like its your last day on earth. We all can point blame to live with this sad turn out for Taylor, but as sad as it is to see his young life end and his parents to hurt the rest of their life God had a BIGGER plan and job for him. This is what his family and friends need to have thougjts of just to wake up everyday without him. As far as the driver, her life has forever change prayer for her also. If we as drivers of anything would have RESPECT of other drivers no matter what you are driving is what is missing here!!! RESPECT for one another,,,,,,RESPECT………….

  14. Dont worry bout it on January 27th, 2013 4:54 am

    I pray for this family but you folks blaming the driver for this are messed up it is a fact motorcycles are hard to see and everyone makes mistakes driving. you dont trash people when someone dies in a car on car ACCIDENT. When someone puts themself on a bike they know its risky and that is there choice. Its bad enough this person will have to live with this.

  15. Not You on January 27th, 2013 3:20 am

    I am always looking twice for motorcycles especially as they are passing me on a double yellow line blind curve on Chumuckla Highway at a high rate of speed.

  16. Jeremy Pittman on January 26th, 2013 10:33 pm

    This young man name Taylor was dating my daughter and its just terrible to see your child go thru this much pain becosethewomen didn’t care to look if some one else is on the rd beside her.Taylor been blessing to our lives.his love and kind heart will always stay with us.the lady who kill him. Yes she did kill him has a very disturbing history in public record.many running red lights speeding tickets no stoping on stop sign and she get a fine for careless driving???!!his parents as well as our family are crushed and damage for rest of our lives.Taylor baby we will always love you and never forget you.thank you for making my daughter smile and experience wath love feels like.FLY HIGH TAYLOR…..u will never be forgotten

  17. David on January 26th, 2013 7:21 pm

    no such thing as an accident

  18. bill2 on January 26th, 2013 7:08 pm

    cojones that’sit blame the biker for being there …if the biker had killed someone you’d be yelling for his head ..

  19. C.O. Jones on January 26th, 2013 5:18 pm

    I understand the risk on the road everyday . It is more dangerous and risky to ride a motorcycle. Folks get in wrecks everyday. These bikers need to understand the risk as well. They act like people try to do things like this with purpose . Its the world we live in.

  20. Marie on January 26th, 2013 4:29 pm

    Yes he did have a helmet on. But it does not always save a life. I saw this bike yesterday and no helmet could save you . My husband rides everyday to work to be on the road with people who would rather be on their phone rather than look to save a life. An accident is an accident but if you are negligent being behind the wheel you should not be on the road. They need stricter laws I see such carelessness on these roads everyday. May God bless this family.

  21. paul on January 26th, 2013 4:07 pm

    Farmgirl.. If people knew they would be held accountable for their actions the roads would be safer for all..

  22. Misty M. on January 26th, 2013 4:03 pm

    I feel terrible for this family’s loss and prayers to all involved. I cringe every time I see a motorcyclist on the road.

  23. Farmgirl on January 26th, 2013 3:41 pm

    Prayers for both families. It is a tragedy for all involved. My son uses his motorcycle to get to work. It saves him money. I worry about him but leave it in God’s hands. I believe if a person didn’t see him and he was killed, I wouldn’t want that person’s life ruined with jail. They will have to live with the knowledge that he died because of them. Too many people want revenge instead of giving mercy because of an accident.

  24. Sue Byrd on January 26th, 2013 2:40 pm

    My heart goes out to this young man’s family.

    To Jane, if it is hard for you to see motorcycles on the road, then perhaps you should not be driving. It is your job to LOOK for motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians. I see people pull out in front of bikers all the time. Lots of times I see them looking RIGHT AT the biker. We definitely need legal changes. IMO, running down a motorcycle is not careless driving, it is vehicular homicide. The fine given for careless driving is an insult to the biker who lost his life.

  25. puddin on January 26th, 2013 2:22 pm

    God be with the families of both the victim and the driver. She now has to live with the knowledge that she took a life through a careless act.
    As for not seeing motorcycles, I agree they are hard to see. I drive a bike and people act like I am invisible. But on the other hand, some bikers drive like they own the road, splitting lanes and flying around cars like they are made of kevlar. More driving and less chatting/texting/shaving/putting on make up etc. needs to be done by everyone.
    Out of curiosity, was he wearing a helmet? No blame intended, just curious.

  26. paul on January 26th, 2013 1:05 pm

    I was there when the ambulance was just leaving the scene.. It was a clear sunny day and there was no reason for her not seeing him..Until the laws change from a $166. dollar fine for careless driving even if a death happens don’t expect our streets to get any safer.. This “It was an accident” just doesn’t cut it with me.. We need Stiff laws like prison time and losing a DL for life when you take a life from your lack of care for other drivers/riders..
    I wonder if a cellphone was involved?

  27. Patriot on January 26th, 2013 11:16 am

    Jane said, “Sometimes it is hard to see motorcycles on the road”.

    Jane, it’s not hard if you LOOK for a motorcycle. I grow tired of hearing that excuse for running down a motorcyclist.

  28. CD on January 26th, 2013 9:15 am

    @Jane, the reason it’s hard to see motorcycles on the road is because we aren’t watching, or don’t care, or it doesn’t register in our brain that they ARE a vehicle. Sign me: ex-biker that had people run me off the road and laugh about it! It’s such a shame that the young man was taken so soon. Prayers for his family.

  29. Mike Davis on January 26th, 2013 8:00 am

    I know this kids parents, he was their only child. How terrible this is. I pray for all involved.

  30. Margielu on January 26th, 2013 4:00 am

    Dear Jesus, be with all involved. Bring comfort where there is no understanding. My heart goes out to the victim’s family and loved ones.

  31. Jane on January 26th, 2013 3:42 am

    So sorry for the families involved. Sometimes it is hard to see motorcycles on the road.