Tate Aggies Name New Head Football Coach

January 3, 2013

Tate High School has named Ronnie Douglas as the Aggies’ new head football coach.

Douglas has previously served as an offensive line coach at Pace High School and was a Tate assistant coach under Ed Ribgy for three years. In 2011, he led Pleasant Home High School near Andalusia to an 8-4 finish and the school’s first ever appearance in the playoffs.

Douglas was one of 46 applicants for the position vacated after the November termination of Brad Naggatz as head coach.


23 Responses to “Tate Aggies Name New Head Football Coach”

  1. Aggie mom on February 16th, 2013 10:32 am

    Coaching positions are being filled and I am excited about the people Coach Douglas has chosen. Most are hard working men with integrity, morals, experience, positive attitudes and a love of Aggie football. Keep up the good work & good luck Aggies.

  2. Ramma Jamma on January 6th, 2013 11:33 am

    Everyone in this Aggie community knows the deep despairs that the Aggie athletic program have faced the last 10 years or so. This was strictly caused by the wrong decision of the coaches that were hired,looks like baseball has turned around 2-4 years ago this program was basically the laughing stock of the community, Thumbs up to Blackman he has saved that program it looks like. Now we have the football program to deal with, this will take a minimum of 3 years and that is with community support which he must have, so all the people that were active in the good days it may be time to get behind Coach Douglas and lets get this mess turned around so we do not continue be the laughing stock of the community, Coach Douglas can do it with or without help but it would be easier with help. His winning resume may not look great but I predict a huge turnaround with Coach Douglas as the head guy. His work ethic is impeccable and will be contagious, and thats what it takes to get this off the ground and rolling, I feel like we are finally headed in the right direction and the result’s will be obvious but we have got to get the players back at Tate and not let them go somewhere else. I feel Coach Douglas will bridge that gap. As I expressed before the more Alumni and local people we get behind this program the faster it will turn around. I remember years ago people were moving to Tate district to play athletics the last few years they have been moving out of district to go play at other schools, we need that to change. Go Aggies

  3. Jeff on January 5th, 2013 9:53 pm

    Ronnie is a man of integrity and morality!

    Tate made the right choice!

    We will see the difference on the field and in the classroom!

    Congratulations Ronnie!
    Go Aggies!

  4. Marilyn Brantley on January 5th, 2013 11:50 am

    Congratulations Ronnie….I wish for you and the Tate team a very successful year for 2013. I know you can do it.

  5. Steve Vickery on January 4th, 2013 8:37 pm

    Way to go Ronnie,Good man,Good family,good choice!!!

  6. Bama Bear on January 4th, 2013 7:11 pm

    Good Hire, Principal next

  7. CANTONMENT MAPHIA on January 4th, 2013 4:41 pm


  8. CANTONMENT MAPHIA on January 4th, 2013 2:36 pm


  9. rtr BG on January 3rd, 2013 10:02 pm

    Great Hire. The turn around man

  10. alumni on January 3rd, 2013 9:35 pm

    I certainly hope this works out for the entire community of Tate football, it’s fans and alumni. Tate has been through such a long miserable downward slide that has effected everyone connected to the program both past and present. I am not familiar with this man’s ability to lead a program but he can not do it by himself. He needs good coaches around him and support from the Principal, Quarterback Club, student body, Band, and community to make this thing work.

    Get your program running the same offense and defense from the 9th grade to varsity and stay in the weight room as much as the FHSAA will allow.

    Good luck Mr. Douglas!!! This community needs an atmosphere like you see up the road at Northview…….

  11. Brandi on January 3rd, 2013 8:09 pm

    Is this the same Ronnie that owns “Ronnie Car Wash”?
    Such a Great Fella ;)
    Good Luck and Congratulations…Hopeful for a good future for Aggie Football!!

  12. Marshall on January 3rd, 2013 7:41 pm

    I hope this works out. Did not hear enough of the Cannon fire last year…

    There will always be someone with a negative attitude about any change that is made. Just forget them and hope for the best and give the Coach the positive support they need!!!!

  13. Thetruth on January 3rd, 2013 7:19 pm

    I’m really upset somebody tried stealing my screen name on here. Anyways it’s going to be interested to see who he brings on as his staff. Best of luck to Coach Douglas

  14. Proud Old Vet says on January 3rd, 2013 7:09 pm

    The way I see it, we got no place to go but up. Congrats Coach, looking forward to winning a game for a change.

  15. Keith Garrison on January 3rd, 2013 6:46 pm

    Winning is coming back to Tate now. Cannot wait to see how Ronnie does it.

  16. aggie84 on January 3rd, 2013 5:05 pm

    Dear Truth,
    You have no idea what went into this hire. The whole story of Ronnie Douglas was not published but he has had experience with Carl Madison and JimmyRay Stevens as well as coaching with Mickey Lindsey at pace. He coached and worked with Danny Wuerffel, a Heisman Trophy winner while at Ft. Walton. He is a great community person and is a true aggie person. He also played at Tate. Some of the coaches he is bringing will show there has truly been a change and the community can be proud to support him and the aggies. People on the site always want to blame the principal but this process was thorough and well thought out. Rick Shackle is a great principal and true aggie people should be able to see that.

  17. Football Mom on January 3rd, 2013 5:02 pm

    @The Truth: Mr. Douglas was not “under both of the last 2 failed coaches”; Mr. Douglas coached at Pleasant Home for the 2011 season (and had left Tate after the 2010 season concluded). Naggatz was head coach for only the 2012 season. Douglas and Naggatz did, however, coach on-staff together under Rigby.

    I agree that the number indicates there may have been a wealth of applicants to chose from and I admit the same concerns crossed my mind. However, neither you nor I were on the selection/hiring committee, leaving us without knowledge as to any of the applicants’ qualifications or lack thereof.

    I am electing to enter this spring season with a positive atitude regarding the changes to our football program. My son (and all the boys, for that matter) need support, not naysayers. Further, Mr. Douglas deserves an opportunity to step into this position with expectations of success, not failure–and without being criticized before he’s even started.

    On another note, I was not of the opinion that it was a head-coaching problem to begin with, but more of a coaching staff problem as a whole. Keep in mind that Mr. Douglas was not even present during the 0-10 (2011) and 1-9 (2012) seasons.

  18. Curious on January 3rd, 2013 4:43 pm

    A public request should be filed to see who was interested in the job, 46 applicants is a lot!!! One year of head coaching experience at 1A Pleasant Home High in Alabama? Started coaching again in 2008 under Rigby after a 10+ year layoff… Hmm!!! I really hope it works out, this seemed like an opportunity for Tate to make a major hire. I hope the administration hasn’t fumbled the coaching search again (no pun intended)!!!
    Good Luck Coach Douglas, I hope we win again!!!

  19. The Truth on January 3rd, 2013 1:39 pm

    So out of 46 applicants a guy with 1 year of head coaching experience and having been under both of the last 2 failed coaches is the best hire for the biggest school in the county. Tnaks Shackle.

  20. Dale Kittrell on January 3rd, 2013 1:24 pm

    Congrats Ronnie,If u need me for anything please let me know.

  21. Theresa Archbell on January 3rd, 2013 9:52 am

    Congratulations Ronnie! I’m so happy for you! I only wish Daddy could be here to watch! I’m cheering you on! Ronnie will be an awesome coach and an excellant role model for the kids under his leadership!!!!

  22. wally on January 3rd, 2013 9:49 am

    Good luck! Mr. Ronnie Douglas, maybe you can rekindle that old aggie pride and spirit.

  23. chuck fillingim on January 3rd, 2013 7:10 am

    Congrats Ronnie, great choice. Looking forward to a new era of Aggie football.