Stamp Prices Increase

January 27, 2013

The price of mailing a letter or a postcard went up one penny Sunday.

A first class letter stamp increased to 46 cents, while postcard stamps increased to 33 cents.

The new 46-cent Forever stamps will allow customers to mail letters to any location in the United States. Forever stamps are always good for mailing a one-ounce letter anytime in the future regardless of price changes.

A new first class Mail Global Forever Stamp introduced Sunday will allow customers to mail letters anywhere in the world for one set price of $1.10.

New  pricing also begins for Priority Mail flat services as follows:

  • Small box — $5.80
  • Medium box — $12.35
  • Large box — $16.85
  • Large APO/FPO box — $14.85
  • Regular envelope — $5.60
  • Legal envelope — $5.75
  • Padded envelope — $5.95

Pictured: First class Forever stamps. photo, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Stamp Prices Increase”

  1. 429SCJ on January 29th, 2013 7:49 am

    I E-Mail and have my monthly bills paid through the bank or by cash. UPS handles my deliveries and outshipments.

    The post office used to be located on the corner of Morris Ave and Muscogee Rd.
    Then it moved to Hwy 29 in West Cantonment, now it is located in Gonzalez, which now boast two post offices within a half mile of each other?

    I guess the next location will be on the bay front.

  2. George on January 28th, 2013 3:33 pm

    I use stamps all of the time niknak50. Why shouldn’t I. Pay the light bill, the ECUA bill, the VISA bill. I think they should increase the postage to 50 cents a stamp and then leave it alone for a few years! The service is very safe and reliable.

  3. jeeperman on January 28th, 2013 1:52 pm

    As of Saturday 01/28/2013, many area post offices did not have any of the new rate stamps. And many would have to sell you EXTRA stamps to go with the old stamps in order to mail stuff.
    EXTRA as in pay even more because they do not have the exact extra stamps in stock.
    And we wonder why they can’t function as a business.

  4. patti on January 27th, 2013 11:45 pm

    Yes, stamps are up, just like everything else. Talk about retirements, just think of our government officials – their retirements are out of sight. Hey! they might not be in office any longer than 2 years, but their retirement is for life and it puts yours and mine to shame. Talk about the taxpayers paying, yes we do, but it’s another thing to work 20 to 30 years or longer and then retire. One probably feels like that one deserved his retirement, and you can bet (if you’re the betting kind) that his/her retirement won’t be in the hundred thousands either. Just thought I’d throw that in.

  5. niknak50 on January 27th, 2013 5:02 pm

    Why would anyone need a postage stamp in the first place? I heard in the old days that people actually bought stamps and really did mail stuff in real envelopes from a real post office. I think today if someone were to tell me a story of people still doing such a thing, that’s what it would be………..just a story!

  6. wondering on January 27th, 2013 4:12 pm

    Had not heard that stamps were going up again. Just mailed something today with the old stamps. Do you think it will be returned for lack of a 1 cent stamp?

  7. molino jim on January 27th, 2013 3:14 pm

    A large part of the problem with postal services funding is because of our friends in congress. A few years back they passed a bill that the day a postal worker is hired the postal service has to fund that persons retirement at that time. No private company or other government agency that I know of has this burden put upon them. Is their service perfect–yes and no. As Margielu said, their system is safer that paying on line. But at least we don’t have to “self check” our selves out as in the “big box stores”. We learned to pump our own gas– so now we’re expected to check our selves out and pay and bag. Another middle to lower middle paying job gone.

  8. Captain Willard on January 27th, 2013 8:37 am

    What margielu said.

  9. margielu on January 27th, 2013 7:54 am

    Although I do not support. The rate increases, I do trust the security of the system to deliver my mail without worries about computer virii, hacking, data theft, electronic content monitoring, phishing, etc.

    I do wish the USPS workers would stop expecting their customers and taxpayers to fund their retirement accounts. If postal employees want a retirement account, they (and all government workers and execs) should fund that account from their own paychecks just like anyone in the private sector, not from our pockets and wallets. Nobody but the individual is responsible for their own retirement planning, especially and including a taxpaying American citizen. The earlier you start saving, the more you’ll have later in life. The fact that government workers didn’t plan properly for retirement is not the responsibility nor the problem of the taxpayer. Government workers are no more entitled to a taxpayer- funded pension any more than a regular, hard-working citizen would be entitled to receiving donations from the Postal Service for their own retirement accounts.

  10. troubled on January 27th, 2013 7:16 am

    This is the first I’ve heard that stamps were going up. Didn’t they just go up last year? Seens like stamps just keep going up and service isn’t better. Thanks northescambia for letting us know about this!

  11. Jane on January 27th, 2013 6:04 am

    Keep raising the price of stamps and fewer and fewer people will send mail because the price of everything else is going up and they can now pay bills on line, at kiosks and by phone.