Humane Society Seeks Owner Of Shot In Santa Rosa, Monetary Help

January 9, 2013

[Updated] The Humane Society of Escambia County (Ala.) in Flomaton is looking for the owner of a dog found shot in northern Santa Rosa County on Monday.

The dog is a male husky or malamute and appears to be a family pet. He was found on Highway 87 in Santa Rosa County and picked up by a good Samaritan that took him to a veterinarian in Brewton. The veterinarian was unwilling to treat him because there was no one to handle the cost, according to the Humane Society’s Facebook page.

The Humane Society later arranged for a medical assessment of the dog.

“X-rays reveal a small caliber bullet that has shattered the spine. He will be getting steroid injections for a couple of days to see how things go,” said Renee Jones, Humane Society director.

Anyone with information about the dog’s owner is asked to call the Humane Society of Escambia County (Ala.) at (251) 296-2275. After hours, call the Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Office at (251) 809-0741 and tell the operator that you need to speak to Renee as soon as possible about the injured husky dog.

Donations are being accepted to help with dog’s care. Click here and look for the “Donate Now” button near the bottom of the right column.

Editor’s note: This story was updated at 11 a.m. on January 9 to reflect new information that the dog had been shot. It was originally believed that he had been hit by a car until an X-ray and examination revealed the true nature of the injury.

Pictured: This dog, now in the care of the Humane Society in Flomaton, was found shot Monday in northern Santa Rosa County. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


49 Responses to “Humane Society Seeks Owner Of Shot In Santa Rosa, Monetary Help”

  1. Susan on January 17th, 2013 9:36 pm

    Handsome boy. There is probably a special person out there who could help this disabled boy. I would think that someone who is at home a lot would be perfect to take him. He looks very alert. I hope he makes it through this.

  2. turn on January 10th, 2013 6:18 pm

    Maybe we should all donate to the humane society- they are the ones who end up helping these pour animals. Maybe they could start a fund that we could donate to that would be used to pay local Vets for such emergency care. I find it sad to let any animal suffer for any reason shame on that Vet. I would like to know who it was as I use a Brewton Vet would sure be disappointed to find out it was mine.

  3. mom on January 10th, 2013 11:57 am

    Any news on how he is today? I’d love to know if he gets a new home..please keep us updated

  4. Abuse an Animal...Go to Jail on January 10th, 2013 8:22 am

    Please let’s focus on catching the person who inflicted the injuries which caused this dog to become PARALYZED, instead of bashing the vet. This is a FELONY crime in FL and the abandonment would be criminal misdemeanor. Animal abusers often go on to harm vulnerable citizens; children, elderly, spouses, etc. Somebody knows something…please speak up. Call Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers 850-433-STOP or toll free 877-433-TIPS.

  5. dad on January 10th, 2013 8:18 am

    I too had a bad experience with a big Nine Mile Road vet.
    I had found a kitten in the middle of the road dazed and bleeding. I took it there only because it was early and they were the only ones open. I didn’t have my credit card on me and had to get to work. I told them I would call with my credit card number as soon as I got to work (long story). The girl there was VERY ugly and rude. She told me if you don’t call soon we will just euthenize the cat. I did call and turns out the kitten was just stunned. I paid them a lot and took the cat home. I realize they are not a charity but the callouseness and rudeness was uncalled for. I haven’t been to that vet since.

  6. Abe on January 10th, 2013 7:38 am

    All you people bashing the vet had better take a look in the mirror if you didn’t donate. What’s the difference.

    @ Wanda: Any funds left over would be put to wise use for other such cases I’m sure.

  7. wow on January 10th, 2013 7:33 am

    This is sad!!! And I once went to the vet on 9mile and they did the same thing to me!! I think our tax money should go to help animals like this instead of using it toward the criminals to feed them and cool them and hell they even have a TV what a shame!!! They have it better than some out here that work and struggle to raise a family…I hate it when I hear about animal abuse these poor animals can defend there self

  8. Tina on January 10th, 2013 6:43 am

    Shame on that Vet!!
    I know of another Vet’s office who has NO sympathy for a hurt pet, I once took a pet of mine to them (9 mile road) hint, hint, and because I didn’t have a certain amount of money to give them when I got there, they refused to treat my very sick dog :(

    That same vets office (9 mile road) turned my friend away who took her dog in who had been hit by a car and was in severe pain and because she didn’t have the funds they wanted, they turned her away, and the poor dog’s eyeball was hanging out.
    Talk about CRUEL

    BUT, for years I have used the Cantonment Animal Companion. (Dr. Winley) is the greatest, has a big heart, cares for your animals and will help you anyway he can.
    I wouldn’t never consider using any Vet other than Cantonment :)

  9. 429SCJ on January 10th, 2013 6:14 am

    After yesterdays comments, I wonder if that vets home is still standing?

  10. Jane on January 10th, 2013 6:13 am

    I hope the dog will be allright and can be saved. I know my vet would have treated him, no problem. I don’t know who this vet is who refused to help but I hope people stop using him/her.

  11. AL on January 9th, 2013 10:57 pm

    I am an animal lover to the max… I foster horses and dogs, I have several well-cared for animals of my own. You’d be better off messing with your mama’s favorite frying pan than messing with my dog.

    HOWEVER…. I am not sure I agree with trashing the vet. How does a business choose which animal deserves free treatment and which one doesn’t? The meds / time / procedures aren’t free for the vet or his staff?
    Do I think a minimum of care should have been extended – such as pain relief or stabilization? yeah, i do. But bashing the doc for not pursuing a full blown case is kind of ridiculous.

  12. Oak Grove resident on January 9th, 2013 7:11 pm

    So sad! THANK YOU TO THE PERSON THAT HELPED THIS DOG! How heartless can someone be?Especially a vet office. Shouldn’t be too hard to figure out which vet office. There is only 2 listed for Brewton, AL. Just hope I never lose a pet in that city. Many pets through the years have been dropped at our house. We could not just leave these these poor animals hungry and abandoned. People should be ashamed to dump animals off. Anyone that has ever dumped dogs or cats off at STILL BRIDGE RD. by the bridge. Please stop. They will die. There are many wolves in those woods that will kill them. Please take your animal to a shelter or advertise on northescambia.

  13. Proud Old Vet on January 9th, 2013 6:51 pm

    Well said BJ, and I can’t say that I disagree with you at first impulse, but still can’t help but wonder?

    How much does this procedure cost?

    How often are Vets asked to perform these type of “pro bono” services for injured or near death animals?

    Who should absorb these costs? The VET regardless of cost?

    Or should we increase taxes so the public can subsidises veterinarian care for all domesticated animals.

    Should we not provide the same level of service to wild animals as well, even though they have never shared the comforts of domesticated animals? After all it’ s about “compassion” right?

    All I’m saying is…..let’s not comdemn the Vet, because we don’t know what it’s like to spend a day in their shoes at the office.

  14. BJ on January 9th, 2013 5:21 pm

    I have to agree with the majority of the people who responded to this story. The “vet” made a serious decision not to treat this poor animal. I, like others on this story feel that the “vets” name or the name of his/her clinic should be published so that they can answer to the public as to why this animal was not treated accordingly. God put man on this earth to look after the animals and care for them. How could anyone who is supposed to be a caring person refuse to help this animal in need. I know that if I ever find out the name of this person I will definitely stay far, far away from them and their clinic and encourage everyone else to do the same. Maybe this person will see the error of their ways and be more compassionate next time. Also, I would like to say a great big THANK YOU to the Good Samaritan who did try to help this animal in need. God Bless You!

  15. justsmart on January 9th, 2013 5:18 pm

    Give us the Vets name, or at least the business name.

  16. mom on January 9th, 2013 3:52 pm

    JSCS; I totally disagree with you on your comment. You may use this vet but I don’t. I did have an emergency twicw with pets and mine was out of town. I called them and left messages both times and they never even called me to tell me they wouldn’t help me. Luckily i called one of the clinics in Brewton (sorry at this time I cant remember his name or the name of the office), but that Dr. met me at 2am and was very compassionate to me and my pet. i would use him again if needed, matter of fact, i need to go look them up and keep their number by the phone, along with mine. I went online once and looked up the one you use. There was a comment in there about emergencies…it said depending on our relationship with you, we will or won’t respond to your emergency…HELLO……guess since i ued somebody else and don’t have a “relationship” with that particular vet, they choose not to respond to me. That’s ok, i was totally satisfied with the Dr. in Brewton and paid him that night, and even wrote him a thank you note thanking him for meeting me at such a crazy hour. he was there before i was and it meant so much to me. My pet survived and is still alive today thanks to him.

  17. Barb on January 9th, 2013 3:20 pm

    I am not surprised in this day and age what things have come to,, No one likes to accept someone elses responsibility.. What a shame the dog had to suffer a little longer because of that vet. He probably had his reasons.
    My Vet Dr Tommy Moore has gone above and beyond to help us when our Big Boy had a stroke, and not to mention the care for my other rescues as well.
    Only can hope that if another pet is in need perhaps that vet would change his tune,

  18. Bk on January 9th, 2013 3:02 pm

    I agree with pretty much everyone that the vet should have treated the animal, especially considering that it was a Good Samaritan who picked up the poor dog and took it to a vet when he easily could have left him to die.

    Let’s keep promoting and recommending the good, compassionate vets we use. With so many willing to help, there’s no reason to not turn this sad story into a happy one about our community, which cares so much about our furry friends.

    Because of all you caring people, this pup will have his treatment costs covered and find a caring, loving home, so thanks to all involved in bringing attention to this. So, thank all of you out there!

  19. JSCS on January 9th, 2013 3:00 pm

    I can say with assurance that Lee Vet in Atmore would never turn away an injured or sick animal.
    They are the most caring clinic that we have ever used.
    This is a very sad case. Whoever shot this dog deserves many, many sleepless nights.

  20. Cathi on January 9th, 2013 2:20 pm

    I LOVE Dr. Moore and his staff…Dr. Moore is my guardian angel…and my girls love him too. Is this dog still in the care of the office in question?

  21. Molino Mom on January 9th, 2013 2:13 pm can someone positively tell us—-is the dog with someone else now, besides the “unwilling to help vet?”
    I will gladly donate money to this poor helpless dog also, as long as I know the 1st vet will NOT profit from it. Please advise ASAP so I may donate…….

  22. Think About It Y'all.. on January 9th, 2013 1:05 pm

    Don’t think the vet was being cold-hearted, He wasn’t. If He was to do this all the time he wouldn’t be a business. Give the man a break.

  23. Shannon on January 9th, 2013 12:58 pm

    I would love to help. This dog is so beautiful. If you need a new home please let me know! People can be so horrible.

  24. dad on January 9th, 2013 12:13 pm

    I hope something can be done to save this poor dog. Anyone who would shoot him deserves Lot’s worse than I’m allowed to say on here and I wish they would get it. It’s horrible how some people can be so heartless.

  25. Lili on January 9th, 2013 12:10 pm

    Bashing the vet doesn’t help anything. If the owner is a no show ,Renea let us know we will find him a home.

  26. knothead on January 9th, 2013 12:09 pm

    A skinny, hurt, hungry, tired, stray hunting dog wandered out of woods at our house a few years ago. We took her to Dr Brian Brayton at Woodbine Animal Clinic in Pace, he helped this poor dog without even blinking an eye and wouldn’t take ANY money from us! Lets get together and help, you can use PayPal at the link

  27. jaime on January 9th, 2013 11:58 am

    i was going to say that Brentwood Animal hospital is a wonderful vet they are awesome because i had adopted a dog from the escambia shelter and they sold me a dog that had bladder stones that were huge and they let me make payments so she could have her surgery and they found 40 stones inside her but now she is happy and playful i love brentwood animal hospital

  28. MicheleG on January 9th, 2013 11:41 am

    I would like to know who the vet was that refused treatment. I can assure that person as a pet owner I will spread the word that he refused treatment to an injured animal and he will never see my business. We use Ark Animal Hospital in Milton. They are wonderful caring Dr’s!!

  29. Fred on January 9th, 2013 11:02 am

    The VET in question should have his/ her license revoked. I hope people find out who this person is and their clinic shut down!!! What kind of person would not help a injured animal? Really says alot about the type person this ” Veternarian” is!!!

  30. Wanda on January 9th, 2013 10:55 am

    I’m sorry, but if the dog has been hit and has spinal injuries, it is cold-hearted not to treat him. I understand it’s a business, but it’s not like he’s getting his nails trimmed or a microchip or something. He’s hurt. I’m positive that my vet wouldn’t wait around. I wouldn’t use him if he did.

  31. kim on January 9th, 2013 10:52 am

    Dr. Tommy Moore is the best!!!!

  32. Renee Jones on January 9th, 2013 10:38 am

    Turns out, Pal was not hit by a car after all, he was gunshot. Xrays reveal a small caliber bullet that has shattered the spine. He will be getting steroid injections for a couple of days to see how things go……

  33. Mark on January 9th, 2013 10:35 am

    I’m sorry Renee, but in my opinion, Vets are like real doctors, and should be required to take a Hippocratic Oath just like a normal doctor.

    ANY medical professional that sees someone or something (in the case of an animal) in pain or suffering, and refuses to do something about it is in the wrong business.

    Although I do not live in that area, someone PLEASE find out the name of the Vet that refused to offer help and post it so we ALL can boycott them!!

    Yes Renee, they may do other charitable work, but in today’s day and age of instant communication and stories getting posted on the internet, it now seems like this Vet is just looking for cash, and does not care about the health of the animal.

    Had he treated the animal and then asked for donations to cover the cost, I’m sure he would have had a lot of people come forward, as well as new clients that want a Vet with a heart.

    He made a bad decision, and now he is going to pay for it.

  34. Renee Jones on January 9th, 2013 10:35 am

    yes…..Dr. Tommy Moore is one of the many vets who have stepped up to help us, along with Lee Vet Clinic in Atmore and Brewton Animal Hospital in Brewton and Brentwood Animal and Safe Harbor and Companion Animal in Pensacola and South Alabama Spay& Neuter and TLC Animal Hospital in Mobile……the list goes on. Too many to list here……

  35. poohbear on January 9th, 2013 10:31 am

    it is sad that a vet refused treatment because of no funds. We have used this vet many times in the past but I too will be going to Atmore.

  36. Julie on January 9th, 2013 10:08 am

    Renee is right. I just wanted the opportunity to brag on Dr Tommy. Lol

  37. Julie on January 9th, 2013 10:04 am

    My vet at Atmore Animal Hospital is the best and most caring! He helped me when i had to put my dog to sleep. I was going thru alot at the time and he made a difficult time much easier. Thank you Dr Tommy!

  38. Renee Jones on January 9th, 2013 9:52 am

    whoa now, everybody! We did not mean to imply that the vets were cold-hearted or inhumane…..these particular vets, in fact, have done many special projects at discounted rates for injured and sick animals over the 8 years that we have been on “the front lines” here in Escambia County. Veterinarian clinics are businesses, not non-profits, and they have bills and staff to pay just like other businesses. Go easy on the clinic mentioned in this story and others, please. Everyone, individuals and businesses, should give of their time and money as best as they can and as they feel compelled to. Compassion for our human companions too…..please.

  39. debbie on January 9th, 2013 9:49 am

    I have to add… I will be more than willing to help.

  40. debbie on January 9th, 2013 9:44 am

    I have to say I cannot believe that this vet would not help this dog!!!! What!!! I am sure that there is a vet in Escambia County Florida that would be glad to help this baby! I am sure that there are people that knowing that this dog is getting care would be more than happy to donate!!!

  41. mom on January 9th, 2013 9:11 am

    Vets are supposed to be compassionate people, this person doesn’t deserve to be one…i wouldn’t take a stuffed animal to be treated there. My vet is a ONE OF a KIND ANGEL and he is from Atmore…everyone should know who I ‘m talking about! I hope either the owner comes forward or another vet is contacted (or sees this) and goes to pick the dog up and transfer it to their office for treatment. What a SHAME!

  42. sw on January 9th, 2013 8:49 am

    Shame on him…Doesn’t appear he takes his Veterinarian Oath seriously…Being a compassionate Vet is more than just $$…

  43. Wanda on January 9th, 2013 8:06 am

    I totally agree. My vet would never leave an animal suffering until the funds were there. This dog should have had x-rays immediately to see what needs to be done. It doesn’t look like anybody’s going to claim him. If people donate, will the funds be used to treat the dog or will they kill him anyway because nobody has stepped forward? I’d like to donate, but I’d want to be sure that he’s not facing a certain death, and that I’m not padding the pocket of the vet who’s waiting on the money.

  44. LM on January 9th, 2013 7:19 am

    What a shame that vet would not treat that poor dog. Safe Harbor animal hospital is very reputable and I’m sure if you called they would be more than willng to treat this dog, funds or not.

  45. just me on January 9th, 2013 7:18 am

    This is inhumane, not treating this animal! This vet should be ashamed!!!!

  46. Abe on January 9th, 2013 7:15 am

    I agree Jane.

    How could anyone look at those eyes and not do something for this dog. I donated and hope everyone else does the same.
    These people at the Humane Society do a job I couldn’t and I appreciate them more than they will ever know.

  47. sharon on January 9th, 2013 7:15 am

    i agree with you jane . so sad and he is so cute

  48. Lin on January 9th, 2013 6:24 am

    There are not that many Veternarians in Brewton. How could you not want to help? I doubt if the real owners will ever show up. The only one you can feel sorry for is the poor dog, oh & the Vet too.

  49. Jane on January 9th, 2013 6:04 am

    I don’t know this veterinarinan but any veteranian who would refuse to help an animal in pain does NOT deserve anyone’s business! Publish this person’s name and don’t use him/her! My vet would have helped the animal and then worried about the money! Too bad he wasn’t taken to Pensacola.