School District Dumps Sprint/Nextel, Moves To Verizon Wireless

January 14, 2013

The Escambia County School Board is terminating wireless service with Sprint/Nextel and moving to Verizon Wireless.

In a December letter, the school district notified Sprint/Nextel that their service contract will be terminated on January 22 due to a “lack of service coverage within Escambia County”.

The county has moved its wireless communications to Verizon. The district currently uses about 340 radio/cell phone units, with most departments using the radio feature for continuous communications with service and maintenance crews throughout the district. The contract also includes GPS data service for 424 school buses, and emergency telecommunications backup during disasters.

The annual contract with Verizon Wireless is expected to cost the district $123,000 through the end of 2013.


6 Responses to “School District Dumps Sprint/Nextel, Moves To Verizon Wireless”

  1. Khj on January 16th, 2013 11:33 pm

    For those lucky people who can get 4G from Verizon, U not gonna have it in Atmore. Cause I talked to a sells person at Verizon, we have 4G hooked up but we waiting on Frontier to do there thing. I said so we never gonna have 4G in Atmore cause Frontier is gonna drag there butts till or phones or obsolete

  2. me on January 16th, 2013 7:24 pm

    if sprint spent all the money on fixing thier service problems that they spent on nascar they wouldnt be losing business. we dumped them after they made me upgrade and then six months later told me if i continued to use my phone at my house they would shut it off, because i was roaming, but they sold me the plan knowing they didnt cover my area. they eneded up letting me cancel my contract without any fees because they knew it would roam here.

    verizon is great never miss calls never drop calls and they acually have 4g that we pay for each month and it works.
    and it doesnt cost any more than it did with spint for my 2 phones.

  3. River Rat on January 15th, 2013 10:12 am

    The problem with Sprint is that when they bought out Nextel they did not buy all of the cell towers Nextel had. Resulting in lost calls, texts, etc. My Husbands company has Sprint and his phone is useless! I dropped Sprint and went with Verizon and have not had the first problem.

  4. OldMan on January 15th, 2013 9:44 am

    You got that right, McDavid/Enon/Walnut Hill here, not one of my buddys that visit have service. Thanks for Verizon

    PS: Little help here, new to the area, What would Hwy 99 about a 1/2 mile east from the railroad track crossing be called ? Went to get my license and even they couldn’t figure it out.

    Half the time it’s McDavid, the other half it’s Walnut Hill What is it? Help

  5. yuuup! on January 14th, 2013 4:32 pm

    @ mg… i had sprint too and didnt even wait for contract to be up before switching to Verizon. they told me same thing a year ago “we are working on it” i live in Molino and i have service everywhere now. Verizon is awesome in our area.

  6. mg on January 14th, 2013 10:51 am

    Thats not suprising. Sprint service is questionable around here. I can’t count the number of times I have complained to them about the service. Most of the time, I have trouble getting a text message to go through, even with full signal.

    They just tell me they are aware of the issue and are working to fix it.