Obama Signs 23 Gun Control Executive Orders

January 16, 2013

President Barack Obama is taking aim at gun violence with 23 executive orders expected to ignite a political fight with pro-gun groups and their supporters.

Obama called keeping children safe “our first task as a society,” adding that if even one life can be saved by reducing gun violence, it is the country’s obligation to try.

Florida Republican lawmakers were quick to express their opposition to the president’s plans.

​​The proposals include a ban on assault-style weapons, a 10-round limit on magazines, a universal background checks for gun sales, and boosting mental health services.  The president also said he would sign 23 executive orders to help give law enforcement and mental health professionals more tools in combating gun violence.

Rep. Jeff er (R-Chumuckla) said Obama missed a rare opportunity to bring Americans together for making schools safer for our children, instead proposing “false solutions that have proven to be ineffective” in stopping gun violence.

“This Administration’s answer to any problem continues to involve limiting individual freedom and spending more money.  The Supreme Court has made it clear on numerous occasions that the right of individuals to keep and bear arms was indeed guaranteed by our Founding Fathers in the Second Amendment to the Constitution, Miller said. “Calls to reinstate the assault weapons ban and limiting the capacity of magazines does nothing to reduce the problem of gun-related crimes in this country.  I would have liked the President to focus more on the issue of mental health and enforcing the gun laws that are already on the books.  I would also like to see a stronger position on resource officers in schools.”

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said Obama was attempting to “undermine Americans’ constitutional right to bear arms” without doing working hard enough to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.

“Nothing the president is proposing would have stopped the massacre at Sandy Hook. President Obama is targeting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens instead of seriously addressing the real underlying causes of such violence,” Rubio said.
Obama launched his gun control initiative surrounded by school children who wrote to him about gun violence following the December 14 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut that killed 20 young children and six teachers.  Obama has called the day the worst of his presidency.  Families of the victims were also present.

​​On Tuesday, the largest U.S. gun-rights lobbying group launched an ad campaign to preemptively attack the president’s plan.  The ad calls Obama an “elitist hypocrite” for allowing armed security guards to protect his school-aged daughters, while rejecting a proposal for armed guards in every school.

The National Rifle Association has been critical of gun-control efforts, saying “gun-control schemes have failed in the past and will have no impact on public safety and crime.”

A number of new polls shows many Americans appear to be more receptive to stronger government restrictions on guns.

An Associated Press-GfK poll found a majority of Americans favor a ban on military-style rapid-fire weapons and 84 percent want to see a nationwide standard for background checks for anyone wanting to buy a gun.

Another poll released this week by the Pew Research Center found 55 percent of Americans favor bans on assault-style weapons while 85 percent want stronger background checks for gun buyers.

The president’s plan is based on recommendations from Vice President Joe Biden, who was appointed to study the issue and has met with various groups since last month’s school shooting in Newtown.

Tuesday, New York state became the first in the nation to impose tougher gun-control measures in the aftermath of the Newtown school shootings. The law expands New York state’s ban on assault-style weapons and requires background checks for anyone seeking to buy ammunition.  It also puts limits on ammunition capacity and includes provisions intended to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.

Read Obama’s full plan by clicking here.

[VOA contributed to this story.]


70 Responses to “Obama Signs 23 Gun Control Executive Orders”

  1. Michael Murph on January 19th, 2013 2:54 pm

    “The founders of the Constitution never could have imagined that we would one day be capable of producing a gun that could fire 100 musketballs in a few seconds.”

    Really? How do you know what the Founders could have imagined? Being that they didn’t spend hours watching mind numbing television and lived during the Age of Enlightenment, it is quite possible that their imaginations were better that ours.

    The Girandoni repeating air rifle was in use by the Austrian army at the time of the writing of the Constitution. It could fire 30 consecutive shots without reloading. Lewis and Clark used the Girandoni rifle in demonstrations. So a 30 round magazine is not necessarily a new concept.

    Regardless of the Founders imagination capabilities, the intent behind the 2nd amendment, as others have pointed out, was for the citizens to have comparable arms to the military so that they could defend themselves if the government and/or military became corrupt and tyrannical.

    And to those who say the citizens could never stand a chance against the military, that argument is without merit. There are 1.4 million active service members in all branches of the military combined. There are over 4 million members of the NRA alone and millions of gun owners with similar beliefs in freedom that are not members of the NRA. If 1% of the American population of over 300 million decided to rise up against the government, the military would be outnumbered 2 to 1. The military may have better technology, but they would be overwhelmed in numbers. With all the military technology, territory is still taken by ground forces. With superior technology our forces and the Russians both failed in Afghanistan against primitive fighters. And just look at what the Egyptians are doing with no arms. So, just because the government has better weapons does not guarantee them victory in a conflict.

  2. LEO GUY on January 19th, 2013 2:33 pm

    God Bless George Washington and the 22nd Amendment. If we can last that long.

  3. David Huie Green on January 19th, 2013 2:09 pm

    “I’m glad our President did something.”

    I’m sure he means well, but he seems to have called upon Congress to make laws which violate the wording of the Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights.

    What if some future president decided to build upon that precedent and say that the rest of the Bill of Rights was too dangerous to be followed literally?

    After all, some people will use their freedom of speech to work people up into killing mobs.
    Shouldn’t people be forced to prove they will only speak in favor of the government?

    Some religions teach things opposed to what the government allows.
    Shouldn’t only religions in agreement with the actions of the government be allowed? Even if 55% agreed they should?

    Some newspapers report things which embarrass government servants.
    Shouldn’t the press be limited to only reporting what is comfortable?

    Some people are so obviously guilty that 90% are sure of their guilt as reported by the government or the papers.
    Shouldn’t we simply throw out their right to trial by jury?

    All rights in the Bill of Rights can be abused.
    Should the rights be curtailed?

    Consider the thought that your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. If you haven’t hit my nose, I shouldn’t gripe about your silly swings.

    Remember all laws should written as if they will be enforced by our worst enemies, because they might be.

    David for reconsidering “just do something”
    and taking the long view

  4. bob hudson on January 19th, 2013 1:38 pm

    So Mike, some one steals my car drives it thru a crowd, kills several people, then it is my fault right? just want to get this straight??? By the way, the sword has been used for centuries to slaughter millions, So you point, really, has no point.

  5. bob hudson on January 19th, 2013 1:11 pm

    When a liberal says, (We need common sense rules,) they are only talking about their rules.

  6. bob hudson on January 19th, 2013 1:06 pm

    Liberals lost their argument that they care about children , while they hide behind the millions of dead babies, (abortion), while holding up a ar-15, and screaming, (these kill children) Really? what a very, very, sick. joke. Who voted and supports Planned Parent hood. to the tune of 523 million , of our tax paying dollars to continue the the killing of these children, Oh yea do as we say, not as we do. Liberals – we can have armed guards , protection paid for with our tax dollars, but the rest of us can not, we’ll tell you what you need.

  7. bob hudson on January 19th, 2013 12:49 pm

    First thing no compromise on the 2 amendment, Liberals always want to bend the rules to their interpataion , now when a drunk driver kills a van load of people, who do you blame? the vehicle.? no you blame the driver, so what is different about a gun? Barry has always been anti-gun, even in college. By the way has any government ever lied to its people? Ever dis- armed them and abused the them. So all you anti-gunners do not like them , fine, do not by one, until we start to enforce the rules we all ready have, no more new rules. This is not about the protection of our children, this is the start to dis-arm Americans.

  8. Mike on January 19th, 2013 12:24 pm

    K.S. on January 16th, 2013 4:51 pm said, “The same day the CT shooting happened, a man in China killed 20 people with a knife.”

    No K.S. the same day the CT shooting happened, a man in China cut 20 children with a knife . . . . . no one died, all those children went home to their parents with cuts, there’s a big difference and the TRUTH still does matter.

    If guns aren’t the problem and ONLY people are, do we need to start profiling adult white males? They seem to be at the center of most of these mass shootings. Do you see how easily it is to turn that racial profile foolishness on its head when you’re suddenly the group under scrutiny!

    I’m glad our President did something. If we waited for a Republican President to move forward it would never happen. The founders of the Constitution never could have imagined that we would one day be capable of producing a gun that could fire 100 musketballs in a few seconds.

    We have sensible modern day interpretations of all the other amendments but when it comes to the Second Amendment, its like we lose our perspective on reality. Gun regulation does NOT mean gun abolition, but finding one, purchasing one should be more difficult than buying a box of candy and guns owners need to be held responsible for the misuse and misapplication of the guns they own! If someone steals your gun or a kid finds it, that’s your fault and you need to suffer the consequences!

  9. anthony on January 19th, 2013 11:39 am

    The government wants our guns so they can control our ever move gun control is not going to stop people from killing I know that if I wanted to kill someone bad enough not having a gun is not going to stop me.

  10. anthony on January 19th, 2013 11:36 am

    Even if you put bans on guns and take then away the only people you will take them from are law abiding citizens. If you really think a criminal is going to say yep here’s my gun you are insane. Then the criminal will know that there are no guns in the homes they want to break into and that they have no resistance when they come into your home to rob or rape you.I know if I was a criminal and all the good people turn there guns in that it would make there homes easy targets. And further more you can kill a lot of people without a gun even a poorly constructed pipe bond can kill several people so take guns away and they just find other ways to kill people are we going to outlaw everything that criminals use to harm people get real. I will never turn in my guns

  11. David Lamb on January 19th, 2013 11:26 am

    Cain slew his brother. He did not have any gun!. Should we now ban rocks, fists, sticks, any other object that can kill? After all “if it saves one life,it is worth doing”!
    some shoulds study history! Hitler started his reign with seemingly innocdent laws and then stepped up the pace. No thes laws might not take away guns today, but once a slope gets slip[pery, It goes down hill from there! Step 1 is iniated by our Comrade Barrack!

  12. bob hudson on January 19th, 2013 10:21 am

    People who believe in gun bans have no clue on how to study history, its to easy to say , it will not happen here., well thats what they all said.

  13. bob hudson on January 19th, 2013 10:17 am

    Kathy you have no idea what the differance is between a military weapon as used by our armed forces, and a ar-15 and others like it sold on american markets , do you.?

  14. Kathy on January 19th, 2013 9:02 am

    Men sure get upset about their toys. I mean really guns!! No one is taking anything off of you. Just telling you if you can’t be intelligent, sane and mature you will not have access to the most dangerous weapons allotted to the military. Got you panties in bind over nothing.

  15. Gunny on January 19th, 2013 5:14 am

    The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. It trumps all other laws and Executive Orders, no matter how well-meaning or naive they may be. The US Supreme Court has already considered and ruled on the matter as well. Case Closed.

  16. James on January 18th, 2013 9:40 pm


  17. Michael Murph on January 18th, 2013 6:56 pm

    As others have stated, the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or even self defense. Here are two quotes from Tench Coxe, a Continental Congress delegate who participated in the debate at the time giving us a perspective of the meaning.

    “The power of the sword, say the minority…, is in the hands of Congress. My friends and countrymen, it is not so, for The powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from sixteen to sixty. The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress has no power to disarm the militia. Their swords and every terrible implement of the soldier are the birthright of Americans. The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments but where, I trust in God, it will always remain, in the hands of the people.”
    The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788.

    “Whereas civil rulers, not having their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.”
    “Remarks on the First Part of the Amendments to the Federal Constitution,” under the pseudonym “A Pennsylvanian” in the Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789.

    Those who say that these types of weapons are only for the military or police are naive to forfeit their liberties to the whims of others. Those that believe we can’t have a Hitler or Stalin rise up here in America are equally naive. Technology has changed, human nature hasn’t. The lust for power and control is as present as it has ever been.

  18. Kathy on January 18th, 2013 2:36 pm

    Bob, I don’t know who your WE is but I need the protection from idiots who think they need military kills machines that were never meant to be on the streets in America. Many three star generals agree with the president of the United States and myself.
    McCrystal said on CNN and I agree. You need them and should not have them. Look at the crazy stuff states in the above and you know why we don’t that kind of killing device.

  19. LEO GUY on January 18th, 2013 12:42 pm

    Oh well
    Did all I could. I didn’t vote for Barry or any 3rd party candidates like millions of others. Divided we fell. :-/

  20. Bob hudsun on January 18th, 2013 10:52 am

    We do not want or need his so called help. by the way , a ban is taking away guns,but then as I have said before why deal with some one who thinks killing babies is fine. it not about the children, its about his hate to ward guns.

  21. Kathy on January 18th, 2013 9:27 am

    IF you need a bush master or whacker to go hunting, with 30 to 50 rounds, maybe you shouldn’t be hunting. When you look at the salaries around here you gotta wonder what kind of man would go buy an expensive man killer gun when you got no use for it but have a family to educate, feed and care for. What kind of guy does that?

  22. curley on January 18th, 2013 7:26 am

    The NRA knows how to stir up good o’l boy drama and hysteria over nothing. Ya’ll bite and bite big. The good president Obama said nothing about takin’ your guns. Nothing about taking your rifles, your hand guns. Nothing about hurting you or taking your freedom in any way. Just sensible rules that protect you, your families and the public. Grow up, get rid of the hysteria and WAKE UP. The NRA takes your money and gets rich. That is who you should be afraid of, not the President. Who would ever think a bunch of strong men would get so hysterical over their toys.

  23. 429SCJ on January 18th, 2013 6:14 am

    Anyone who has ever served in the military has taken a sworn oath, to protect the Constitution from all enemies both foriegn and domestic. I wonder if this creates a conflict for the Joint Chiefs and what action can we expect from them and members of congress whom still support the Constitution?

    Who would be tasked with issuing the arrest order, and who would be tasked in carrying out the arrest ?

    This schism will shatter the 50 states.

  24. d on January 18th, 2013 12:21 am

    What about the assault weapons people already have?? if he thinks he is gonna come to a crazy rednecks house and take his rifle away he must be mentaly ill himself

  25. bob hudson on January 17th, 2013 8:25 pm

    Bill Nelson you are suppose to represent us, are you with us or are you not??I think you can see we in your district are not happy with the white house rules. I know you read these blogs. I think I would pay attention to them. From the debt ceiling, spending, and cuts to gun control you need to listen to us , not your buddies in Washington.,I have called your office, bad idea , Mr.Millers office .was much nicer , so here we are on and open form. You work for us, and so does Mr.Miller. remember that.

  26. bob hudson on January 17th, 2013 7:28 pm

    While I am disgusted with the presidents, use of small children, in his speech to promote how much he care’s for children, I am also disgusted with the fact the government gave Planned Parenthood 542 million dollars, to continue the slaughter of unborn children. so lets see the facts, 2011-2012, 333,964 abortions , record year. total count, from 2009-2012, 995,687 and counting. Woman’s, contraceptive service’s dropped 12%, cancer screening and services dropped 29%.I am just stating this to show the true hypocrisy, of this president on how he really feels about children. So the federal government says , its okay to use our tax payers money, to kill unborn children, but we will trample, if we need to, your 2 amendment rights to protect children. Bull.S..This is just wrong. If you think its okay, to kill an unborn child, Then I have no reason to trust you.

  27. An American on January 17th, 2013 5:14 pm

    I for one believe in the Constitution, and the amendments; putting aside all the rhetoric from both sides, I truely wonder if anyone on here really knows why our founding father passed this particular amendent. If you dont recall here’s a brief history lesson. 200 plus year ago, when America was still a colony of England, British soldiers could withou warrant or cause enter your home and arrest you, and if they so desired live in your home without your consent….so comes the revolution, and being that during that time most of the citizens of that era carried guns (muskets), for hunting and defense of their homes and families. So after several years of fighting the greatest power on earth and with the help of the French, we were able to throw away the yoke of Englands Monarchy. So when our founding fathers met to discuss the amendendments to the Constitution, they had forthought to include the second amendment ( TO MAINTAIN A WELL ORGINIZED MILITIA, THE RIGHT OF THE “PEOPLE” TO “KEEP” AND BARE ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.) So that this would never be able to happen again, and if it did the citizenry would be able to protect themselvs; It doest get much clearer that that, now you may question the part about a militia and in order for you to do that you have to think as they did those 200 years ago…your local militia, citizen soldier, who volunteered soley for purpose of defense of hearth and home rose up and fought against tyranny those same citizen soldies are your average, law abiding gun carriny citizens of today…..the question we have to ask ourselve now is what side of the constitution do you stand for, because our President is doing a bad job of pretending to defend it.

  28. 429SCJ on January 17th, 2013 5:06 pm

    We once were a proud people who prayed to our God and pledged allegiance to the flag of our nation. We have become as cattle and it happened one day at a time, over a period of years and here we are. It just did not happen by accident. Many of those who seek to disarm us are of those who helped bring us to where we find ourselves now. It is now up to our elected officals to stand against these beings and heritics, who seek to destroy our liberty. God be with us.

    Mr Miller, Mr Evers, history is watching and calling.

  29. bob hudson on January 17th, 2013 5:03 pm

    Lets see, If I take a rifle, that is 22 years old, (worn out stock, little rust, works fine) and up grade it to a modern light weight, weather resistent, fully adjustable stock, improve the sights,( scope,) Improvements made for weather we have. Do not change one thing about how it fires or shoots. Now it looks like and so called (assault rifle) To all you gun banners , is it and assault rifle?

  30. jewel on January 17th, 2013 4:57 pm

    If you’ll need big guns can we all make the law.so we don’t need the sheriff’s right .

  31. Nick on January 17th, 2013 4:09 pm

    Why will banning guns help? A criminal with one is just going to break the law anyway, so it is kind of pointless. The people with guns that are going to kill people aren’t just going to target kids. Besides who would even want an assault rifle it’s a little strange. And with all the gun laws will they have to change movies? That would suck.

  32. Sandra on January 17th, 2013 3:17 pm

    Sara said “If you’re planning some kind of Waco civilization; the Federal Government will trump you every time.” If this is true please explain why we are leaving the sandbox after not being able to defeat the Taliban who have basically slingshots and rocks mixed in with the occasional AK 47?

  33. bob hudson on January 17th, 2013 3:03 pm

    it is hard to enforce laws when people decide to not obey them. So it goes to states rights , want to live in pro-2 amendment and have our own gun laws, !!!!! Want to live in a pro liberal state that controls your life? Good, its up to you, but I think the south is going to come up on the pro side of gun ownership. and I’m fine with that.

  34. David Huie Green on January 17th, 2013 11:00 am

    “And second of all, no civilian needs to own a military assault weapon. They are for police & military use.. “

    Actually, the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights was expressly intended to allow individual citizens the right to own military type weapons. This is especially true in places without police or military present to protect you. Since the military is not to operate within the USA and the police are often tied up elsewhere, the need to defend yourself has been known to come up in the past.

    Saying you don’t need a particular type of weapon is like saying you don’t need a Ford, that a Dodge would do just as well. Maybe you WANT a Ford and don’t want others telling you how to exercise your rights as long as you don’t hurt anyone with your choice.

    Further, if you were the object of a mob of people intent on killing you and/or burning your home or business to the ground, you would want enough firepower to convince the survivors to abandon their quest.

    David for wise use of rights
    and defense of those of others

  35. David Huie Green on January 17th, 2013 10:54 am

    “First of all, is it supposed to be an insult to call our President, “Barry”? ”

    Of course it is since he no longer goes by that name and it is often considered disrespectful to call the President by his first name rather than by his title of office. I got chewed out years back for calling President Carter “Jimmy” even though he said to do so.

    David for respectful disagreement

  36. Sara on January 17th, 2013 9:32 am

    First of all, is it supposed to be an insult to call our President, “Barry”? And second of all, no civilian needs to own a military assault weapon. They are for police & military use.. If you’re planning some kind of Waco civilization; the Federal Government will trump you every time. And if you love AK 47’s so much, why not join the military instead of just play acting like a soldier?

  37. xpeecee on January 17th, 2013 8:31 am

    obama (lower case “O” intentional) appears to be a Hitler wanna-be! Our Founding Fathers would turn over in their graves, if they could see how far down this country has gone… Sad!

  38. Rocky on January 17th, 2013 8:20 am

    Per comments on the second amendment not applying in today’s world, by the Obama Kool-Aid drinker…

    Nothing could be further from the truth at this point in time. If you read the remarks of the founding fathers concerning the second, in discussions outside the constitution, it is very clear that the intent of the founding fathers was to allow the people to protect themselves against oppressive and tyrannical government, which is certainly the case at the present moment. No other material possession is guaranteed under the constitution, not even one. The ONLY material possession we are guaranteed to possess, under the constitution are our guns. That has not changed, it will not change, not now not ever, and the Supreme Court stands on that position as well.

    As for what your illustrious President did yesterday… he promised to spend another $500 million he doesn’t have in the budget. even if he had a budget. But what’s another 500 million when you’re budget 5 Trillion more than you’re taking in every year for the next 10 years.

    He ASKED congress to pass an assault weapons ban, and a 10 round magazine limit. He ASKED congress to pass tighter restrictions on background checks, and he ASKED the people and the gun dealers to work together to do background checks, on their own, without any further laws written.

    He didn’t ban any weapons, he didn’t ban any magazines, he didn’t impose any tighter regulations on anything. He massaged you kool-aid drinkers, to get you off his back, and at Harry Reid’s and Nancy Pelosi’s instruction, he took a much less demanding path than he thought he was going to, for exactly the reasons listed in my previous post. And, because they know that the Pro-Gun faction in this coutry is well aware, that the polls they cite, were inconclusive results taken from those polls very early in polling. Even the polls they cite showed a majority of the people support our second amendment rights.

    You can try again, but this round went to the Conservative Pro-Gun side.


  39. CitizenX on January 17th, 2013 8:16 am

    What we need is a ban on gun ownership to people on psychoactive drugs prescribed for mental and emotional disorders. That’s where the majority of the problem lies. These drugs are over-prescribed and in most cases not needed.

  40. The Doer on January 17th, 2013 6:36 am

    To the Obama Koolaid Drinkers: Get your heads out of the sand.

    Obama’s plan would demand federal access to the details every time your uncle sells a .22 to a nephew or even to you. They would ban some weapons outright through a limit on ammunition capacity. And they, would waive medical privacy laws in some cases so individuals can be reported. This is not all either, just a few.

    The president also listed 23 executive orders he is preparing to implement by executive order, if necessary. Yes, he loves being an imperial president.

    He’s basically restricting and punishing all law-abiding American citizens. He’s taking people who have never committed a crime in their whole, entire lives and he’s trying to tell them that these guns are “assault” weapons.

    Don’t fall for it. Surely you’ve been taught to think and reason for yourself, haven’t you? Look at the facts.

  41. Jane on January 17th, 2013 5:31 am

    Guns come in at our borders (particularly Mexico) and until this is solved and the illegal gun trafficking done by gangs is solved illegal guns will be a problem. I fail to see how any of his orders will resolve either issue. Ammunition can be made if necessary so removing that is no help either. I suppose we can put armed guards at schools, the post office, any public place, but is that really the answer? Maybe removing illegal guns from our streets makes more sense.

  42. Jane on January 17th, 2013 5:25 am

    In order to control the populace you first remove their weapons, then control their food supply. Both are in the works. I hope our children and grandchildren will still have a democracy.

  43. 429SCJ on January 17th, 2013 1:42 am

    A disarmed populace will certainly be much easier to manage, especially with the
    50 states hanging in the lurch of the deficit.

    If you waited until this morning to begin preparing for the worst, you have probably waited too long. Good luck.

  44. just tired on January 17th, 2013 12:51 am

    I listened to the President’s speech and I don’t recall him saying anything about taking away people’s right to bear arms. If a person is purchasing a weapon for protection, hunting or sporting purposes, why is there a problem with having a national background check registry? If you are about obeying the law, what is the problem? Like I’ve said before and will continue to say, there’s no sane reason for any ordinary law abiding citizen owning an assault weapon or having a high capacity magazine capable of shooting up to a hundred rounds per minute. These types of weapons are strictly for killing as many people as you can in a limited amount of time. So, if a person is upset about these types of weapons being banned, they must have some other reasons for wanting these types of weapons available. And also what is the problem with being held accountable for the guns that you own (i.e. registry). With so many peoble upset, it just makes me wonder if everyone is about being on the up and up when it comes this gun issue. I think a lot of it is people don’t want it to be known just how many guns are stockpiled by some of these radical groups!

  45. Dan guglielmo on January 17th, 2013 12:48 am

    I saw someone post, “I don’t see any solutions just hatred etc.”
    Well here’s a suggestion and a thought.
    1) law bideing citezens are the ony ones going to accept new laws, and new bans may make normally law biding citizens not law biding any more, which I greatly hope istthe case. I hope and pray, every gun owning person 8-80 rejects, and stands up for there rights. Refuses to submit and forces our represenatives to realize we the people run this country, and we the people will not be tread on!

    2) here’s the suggestion: just like sky marshals, have under cove plain cloths officers rotating in schools at any given moment no one will know when there there orwhen there not, the children will not even need to know who, what they are.
    Anyone thinking of something like this again will think twice, because they won’t know if there going to get cought, stopped, killed while doing it or not.
    Just lie in the planes, I’ve taken nver new if there was one or n
    Same should go for schools.
    Put an executive order that says we will have this instead of gun control, that will not control anything but weak minded law bideing citizens.
    I for one am law bideing tell me I can’t have my weapon,ill say I CAN’T KEEP IT PEACEFULLY OR YOU CAN TAKE IT FORCEFULLY!
    I my self will not law down for these liberal dogs!

  46. clingingtomybibleandmyguns on January 16th, 2013 11:21 pm

    It’s so refreshing to see President Obama taking a stance against the Republican obstructionism this time around. This is why I voted for him in 2008, and this is why I continued to support him 2012. Good for you Eric. Im glad you got it figured out there bud. You should be king. The supreme court hasnt completely figured it out themselves. I personally think the founding fathers meant that EVERY able bodied man has the right to bear arms against the types of political persecution and rule that drove them to North America in the first place. they knew first hand that goverments could be corrupt and unjust. it means that we as citizens have the right to bear arms and to form a militia to conserve the rights and freedoms we all love. it was known then that a man had his gun and it was a tool for survival. I wonder do you find it refreshing that your president finds it his duty to “keep the children safe” and make gun laws more restrictive on law abiding citizens while at the same time suporting abortions? Why not give the mother a background check and maybe limit the size of her Clip. funny how you seem to think Republican and Democrat are night and day different. we all owe a debt to our country to keep it strong. not bend and change and give in to the liberal way of thinking. do you think george washington would have been anti gun or pro abortion? what about pro gay? i doubt it

  47. LEO GUY on January 16th, 2013 10:57 pm

    Spoken like a true Barry supporter. What are you whinning about? You guys won remember? Now you expect a big kumbahyah from everybody when Barry is doing exactly what the people here voted against him for. You people make laugh! Well, I’m gonna laugh even harder when I see the looks on your faces when you people figure out who the jokes really on. It truly is the end of the beginning.

  48. huh on January 16th, 2013 10:30 pm

    I think its a great thing and its about time. Canada, Uk, and Australia have very low gun crime because of such strict rules. We can only dream to be as good as those guys when it comes to running a country

  49. Eric on January 16th, 2013 10:30 pm

    It’s so refreshing to see President Obama taking a stance against the Republican obstructionism this time around. This is why I voted for him in 2008, and this is why I continued to support him 2012.

    The Republican party leaders have proven time and time again that they care nothing at all about the American people and that their top priority is to keep the president from accomplishing anything by preventing him from gaining a worthwhile Congress. This, of course, means bowing to the whims of the paranoid, gullible, and ill-informed masses that make up the Republican voter base. Finally, Obama has taken aggressive steps to override the useless Congress that has somehow been handed to him again and to instead take steps to ensure the safety of American citizens.

    Jeff Miller and the rest of his party should probably learn to read before crying foul and citing the second amendment. For those of you who may have forgotten (or, in most cases, never bothered to actually read the damn thing), here’s the exact wording of the second amendment: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Let’s pick this apart:

    “A well regulated miltia…” does NOT mean an unregulated populace. Unless you are a member of a well-regulated militia, this amendment does not apply to you.

    “…being necessary to the security of a free state…” means that even if you are a member of a well-regulated militia, this amendment still doesn’t apply to you, as a well-regulated militia is no longer necessary to the security of a free state; that’s why we have the military.

    “…the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.” That means that IF and ONLY IF the second amendment still applies to you, based on the first clause (and here’s a hint: it doesn’t), then yes, you have the right to bear arms.

    So again, kudos to President Obama for standing up to Republican obstructionism.

  50. Bobby C on January 16th, 2013 9:47 pm

    Whatever happened to the 10-20-life law. As a former LEO I can tell you for sure that it’s not enforced by the courts. Furthermore, the thugs of this county know this. If Judges would actually jail violent criminals who used guns then there would be less gun violence. Am I right?

  51. Rocky on January 16th, 2013 9:24 pm

    Too many people seem to be missing the point here entirely. This is NOT simply a matter of tearing down the Second Amendment Rights of tens of millions of Law Abiding Americans, no… it’s much more than that.

    By enacting legislation through Executive Order, the President denies the public the right to petition the government for redress of grievances, as promised under the First Amendment.

    Since the President and his anti-gun cohortscontinue to blame this matter on the recent rash of shootings, and then restrict the freedoms of tens of millions of law abiding Americans, it is quite clear that their actions are punitive in nature. Wherein the law abiding gun owners in this country are being penalized for the crimes of others, under the President’s Executive Order, we clearly establish a violation of the 5th Amendment as well.

    Since punitive action was imposed, and we the law abiding gun owning citizens of the US have not been afforded the right to Due Process, obviously our 6th Amendment right to a fair and expedient trial has also been violated.

    And, there is a clear and direct violation of the unalienable rights promised under the 9th Amendment as well.

    All of this having been said, Article I Section I of the US Constitution delegates the authority to legislate to the two houses of Congress. Neither the Executive or Judiciary Branches have the authority to create legislation. Only Congress and the Senate have that authority.

    Barack Obama is way over the line in trying to ram this one through. He has trached the Constitution in numerous respects before this, but at no time has he trashed so many individual rights at one time. This is not a dictatorship, it is not an autocracy, we can only hope that we have elected legislators with the integrity to recognize this, and pursue a course of action to put him back in his place, or remove him from the office of president before he signs Executive Order to simply do away with the constitution altogether.

  52. friction against the machine on January 16th, 2013 9:22 pm

    Spineless Republicans + idological zealots= Loss of your constitutional freedoms

    Any politician that supports ANY infringement of our 2nd Amendment liberties should be voted out at the election polls. The Democrats are intent on taking your rights…the Republican politicans would cave on anything if it meant they keep their jobs. That’s a dangerous combination for those of us who cherish the liberties the Forefathers provided for us.

  53. JP on January 16th, 2013 8:27 pm

    Thank you US Representative Jeff Miller for getting in front of an issue, instead of waiting to see which way the wind blows. Senator Bill Nelson (we don’t have to ask)?
    People in the southwest US need high capacity magazines to protect themselves from the crime caused by border crossers since the government will not and even intentionally puts guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels. When there is a major storm (New Orleans) or certain groups choose to riot, loot, rape, etc. The law enforcement agencies can not protect everyone and we have to defend our own life and property.
    In every case of these mass shootings multiple laws were broken. The shooters do not obey laws. These cowardly people pick safe places for themselves where the victims are unarmed. Who in their right mind (Mr. Obama) thinks deranged killers will obey more laws?

  54. bob hudson on January 16th, 2013 6:26 pm

    You are correct, 48% of us did not vote for him. Please contact your local congressmen to defend our 2 amendment right.

  55. The DOER on January 16th, 2013 5:53 pm





    Let’s see: His SS# has turned up the following names:
    Bari Soetero
    Bari Malik Shabazz
    Barry Soebarkrah
    Barack Hussein Obama II
    Steve Dunham
    Harrison J. Bournel

  56. bob hudson on January 16th, 2013 5:41 pm

    Back ground checks good, but nothing that ties it to a federal registry . No tracking.

  57. The Doer on January 16th, 2013 5:40 pm

    It’s not about gun control. It’s about CONTROL.

    Number of deaths for leading causes of death
    •Heart disease: 597,689
    •Cancer: 574,743
    •Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 138,080
    •Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 129,476
    •Accidents (unintentional injuries): 120,859
    •Alzheimer’s disease: 83,494
    •Diabetes: 69,071
    •Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,476
    •Influenza and Pneumonia: 50,097
    •Intentional self-harm (suicide): 38,364


    Guns don’t even make the Top Ten. MURDER by any instrument doesn’t make the Top Ten.

  58. bob hudson on January 16th, 2013 5:19 pm

    Read post on 2 amendment. now, place armed guards in schools, to protect our children. I do not trust this president , or his advisers , to look out for my best interest . Biden has made his chose on who he wish it listen to. And they have a long history of being in favor of dis-arming the America public, while they choose to restrict us, they are protected. Hypocrittes , At this current time , due to the currant President s stand on any , thing, I would not trust him at all., Hey what really happen to all those guns that went in to Mexico? You wish to track our guns, when they can not, or will not track their own? When he stops supporting the killing of millions of children thru Planned Parenthood, then we may can talk about how he care’s for children so much., Seems to me he missed the problem of gang crime’s.

  59. Gary on January 16th, 2013 5:08 pm

    “We certainly cannot solve this problem by simply suggesting leave it the same and throw more guns into the schools.”

    A.N- I don’t think having a deputy sheriff of other LEO in every school is the same as throwing more guns in schools. Disagreeing with the Presidents solution is not being disrespectful. That sort of liberal mentality is what makes having any kind of debate with your party completely useless.

  60. bama54 on January 16th, 2013 4:59 pm

    To A N: I do not pretend to have a solutions, but until individuals understand “Guns” do not kill!! It is an instrument used just like any weapon used to commit a crime. Did the individual in Sandy Hook killings use the assault rifle, or did he use just hand guns? So to band assault weapons is just non-sense, why not band a butter knife, or even a baseball bat. All can be used to do bodily harm, or even kill!! Unless you address the problem of an individual being the cause, then we will always have crime by whatever weapon they choose!! Most individuals reading this are just good natured and would never hurt anyone on purpose, but with the break-down of our society the last several years, How are we to Protect ourselves and love ones when harm comes our way?? I had to ask myself this question a few years back, and I decide I did not want to be a victim without a chance to survive!! I Treasure My Freedom!!

  61. Greg McGahan on January 16th, 2013 4:53 pm

    Here is a suggestion – Put prayer and bible reading back in school

  62. K.S. on January 16th, 2013 4:51 pm

    First of all, everyone needs to stop pointing fingers at guns and start placing the blame where it belongs— on the person who committed the crime. Guns don’t kill people— people kill people. All a gun ban is doing is taking guns away from law abiding citizens. If criminals want guns, then they will find a way to get them no matter what laws are in place. Second, you don’t have to have a gun to kill someone. The same day the CT shooting happened, a man in China killed 20 people with a knife. I think having stricter background checks is great– we do need to more closely monitor who is buying guns. However, a gun ban is not the answer to our problems.

  63. A.N on January 16th, 2013 4:10 pm

    I’m looking at all the comments when I don’t see any suggestions, or solutions to help. You know this is a problem in itself, for you to compare the President to Hitler. This only suggest you are clearly dismissing the problem and not looking for a solution, only to defend your constitutional right and your hatred for whatever reason. We are all affected by this. When does one tend to open their minds and think before speaking. Wow, when are we as a society going to stop being disrespectful, selfish, and hateful for no apparent reason. The only way to solve a solution is to start listening and not be so quick to judgement. How do we work together to solve this problem? Because clearly there is a problem, when states opt out of background checks, and I can purchase certain weapons or ammunition without a trace. We certainly cannot solve this problem by simply suggesting leave it the same and throw more guns into the schools. Come on people we are suppose to be better than this, and stop being so hateful and disrespectful.

  64. bob hudson on January 16th, 2013 3:53 pm

    Yes , I have read that he enjoyed children. or at least the one’s he thought were (correct).

  65. c.w. on January 16th, 2013 3:24 pm

    Do you remember all the pictures of Hitler and kids. obama is doing the same thing.

  66. bob hudson on January 16th, 2013 3:21 pm

    The 2 amendment is not about sportsman, or hunters, it is solely about the right to defend our selves, and to defend our selves from tyrannical governments. period .History does repeat it self.

  67. bob hudson on January 16th, 2013 3:06 pm

    Oh yes , he hides behind children to get his way, the whole time not offering up much of a way to protect them, I like the funding for arm police force, or guards, But where are we going to get the money? But the whole time he does this, he stands on the bodies of all those aborted babies he so heartly endorses , and allows Planned Parenthood to do this with our tax dollars Now that is two faced, and a hypocrite .Just more small steps to dis- arm America. You will notice that Biden spent more time with those who wish to dis-arm us than any one.

  68. Sam on January 16th, 2013 2:57 pm

    Me either leo. Trying to find a sticker that says, ” I didn’t vote for him.”

  69. What we need is more laws... on January 16th, 2013 2:44 pm

    Last time I checked, murder is already illegal. And we even now claim some murder as “hate crime” even though dead is dead.

    I quote:
    “Obama called keeping children safe “our first task as a society,” adding that if even one life can be saved by reducing gun violence, it is the country’s obligation to try.”

    Yet the most unsafe place for a child is the mother’s womb…where this same government allows these murders to take place.

  70. LEO GUY on January 16th, 2013 1:50 pm

    I got nothing to feel bad about. I didn’t vote for Barry. No surprises here. :-/