Northview Assistant Coach Ty Wise Headed To Graceville

January 31, 2013

Northview High School assistant coach Ty Wise has accepted the head coach and athletic director position at Graceville High School.

Wise has been on the Northview coaching staff for four years. As offensive coordinator, he led a Chiefs offense that accumulated over 1,000 points during the last two seasons and a Class 1A state championship win this past season.

It’s a move that could have Wise and the Graceville Tigers on the opposite side of the stadium from the Chiefs this upcoming season — both teams are Class 1A Region 1…meaning they could feasibly face each other in the state playoff series.

The move to Graceville, Wise said, was the most difficult decision he has ever had to make in his professional career.

“I met with the players today and explained my desire to be a head coach; I knew it was something that I would eventually pursue,” Wise said Wednesday night. “For my family and professional career, it was the best position for us to move over there.”

But, much like the Northview players chant in the huddle following every football game, Wise said he’ll always be a Chief.

“My time at Northview was amazing. I’ll never be able to forget what we were able to accomplish; I’ll always reflect on the positive,” he said. “I hope Northview will continue to have success. I’ll always be a Chief.”

Wise, who played football for the University of Miami, is scheduled to meet with the Graceville Tigers players today and expects to make the official move to Graceville before Spring practices begin.

At Graceville, Wise replaces March Beach who went 8-3 with a district title in 2012. Beach accepted the head coaching job at Marianna High School.

Pictured top: Northview assistant coach Ty Wise celebrates a state championship win for the Chiefs last December in Orlando’s Citrus Bowl. Pictured below: Wise plans out plays on the sidelines of a Chiefs game in Bratt. photos, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “Northview Assistant Coach Ty Wise Headed To Graceville”

  1. Luke Ward on February 3rd, 2013 10:24 pm

    I think coach wise a great football coach I trained wit him over the summer and got better even we he was just talking to me he was a great guy and yes did lead northview to many many many successful seasons and raised many great athletes like try we’re his own kids but I also think since he is gone now that the school looks into Jeremy Greenwell the head coach of Ernest ward this year I played for him and I believe he has all the qualities of a great coach and will lead us to many more successful seasons in the future like ours this year (7-1)

  2. Johnnie Smith on February 2nd, 2013 8:51 am

    Coach Wise,
    You are a fabulous teacher! i will miss having youuu! thank god i was lucky enough to have you teach me this year. you make everything fun and make your students WANT to learn. you dont baby us nor are you terribly hard on us.. not to mention ive never missed more than 4 on any of your tests, with an exception of the last test :(
    you will be missed. but i speak for northview when i say good luck and dont forget bout us!!

  3. keithin blunt on February 1st, 2013 8:13 pm

    coach wise u made me a better football player i never forget the good times we had at northview im still at home woking to be in that next level working hard u teach me alot look up and stand up and never give up thank man for every thing

  4. NHS Fan on February 1st, 2013 3:20 pm

    Every comment has been right on. Especially the one about being indispensable. If we really believe what we are saying, then why are we letting him go. No problem if this is what he desires to do. The problem is NHS maybe should have given him the same opportunity.

  5. Old Coach on February 1st, 2013 1:38 pm

    Many of you do not know how important Coach Wise was to Northview’s football program. The off season workouts, the mental toughness required, demanded by him goes way beyond any X,s and O,s. you can be the most intelligent offensive mind this side of the Mississippi River and not be successful without an excellent weight and conditioning program that begins in January and will last through December. The playersat Northview’s listened and learned from someone they knew had been in the trenches, being on a high state championship team as a senior and having been the starting center at The University of Miami and played in the NFL.

    His contacts with college coaches and his endless efforts to get players to college programs cannot be duplicated by anyone. This part of the program at Northview will suffer. I’ve been around many coaches in my career, none better than Ty Wise. He is the indispensable man.

  6. To Explayer on February 1st, 2013 9:17 am

    I agree with looking into Jeremy Greenwell. He is very smart and great with the kids.

  7. Mrs. Wise on February 1st, 2013 8:14 am

    I just wanted to say to all those who posted such amazing and positive remarks that we thank you very much! We feel so blessed to have been a part of this great community! The people, schools, teachers, coaches, and churches here are the best! The memories from our years at Northview will always be very special to us! A special thanks to the players, cheerleaders and students that took time with our children, you were great role models for them. I loved being a part of the Wednesday football fellowship this past year. When our family moved here I got to know the players more personally and all of you should know that you are like family to us, If you ever need anything just give us a call! With love and best wishes for the future at NHS!

  8. AH on February 1st, 2013 8:06 am

    Congratulations Coach Wise and family! Graceville is certainly better off with you on board! We all know what a great coach you are, but you have given so much more to our community than a state championship! You have mentored young people in ways that few coaches do. You have taught them valuable life lessons and that goes far beyond trophies! You and your sweet family have been a bright spot in our community and you will be greatly missed.

  9. Halty on January 31st, 2013 8:55 pm

    Coach Wise will always be remembered in this community. He is one of the best mentors and coaches anyone could have asked for. He put so much work into football and it definitely payed off in the end. I can honestly say that everyone on the football team looked up to him as more than a coach. I know I will remember this man for the rest of my life. Thanks for all that you have done for this school, community, and most of all, the players. I wish you the best of luck!

  10. Player on January 31st, 2013 5:56 pm

    There is no way to describe the man coach wise is. I wish he could be here for my senior season because we are really gonna need him next year. He completely change me as a player and a person. He really is one of the greatest men I have ever met. Graceville is very lucky. I wish I didn’t have to see him go because I have grown to be very close to that man, I wish him the best of luck in his career.

  11. Steve Hanks on January 31st, 2013 5:23 pm

    What an awesome family the community of Bratt is losing. We have thouroughly enjoyed the whole family through Northview and through Bratt Baptist church.I pray God continues to Bless you and use you to continue to help shape the lives of those you come in contact with on a daily basis.You have been such a powerful influence on the students of Northview and those you came in contact with in the Northview community.Graceville is a very lucky community. Again, God Bless you and keep you. Best wishes.

  12. NHS FAN on January 31st, 2013 1:16 pm

    Sorry to see him go. Just wondering, was there an offer or counter-offer to keep him at NHS? There’s been an obvious difference in the football program since he has been here. Someone needs to ask what would it take to keep him at Northview. If it takes the same as Graceville offered, then so be it because I believe he’s that vital to the program.

  13. NHS Grad on January 31st, 2013 1:04 pm

    Before Coach Wise came to NHS, NHS was no where near chaampionship contenders. Coach Wise has been at Northview for 4 years and in those 4 years he has won 3 Reginal Championships and 1 State Championship. He has helped NHS out and put them on the map. Why not reward him and give him the A.D and head coach? Is winning not important at NHS? He has proven his great coaching ability with championships, but yet we can’t offer him the head job? He has turned the NHS football program around. I think the football players need to step up and fight for Wise to stay and be the head coach.

  14. explayer on January 31st, 2013 10:45 am

    Oh and in my opinion they need to take a look at Jeremy Greenwell as the new O coordinator.. He has a good offensive mind.. And works hard at being a better coach..

  15. explayer on January 31st, 2013 10:39 am

    Graceville is gonna be the new power house now watch! Every one knows how his off season program is but what they don’t get is he has one of the greatest offensive minds I’ve seen! He understands defenses and knows how to attack them..he honesty could coach at the college level AGAIN! But he won’t be there long.. Just wait.. Some power house 6a will offer him the same deal.. Just sit back and watch.. Can’t stop the inevitable.. And congrats coach wise.. You’re like a father to me and many others.. Im excited to see your coaching career unfold

  16. Football Mom on January 31st, 2013 10:36 am

    I would like to thank Coach Wise, for a wonderful job and for giving my son a chance. My son has looked up to Coach Wise for 4 years. He gave my son the opportunity to be a starter, pushed him, and had faith in him. There needs to be more coaches and teachers like him. I wish him and his family the best.

  17. Northview Mom on January 31st, 2013 10:28 am

    The things being said about Coach Wise are awesome and I would like to thank those of you who took time out of your day to post them. We are so often quick to point out the negative and leave the positive unsaid. I haven’t had a child involved in sports at NHS but I did have one who had Coach Wise as a teacher and he really liked him. I’m sure Northview is losing a great asset but this move may be great for Coach Wise and his family and may give someone somewhere the opportunity to step into his position and better themselves as well.

  18. ChiefStudent on January 31st, 2013 10:13 am

    It is not Northview’s fault for him leaving. it was his choice to make a better life for himself.

  19. Disappointed on January 31st, 2013 9:36 am

    I am very disappointed. We all knew this would happen at some time. Why didn’t Northview give him the Athletic Director? Or why didn’t they give him head coach? Northview is losing a lot here. He turned our program around. I wish Northview would give him the head coaching job, and Wheatly the assistant coaching job. If everybody could see this coming, why didn’t Northview? But now he’s going to Graceville where he is appreciated more. They gave him head coach and AD. Who wouldn’t go? I blame Northview for this loss.

    I wish Coach Wise the best of luck.

  20. NorthviewDAD on January 31st, 2013 8:00 am

    Great leader, coach, and father. Took the program to next level and will he will be missed! I know of one coach northview should take a look at as a possible replacement with same characteristics. He is a Northview grad and also played college football and I think he coaches in the area, either Milton or fort Walton I can’t remember.

  21. Chief Mom on January 31st, 2013 7:57 am

    Happy for Coach Wise and his family, sad for the NHS family. We are losing a great coach. I hope the other coaches took lessons from him. Best of Luck, he will be missed!!

  22. Chief #9000 on January 31st, 2013 7:26 am

    I hope Graceville really dug into this man’s past and did not look at just his resume and football stats. If not , they have no idea what they are getting as a head coach.

    They are getting a man that does his best work off the field. Mentor, leader, father figure, friend. Coach Ty Wise does his best work off the field with care and compassion. He’s sent many a young man down the straight and narrow, steering them away from the wrong path.

    A truly geat man. Coach Wise, you are a wise man tha will be missed. We wish you the best. Thanks for all that you did for me.

  23. Parent on January 31st, 2013 5:46 am

    Congratulations, Coach Wise! We all know you’ll be a great addition to Graceville because your record speaks for itself. Many of us knew that if Coach Wise wasn’t offered a head coaching position here, he’d be gone, and it was only a matter of time.

  24. oh my on January 31st, 2013 2:17 am

    I can not put into words what NHS will be losing he is the greatest asset NHS has had . What a loss. He is a wonderful person and so good to the boys even after they leave school he is still helping. For what you have done for my son I thank you . Congratulations coach Graceville is lucky to have you. Funny i had just mentioned the idea of this happening to my son a few weeks ago

  25. Chief #22 Austin A on January 31st, 2013 1:08 am

    Thanks for the three great years of football you gave me. You made me a better person on and off the field both body and mind. I’ll never forget how you helped turn our football program back around and made us believe in Northview football again. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. Thank You Coach Wise for everything and I wish you the best of luck!

    Thank You,

    Austin Albritton