Century Welcome Signs Dedicated, Almost $1 Million Free Inmate Labor Marked

January 25, 2013

New welcome signs were dedicated along Highway 29 in Century Thursday, as Century Correctional Institution marked nearly one million dollars worth of free labor provided to area towns and schools.

The “Welcome to Century” signs were designed by Lt. Tony Nolan of CCI and built with inmate labor. Two signs celebrating the town’s sawmill heritage, were place alongside Highway 29 at the Alabama state line and at the southern town limits near Salter’s Lake Road.

In 2012, Century Correctional provided a total of $958,000 worth of free inmate labor to the Town of Century, Town of Jay, Gulf Breeze, Northview High, Bratt Elementary, Byrneville Elementary and Oakcrest Elementary.

The value of the inmate labor is calculated at $17.24 per hour — a figure set by the state.

About 200 inmates a day –less than 15 percent of the total inmate population — work on multiple prison works crews from Century Correctional’s  Main Unit on Tedder Road and the Berrydale Forestry Camp near Jay.

Pictured: New “Welcome to Century” signs constructed with inmate labor from Century Correctional Institution were dedicated Thursday afternoon. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “Century Welcome Signs Dedicated, Almost $1 Million Free Inmate Labor Marked”

  1. LT on February 4th, 2013 4:52 pm

    Ok!!! Jerry there done 1901 is on the signs sorry for the mess up…

  2. David Huie Green on January 29th, 2013 2:08 pm

    You will also notice the “O” is an orange and the dates 1513 – 2013 are on the sign in the same color as the “La”. This is a marketing device to interest people who care about our history. The Spanish named the place as the land of flowers. That is why those things are in a different color.

    (Either that or it is part of a demonic plot to return Florida to Spain.)

  3. ProudArmyParent on January 29th, 2013 11:15 am

    Here is my Question…..
    Why does the BIG BLUE Florida sign say La Florida?
    I saw this a couple of weeks ago.
    Seems very distrurbing to me!
    We are FLORIDA, aren’t we????????

  4. T on January 28th, 2013 5:56 pm

    Jerry you are right! The 1908 was the mock up. when we was working on it we forgot to make the change. Sorry…

  5. officers wife on January 28th, 2013 3:19 pm

    Thank you Sgts Wife! That’s exactley what I’ve been wanting to say. People don’t realize what our spouses have to go thru. Or the fact that there may be a day that we get that call that they won’t be coming home. Much less get the credit they deserve for trying help these inmates become better citizens once they get out. Its been severval years since my husband has had a raise. As a matter of fact, he had a paycut 2 years ago. All this while everyone is complaining that these inmates are performing slave labor. No, they are providing a great service and I just wish people would see the good instead of the bad. I know my husband doesn’t get the credit he deserves.

  6. Sgt."s Wife on January 27th, 2013 9:27 pm

    @ JUST SAYIN’ or SAYING…..UUHHMM NO, it’s NOT slavery! Each inmate is given a job once they are processed at the institution through a classification officer. Depending on the inmates classification status plays a roll on which ones get to go outside the gates to work. If the inmates refuse to work then they are subject to solitary confinement. It’s called….GIVING BACK!

    @ equalpayforstaff…..you are totally correct! The officers do NOT get the recognition they deserve. Many people don’t see them as an important part in the work force. Many people don’t realize they put themselves and their families in danger on a daily basis; because they do NOT have any type of firearm to defend themselves. They are ONLY given pepper spray and have to rely of fellow officers to have their backs if something goes wrong. With that being said, it takes a special kind of person to fill those positions, and NOT very many are willing to do so. But they are the first ones to complain or have negative remarks against the officers.

  7. Jerry Simmons on January 27th, 2013 8:01 pm

    I have a question: Where did the statement “Estabished 1908″ come from on the right leg of the sign? Or am U missing something? I think perhaps someone made a mistake.
    Flomaton was incorporated in 1908 and not Century.
    The Alger-Sullivan Lumber Company was incorporated in 1900 and the town/mill was built in 1901, with the first major production run of lumber in early 1902.
    In April 1901, Edward Hauss, in writing a letter to General R.A. Alger, made the statement, “We have named the new station, ‘Century.’” So that’s the first time we see the name used officially.
    South Flomaton, which was incorporated in 1945, changed its name to “Century” in the late 1970s – early 1980s in order for a move to annex the town of Century to be more acceptable to its residents. After a couple of misfires on the annexation attempt, it was final;ly approved by the voters in the early 1980s.
    So where did “Established 1908″ come from? I still think someone made an error.

  8. equalpayforstaff on January 27th, 2013 1:31 am

    Correctional officers earn $14.00 to $16.00 per hour. It’s nice to know that keeping watch over Florida’s criminals does not pay as much as the State thinks their “inmate labor” is worth. Of course if the inmates had to pay health insurance, taxes, retirement ect. their bring back to the institution pay would not even be note worthy.

    Let’s give thanks to those officers that spend their days and nights keeping these guys behind bars.

  9. JIM W on January 26th, 2013 8:09 pm

    @ David H Green you make entirely too much sense you may confuse some with facts. Careful. LOL! (keep up the good work)

  10. T on January 26th, 2013 1:51 pm

    Thanks David! When them guys go out into your communities they want to go it’s not slavery. We have the maintenance and motor pool inmates fix power equipment, ice makers, ball parks, golf carts, iron work, move buildings all for the schools and cities this saves money for the tax payers.

  11. David Huie Green on January 26th, 2013 12:29 pm

    “At a cost to the taxpayers of 70 to 80 thousand dollars per year to house and feed these criminals”

    It’s still higher than we wish to spend, but it’s closer to $18,000/inmate/year. And they’re going to cost us that whether they do any good or not.


    “Per Diem (FY 11-12)
    It costs an average $49.24 a day or $18,022 per year to house an inmate in a Florida prison.”

    “Primary Offense # Inmates % total inmates
    Robbery With Weapon 8,852 8.8
    Burglary of a Dwelling 8,356 8.3
    Manufacture, Sale/Purch – - Drugs 8,344 8.3
    Capital (First Degree) Murder 6,780 6.7
    Drug Trafficking 6,753 6.7
    Lewd and Lascivious Behavior 4,828 4.8
    Second Degree Murder 4,734 4.7
    Robbery Without Weapon 3,623 3.6
    Aggravated Battery 3,280 3.3
    Weapons Possession 3,083 3.1”

    “The majority of Florida’s state-run prisons ARE NOT air conditioned. All contracted prisons are air conditioned. “

    (So if you have to go to prison, ask for a contract prison, dhg)

    “More than 84% of prison inmates work in jobs ranging from laundry, cooking and prison maintenance to prison industries and outside work squads. Community Work Squad inmates perform services under agreements with the Department of Transportation, other state agencies such as the Division of Forestry, counties, cities, municipalities, and non-profit organizations. In Fiscal Year 2011-12, the Department of Corrections’ Community Work Squad inmates worked 5.8 million hours in our communities, saving Florida taxpayers more than $46 million.”

    David for changing criminals into non criminals
    (if we just knew how)

  12. David Huie Green on January 26th, 2013 12:05 pm

    “I love reading all of the comments from ignorant people that complain about what it costs to house an inmate. The same people complain when these thugs are stealing their stuff.”

    We like to complain and it seems you do too, so it’s all good.

    David for happiness

  13. Sgt.'s Wife on January 26th, 2013 10:41 am

    DITTO….Lt. Lassiter! A majority of the inmates are not HARD CORE criminals. Rather they made some bad choices in life and paying the price. Great job to all the inmates involved in making this possible.

  14. just saying on January 26th, 2013 10:25 am

    @Scott Lassiter you mean the inmates?

  15. Just Sayin on January 26th, 2013 10:15 am

    Umm no its called slavery and that is outlawed in this country. Those men are held in prison as punishment for their crimes. None of them were sentenced to forced labor. Because if in inmate is not willing to work he is locked in solitary confinement.

  16. Working Man on January 26th, 2013 9:22 am

    I assume the state reflects the amount a business would actually pay out for an employee. The cost of payroll isn’t just the amount that an individual takes home, unfortunately. The cost of insurance, especially workman’s comp for roadway work, is huge.

  17. T on January 26th, 2013 7:08 am

    Its called giving back maybe this will help!! Thanks CCI team there’s more to come…

  18. SCOTT LASSITER on January 25th, 2013 8:34 pm

    Great looking sign. Special thanks to the ones who were not in the picture, who did the real work. Thanks. Lt. L.

  19. ignorant people on January 25th, 2013 7:35 pm

    I love reading all of the comments from ignorant people that camplain about what it cost to house an inmate. The same people complain when these thugs are stealing their stuff. which would you rather a little money to keep them locked up and get a little work out of them while they are or leave them out to steal the stuff you work to have. You should know a little about what you are talking about before you comment!

  20. poplardell on January 25th, 2013 5:46 pm

    Inmate labor is calculated at a higher rate than what the people watching them make.

  21. matt on January 25th, 2013 5:20 pm

    The first city is Florida??? really? …

  22. Randy on January 25th, 2013 3:06 pm

    1. Have to agree with Sandra on this one, but I think her figuares are a little off. According to DOC, it costs approximately 15 to 20 thousand per inmate annually for housing, food, medical care, institutional charges and staff salaries. So, the term free inmate labor, is a little misleading…. don’t ya think…

  23. Joe on January 25th, 2013 11:53 am

    @ The Preacher Wife There is no air conditioning for the inmates just fans unless some one opens the window in the WINTER. just thought you should know. KEEPING WORKING…….

  24. Sandra on January 25th, 2013 11:47 am

    At a cost to the taxpayers of 70 to 80 thousand dollars per year to house and feed these criminals I hardly call the work free. But I am glad to see them out earning some of their keep back.

  25. JIM W on January 25th, 2013 10:45 am

    Excellent work guys! Keep up the good work! It is well appreciated by the community.

  26. The Preacher's Wife on January 25th, 2013 8:32 am

    Looks great! Good to see inmates working while in prison. It teaches them good work ethics and shows that prison isn’t just three meals a day, TV, and air conditioning. More prisons should learn a lesson from this facility.

  27. Willene Bryan on January 25th, 2013 6:37 am

    Thank you CCI for such a great service.