Gaetz: Consider Internet Sales Tax, But Not Gun Control

January 22, 2013

Senate President Don Gaetz, R-Niceville, said the Legislature should consider finding ways to collect the sales tax on online purchases, but all but ruled out taking up any gun control proposals in 2013.

Speaking with the Tampa Bay Times’ editorial board, Gaetz said he was open to discussing measures aimed at getting out-of-state businesses to collect the required sales tax on Internet sales. Democrats have proposed the idea as a way of closing the state’s budget gap for years.

“I think that’s an anomaly in the tax code, maybe an inequity in the tax code, that seems to me we have to look at,” Gaetz said.

The Senate president also said he backs universal background checks for the purchase of guns, but he doesn’t anticipate that and other ideas for gun control to land on the Senate agenda this year.

“Congress is going to take that up,” he told the paper. “Let them have that debate.”

By The News Service of Florida


13 Responses to “Gaetz: Consider Internet Sales Tax, But Not Gun Control”

  1. Owen on January 25th, 2013 4:24 pm

    I take my American dollar to buy something and my dollar gets
    Taxed to death work hard to make that dollar and some one works just as
    Hard to tax it to death I wish they will look at at how much you tax a person out if a job
    Like before doing this post they say follow some rule read the rules
    Read the rules and it makes wonder if freedom of speech is buried 6 feet under

  2. Not Barack or Biden on January 22nd, 2013 12:00 pm


    Cut spending…there’s and idea…

    Quit being a teenager and quit spending what you….I mean the tax payer doesn’t have…

    Odd concept?

  3. tax on January 22nd, 2013 11:17 am

    The way internet tax works right now is you are only taxed if the business you order from has a store front in your state. If you are ordering from another state you are not taxed. They want to change it to where you are taxed no matter what state you order from.

  4. Tax on January 22nd, 2013 9:38 am

    If you buy from are threw you will pay taxes in Fl. I payed taxes on a order the other day. Also if the company you order from has a store in Fl you will pay taxes.

  5. xpeecee on January 22nd, 2013 8:36 am

    You know, it is ironic to me that, when government money runs short, instead of blaming it on too much spending, liberals blame it on the people not paying enough taxes. And when someone gets shot, instead of blaming it on criminals, liberals blame it on guns. Me thinks we need to look at liberal politicians for the problem. : (

  6. xpeecee on January 22nd, 2013 8:28 am

    We should be searching for ways to cut spending, not ways to get more money! Still looking for politicians we can trust…… : (

  7. mg on January 22nd, 2013 6:13 am

    @northend… not sure where you are buying your goods, but I have never paid sales tax on online purchases and I buy stuff online all the time.

    Now if you do something like Walmart site-to-store, then yes you pay sales tax, but not on direct delivery to your home.

  8. Brian on January 22nd, 2013 6:09 am

    Gaetz does NOT get it. The state of Florida has been raking us over the coals for years now. We pay more in fuel tax then our neighbors and how about the reminders of how much government costs us when we have to either renew our tag or the extra cost now to get a brand new one!

  9. Fairlane63 on January 22nd, 2013 6:07 am

    So-called Conservative Don Gaetz is not opposed to tax increases and further gun control– I’m less than shocked. Gaetz also voted for the original septic tank inspection bill a while back.

    Someone please remind me, how are the two parties different again?

  10. Jane on January 22nd, 2013 5:07 am

    Email Mr. Gaetz if you disagree with him!!

  11. Jane on January 22nd, 2013 5:06 am

    There is already a tax on internet sales. Now they want another one?

  12. SW on January 22nd, 2013 2:16 am

    Senator, please take a look at the US Constitution, then a look at the Florida Constitution.

    Act accordingly, sir.

  13. Northend resident on January 22nd, 2013 2:02 am

    Gee!! Everywhere you go these days, seems someone has their hand out wanting more and more money. Especially government! When will it stop? I just have one questions. Why would Senator Gaetz be CONSIDERING charging sales tax on internet sales when they ARE ALREADY DOING IT. Just try to buy something online in FL and see how fast that sales tax popes up on your total bill. Who are they trying to kid? We need to start by rounding up all the republicans and send them back where they come from next election.