Escambia County Deputy Apparently Rear-Ends Semi

January 28, 2013

There were no serious injuries when an Escambia County Sheriff’s deputy apparently rear-ended a semi about 2:40 Monday afternoon on Highway 29 at East Kingsfield Road. There was no word on the cause of the crash. The accident remains under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. Reader submitted photos courtesy Cari Hadley (above) and Jerah Parker (below) for, click to enlarge.


45 Responses to “Escambia County Deputy Apparently Rear-Ends Semi”

  1. Really on January 30th, 2013 9:22 am

    @lawman, even though it was, as you say, an accident, that still doesn’t relieve him of a ticket if it were his fault. Cops write tickets everyday for ACCIDENTS…

  2. Bill on January 30th, 2013 7:55 am

    Next time you driving around town / county observe the LEO 95% will be on the cell phone I can’t understand how they can do this and be able to observe their beat and be alert to potential crime

  3. matt a. on January 30th, 2013 7:51 am

    @ abe, there are idiots in all walks of life and in every profession. It is wrong of you to judge all based on the actions of a few and makes an already stressful job even more so. Shame on you :(

  4. David Huie Green on January 30th, 2013 7:40 am


    The ones who gripe will gripe.
    The ones who say nothing have not been rude or disrespectful.
    The ones who know a car can stop quicker than a semi can reasonably assume if a car rear ends a semi, that car was too close for safety and even then the driver was not paying attention at the critical moment.

    David for understanding

  5. Abe on January 30th, 2013 7:09 am

    A turn signal, weather required by law or not, is to let anyone that is near you, weather you know they are near you or not, know of your intentions. When failure to use a turn signal “interferes with traffic” it is too late.

    I have the utmost respect for State Troopers as a unit. I see their professionalism almost daily. I know if I get a ticket from them that they don’t turn right around and do the same thing they just got me for.

    The point being, as LEO’s you are being held, rightfully, to a higher standard of conduct. When the public sees the same vehicle at the same time of day, every day, speeding to work, it reinforces the stereotype that LEO’s think that the law does not apply to them.
    When wrecks happen involving LEO’s, like has been the norm lately, we tend to remember all the times we saw the carelessness.
    Instead of blaming the public for their perceptions of lack of professionalism, maybe LEO’s should do things, or stop doing things, to change perceptions.

  6. lawman on January 30th, 2013 2:03 am

    @ ABE and IMN

    Once again, it is not intented that the public need to know the procedures of law enforcement. The level of respect for officers in north escambia is very poor, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!!!! Stuff happens Dep ANderson is a friend and glad he is ok. P.S failing to use a turn signal is not againist the law, only when it adversely effects traffic, knowledge is power, assuming shows ones ignorance.

  7. John on January 29th, 2013 2:51 pm

    What you talkin’ bout Willis?

    This current group of residents that post on North Escambia has to be the most disrespectful group of people to the LEO community. These deputies are driving 3 times the daily mileage as we do.

    The rules apply to all…Willis…


  8. Insurance Agent on January 29th, 2013 1:32 pm

    People need to call their agent and get the correct understanding of PIP-no fault and BI-SR22 in the state of FLorida. Everybody is about half right.

  9. lisa on January 29th, 2013 12:42 pm

    Watched the whole thing happen. Hope the officer was ok. He was going to fast and to close. Knew it was going to happen. Light turned yellow truck driver stopped and the officer was to close. The truck driver stopped at a normal pace.

  10. Just saying on January 29th, 2013 11:32 am

    Last I heard the average for Law Enforcement Patrol is one wreck every 36,000 miles due to the amount (all day) and type (high risk) of driving. That being said, ECSO is far better as a whole than that. Also everybody makes mistakes and if at fault he WILL get a ticket by FHP. So not only will he have the same punishment as regular citizens (increased insurance, fines) he’ll get added punishment as work (wrote up, suspended, ect..).

    Just saying

  11. James on January 29th, 2013 10:33 am

    Im a bike rider and also a Cop and a Escambia Fl Deputy was not paying attenetion when I was behind him in the left lane and he was in the right lane then all of the sudden he cut across in front of me and into a turning lane not giving a signal and if I was not paying attenetion to the traffic he would had hit me I had to slam on brakes and he never stopped are anything to this day I dont think he new I was there.

  12. comeon mannn on January 29th, 2013 9:18 am

    @Imn If you are “retired” law enforcement then you would stick up for those folks instead of talking negative about them and you would know that they do have to drive crazy, speed and turn there lights on to go thru red lights just to some times pull in to a burger place or store because they where going to a high priority call and they then get cancelled off that call so they get off the road. Instead of judging them stop in and ask them. Most officers i have talked to are very nice and are people with family’s and kids. Everyone makes mistake. even you Imn. This was an accident, they happen, to everybody!!! Hope the officer is ok!!!

  13. lmn on January 29th, 2013 8:44 am

    AMEN, Abe

  14. lmn on January 29th, 2013 8:40 am

    I do respect law enforcement and am retired law enforcement myself. I have seen them do this and then pull into the local hamburger joint or quick store for lunch, coffee, etc..

  15. Willis II on January 29th, 2013 8:36 am

    This current group of residents that post on North Escambia has to be the most disrespectful group of people to the LEO community. These deputies are driving 3 times the daily mileage as we do.

  16. Abe on January 29th, 2013 8:08 am

    The new/old Sheriff does not seemed concerned but I am. I’ve never heard of this many cops having accidents. I have witnessed Deputies, every morning at the same time, speeding down I-110 on their way to work, changing lanes without using a turn signal, etc,etc.

    Respect is earned and stereotyping is learned. set up the computers in these cars where they can’t be operated while the car is moving.

  17. Correction on January 29th, 2013 6:54 am

    2funny, you are WRONG. Florida is a NO fault state. While you may get a ticket, it’s still a no fault state.

  18. masterofsarcasm on January 29th, 2013 6:06 am

    @legal Knowledge:

    You are correct…Thank you for your googled searched answer. ;)

  19. JT on January 29th, 2013 5:05 am

    @ To Funny – You are incorrect. Texting and driving is not illegal in the state of Florida. It is in Alabama.

  20. Stumpknocker on January 29th, 2013 12:07 am

    @ME, IS THE SKY BLUE IN YOUR WORLD? So he should loose his job over an accident,time off loose benefits how bout lets just treat this person fair.These deputies drive a lot of miles every single day.The deputy here received a ticket for his actions just like everyone else would have.After listening to the wittiness who was in the next lane i can understand how this may have occurred.The truck driver looked in his rear view mirror seen the deputy and stomped on his brakes causing all the tires to lock up and white smoke poor off of them,it appeared the deputy was close enough to the trailer that the trailer blocked his view of the red light and could not see the cycle of the light.It was also stated that the truck driver slammed on brakes with a yellow light,we have all seen these trucks up and down hwy 29 blow through the yellow lights.Never the less the deputy was found at fault and cited for it.

  21. bill l on January 28th, 2013 9:25 pm

    what is apparent it happened just look at the car hope all is well

  22. Bobby C on January 28th, 2013 9:20 pm

    There were accidents involving people who were rear ended long before there were cell phones and text messages. It’s amazing how much people speculate or how quick they are to talk trash.

  23. They aren't perfect on January 28th, 2013 8:52 pm

    Last week a State Trooper passed me in same area texting while driving. If you are paying full attention to the road in front of you it is rather hard to rear end someone just saying.

  24. kelsey on January 28th, 2013 8:24 pm

    sorry sorry

  25. poplardell on January 28th, 2013 7:15 pm

    No pedestal, No judgement. It is what it is. Hope the officer is okay as it looks like he received the worst of this accident.

  26. Carli on January 28th, 2013 6:51 pm

    “Confused on January 28th, 2013 5:33 pm

    I’m confused, which is nothing new. In the first picture it looks like they are southbound and the accident occured with the truck in the turn lane into the mom and pop gas station between Mcd’s and Wendys, but in the second picture it looks like the accident occured in front of Wendys/Shell in the Northbound lanes.

    I took the top photo. It happened in front of Wendy’s. (The photo was taken from the Wendy’s parking lot). What you’re seeing that may look a convenience store is some type of equipment truck passing in the southbound lanes, I believe).

  27. Heeeyyy? on January 28th, 2013 6:36 pm

    (Truck Driver) :Wow, you got here fast!!!

    (Deputy): Yah, how bout that license & registration?

    Just kidding :) Hope everyone involved is ok. Thank you Deputies for what you do, just gotta poke a little fun at you guys…

  28. Legal knowledge on January 28th, 2013 6:24 pm

    @Just sayin: Actually, Florida IS a no-fault state, but the term “no fault” simply means your insurer will go ahead and pay economic expenses (repairs, etc,) up to the policy limits, regardless of who is at fault. But you may sue the true at-fault party (when fault becomes determined) for any damages that were over your policy limit as well as any medical expenses that your PIP covered. Usually your insurance will take action on their own to recover from the at-fault person’s insurance to recoup what they paid out to you.

    @2Funny: an SR-22 is only for someone who DID NOT have bodily injury coverage, and was then the cause of an accident resulting in bodily injury to another. They are then required to carry an SR-22 issued by their insurance carrier certifying and proving to the State and DMV that they have bodily injury coverage.

  29. Bobby C on January 28th, 2013 6:00 pm

    It’s clearly apparent that Law Enforcement Officers are the only people that its still ok to stereotype or be prejudice against. I guess they’re don’t deserve political correctness. Kind of ironic since they’re the first people who would rush into danger to protect the life of you or your loved ones. I hope the Deputy is ok. To a those people hating on the cops, especially you “Mom”, I’m sure your the first one to call 911 when you’re in fear.

  30. Buddy on January 28th, 2013 5:54 pm

    Hey Imn
    Cops turn their lights on to go through the red lights in order to get to a high priority call faster. The reason they turn their lights back off is usually because they do not have permission from a supervisor to respond with lights and siren. They are risking the chance of getting in trouble in order to help someone faster. Before you worry about the example law enforcement makes on our children, you need worry about the example you make on your children. Start by respecting law enforcement.

  31. me on January 28th, 2013 5:50 pm

    Well i do believe wether ur a cop or an average worker u should be held accountable what if that would have been a bus loaded with kids or a motorcycle i also believe his supervisor should take action other than a ticket. How about time off without pay written reprimand if its shown he was on that phone how about lose the job no benefits. Officers are not above the law

  32. To Funny on January 28th, 2013 5:49 pm

    Texting and driving is against the Law didnt you know this !!!

  33. Confused on January 28th, 2013 5:33 pm

    I’m confused, which is nothing new. In the first picture it looks like they are southbound and the accident occured with the truck in the turn lane into the mom and pop gas station between Mcd’s and Wendys, but in the second picture it looks like the accident occured in front of Wendys/Shell in the Northbound lanes.

  34. Justsaying on January 28th, 2013 5:17 pm

    Hope all are OK, personalty I think 29 is a death trap , not saying this accident was due to all them open turn off,s in the fast lane for anyone that wants to make a left and crossover , every one of them cut overs should have there own turning lane, people in the left lane are traveling 45 to 55 and over and then BAM , someone slams on there breaks so they can make a left , STUPID , eliminate them or make them all with turning lanes , God know,s they got enough of a grass medium there to do so . again hope all involved are ok .

  35. mnon on January 28th, 2013 5:07 pm

    oh my neck! My back! My neck and my back oouuuch!!!

  36. just saying on January 28th, 2013 5:06 pm

    To: 2 funny: SR-22 is for if you cause bodily injury to someone and you don’t have 10,000 dollars to pay their medical bills.

  37. mom on January 28th, 2013 4:49 pm

    Doesn’t matter what happened, it was an accident….hope he is ok

  38. Forgiveness on January 28th, 2013 4:38 pm

    I think it’s not fair us to judge anyone else, especially when we ourselves are not perfect. I hope this Deputy is okay, I heard he went by ambulance and might be hurt. I know I have rear-ended a car before that didn’t have brake lights. I would hate to condemn someone before I had all the facts. Deputy Anderson I am praying you heal. We all live in glass houses, therefore we should be careful throwing stones.

  39. Bondo on January 28th, 2013 4:34 pm

    Officers are human and they do make mistakes. Instead of bashing him or her remember who comes to your aid when you call for help. Thanks for what you do LEO!

  40. molino jim on January 28th, 2013 4:23 pm

    I can hear the radio message now—”I think I need a supervisor”. I’ll not repeat what the supervisor said when they got there.

  41. 2funny on January 28th, 2013 4:23 pm

    It was clearly the officers fault, being that Florida is an at fault state. He should also be required to carry and SR-22 for 3 yrs and get a careless driving ticket!!! Was he texting, or surfing the net possibly?

  42. lmn on January 28th, 2013 3:55 pm

    Seeing more and more of this. The deputies in Escambia County drive way too fast. I have seen them turn their lights on go throgh a red light and immediately turn their lights off. These are the same men and women who are supposed to be protecting us and setting examples for our children. I,m sure that somehow it will be the truck drivers fault. Our taxes at work again.

  43. matt on January 28th, 2013 3:48 pm

    Texting I am sure… Taste the Irony

  44. Jen on January 28th, 2013 3:47 pm

    cell phone?

  45. MOM3 on January 28th, 2013 3:47 pm

    Don’t they know your not suppose to TEXT & DRIVE