Century Against Escambia Transit Gas Tax; Asking Legislature For Exemption

January 8, 2013

The Town of Century is still refusing to go along with a planned four cent gasoline tax hike approved by Escambia County, instead opting to lobby the Legislature for an exemption.

Century has refused sign off on an interlocal agreement with Escambia County that would allocate additional gas taxes collected in Century to the county for mass transit. Town officials contend the new tax is unfair to North Escambia residents and may force the three gas stations in Century to close as they force drivers choosing to purchase lower priced gasoline across the state line in Flomaton.

The Century Town Council passed a resolution Monday night asking the Legislature to exempt Century due to the town’s proximity to Alabama. The town says the gasoline tax is currently 27 cents less in across the state line in Flomaton.

The resolution also sates that the four cents for ECAT “benefits the south end of the county significantly more than the north end of the county”.

Without the exemption from the Legislature, Century’s refusal to to play along with the county’s new gas tax is perhaps a moot point.

Amy Lovoy, the county’s budget chief, said the county will still receive the additional gas tax proceeds collected in Century because Century will automatically be included if the tax is approved by Pensacola, the largest municipality in the county.

Pictured: Two of Century’s three gas stations at the intersection of East Highway 4 and Highway 29. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Century Against Escambia Transit Gas Tax; Asking Legislature For Exemption”

  1. James Broel on January 9th, 2013 9:26 pm

    429SCJ, for the first time we agree on something. I’ll write it down for the record books. Lol. Well said!!

  2. County Resident on January 9th, 2013 5:23 pm

    Well….looks like I will be taking all my fuel purchases to Santa Rosa County. The commisioners are not listening too the voters that put them in office. Mr. Barry….if you voted yes…then you have lost my support for any upcoming elections. ECAT needs to support itself or scale back its routes.

  3. 429SCJ on January 9th, 2013 8:09 am

    Why are you people complaining. If I had a nickle for every dollar that changed hands in Escambia County without taxation, over the course of a week.

    You don’t fight the system, you roll and flow with it. Grow up! Get with the program.

  4. melodies4us on January 8th, 2013 8:38 pm

    I can not believe that the county commissioners voted for such an expensive tax when the cost of gasoline is already sinking every family’s ship.We own a small business. I will soon be paying Ecat 200 dollars a month. What were they thinking. Its all because they built that base ball stadium. Ever since they built “the Maritine Park” the county commission is scrambling for money. First talks of cutting the pention the the police and now this.

  5. James Broel on January 8th, 2013 5:36 pm

    Robert Jackson in your theory any money the government takes from you for other purposes is stealing…like social security is stealing…funding by the government for anything is stealing by this simplistic definition. I think you should rethink your opinion. We can’t have anything operate without revenue in taxes and fees from government in our society.

  6. Betty on January 8th, 2013 2:57 pm

    They need to down size the buses and up the cost to ride them. Also expand the routes and areas they cover. Personally I don’t think there is enough riders to add 4 cents to the gas tax. This is for the people who work for ECAT. If I had known Wilson Robertson would be one to vote for this, There was enough people in my family that would have voted for Cassey. And it would have been goodbye Wilson.

  7. bob hudson on January 8th, 2013 11:35 am

    Did not like the way the tax was put in, do not agree with the tax, but in true government form, why make it more efficient????? Nope we’ll just take it from the tax payer.Between, our tax taking, spend more than we make government, and the local waste of our county government,(which is still better than being consolidated under the city) a mule can only carry so much , and government is about to kill the mule.

  8. Robert Jackson on January 8th, 2013 11:22 am

    When the government takes your money to give it to others without your consent, it’s stealing.

  9. Hames Broel on January 8th, 2013 10:37 am

    I agree with you Adam…we just can’t pick and choose because we all live in the same county…it’s silly for Century to think they aren’t supposed to pay tax too.

  10. Concerned on January 8th, 2013 10:12 am

    I dislike having to pay the tax increase and we live in the Bratt area, the only gas station we have is located in Davisville which is high. Atmore is higher because of the lastest City tax increase they had. But my biggest issue is: being behind an ECAT bus with maybe 2 people waiting to get on. Haven’t you noticed the full view advertisements on the buses; covering up exacly how many riders use ECAT? We get frustrated where there are only 2-6 students per school bus passing by much less 2-6 riders possibly paying or not to ride. Our county pays for a lot of wasted gas and wages. Look at all the county vehicles running the roads. If you ask me we have an upside down pyramid two many people wanting the pay a job offers, but not the work he/she needs to contribute. Just think when Century Memorial Hospital and University Hospital were county owned there was a van for picking up supplies and the administrator and other employees having to attend meetings etc. used their own personal vehicles and were reimbursed so much a mile. Sure would save a lot of county tax dollars if we did go back to a lot of the old ways.

  11. Adam on January 8th, 2013 8:30 am

    While I dislike the tax also, I also dislike being taxed for money taken from me and my neighbors to go for things in Century. I never go to the boat ramps, libraries or parks up there. The only road I ever go on is US 29, so why should any of my money go for upkeep for other Century roads, and on and on. Get over it.

  12. Football mom on January 8th, 2013 8:20 am

    Please clarify if I’m wrong, but didn’t we have to vote several years ago on a 1-cent sales or gas tax (I can’t recall the purpose just now–schools maybe?)…why did THIS action not REQUIRE a citizens’ vote? It seems like there would be legislation preventing a local “board” from unilaterally implementing a tax.

  13. Really on January 8th, 2013 8:17 am

    I agree with the Town pursing exemption, the North End seems to always end up with the short end of the deal

    @ Sho-Nuff

    I must disagree with your assessment that the current leadership in Century has not been effective. Mayor McCall has brought in code enforcement, cleaned up the 29 corridor (several buildings have been torn down and/or cleaned up). As for Flomaton being “prettier” than Century, you must take any of the other roads in town but 29. One block off and the town is no different than Century. The council and the Mayor can only do so much. The rest is up to the citizens of Century to take pride in their town and clean up their own mess. I feel the Mayor is doing a great job, but how do get industry to invest in a town with little resources. If you have better ideas, run for Mayor and make changes, or better yet get involved, attend a town meeting, address the council with your ideas for improvement. Negativity gets the town no where.

  14. SHO-NUFF on January 8th, 2013 1:32 am

    I hope Century wins this one.
    I doubt they will unless the town gives up all the other perks they benefit from provided by the County tax base.

    I traveled through Century with a businessman on the way to I-65. He commented on what a “Dump” the place appeared to be with all of the run down and closed businesses, along with trashy yards fronting Hwy. 29. He said, “Why would I wan’t to invest money in this place”?

    Sadly, traveling North on Hwy 29 gives a bad impression for the town of Century, curb appeal goes along way…..
    Cross the bridge into Flomation, and things look much better, with only a railroad track and State line dividing the two.

    Century needs to have codes, and enforce codes about the broken down cars, dilapidated buildings, houses and other things that kill the curb appeal for potential business investors.

    Century will never prosper under the current leadership and will never be an attractive place for future businesses to locate.