Body Found Behind Hwy 29 Business Is Identified; Investigators Seek Info

January 28, 2013

The body found Friday afternoon behind a Highway 29 business was that of a 35-year old Pensacola woman, investigators said.

The body of Melisa Midori Townsend was found in a field behind Alternative Powersports, near Kenmore Boulevard. Investigators said it appeared that the body had been at the location for a few days at the time of discovery.

Her next of kin were notified Sunday. An autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is looking to speak to anyone that may have seen Townsend in the last couple of weeks. She was known to frequent the areas of Davis Highway, Brent Lane, Pensacola Boulevard, Olive Road and Burgess Road.

Anyone with information about Townsend during the last two weeks is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


45 Responses to “Body Found Behind Hwy 29 Business Is Identified; Investigators Seek Info”

  1. Susan on February 24th, 2013 7:16 pm

    I met Melisa in 2009. She was such a sweet lady. My heart was crushed when I heard the news of her death. Rest in peace, Melisa.
    I’m furious that the tv stations are not continuing to put her pic up so someone will come forward. Have been searching online for new info, but nothing. Melisa didn’t deserve to die this way, and I am grieved.
    I pray that soon her killer will be found.
    Love you, Melisa.

  2. Lisa Watson on February 4th, 2013 1:03 pm

    Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me…. Jesus.

    Rest in Peace Melissa. No one chooses to live the things you had to go through. No one knows what your life was like except you. Whatever demons from your past haunted you, I pray they are gone now.

    For the rest of you: As you judge others, so shall YOU be judged. So be kind.

  3. Amanda on February 4th, 2013 10:54 am

    Dearest Melissa: I hope your life in heaven is better than the one you left down here. No more Sickness, Disease, Poverty, Lack, Mo more cold, no more addiction, No more Jail, no more streets, no more begging, no more sleeping outside, no more jokes, or stares. No more being Judged, by people that Don’t even KNOW you….Melissa, I pray for you and the ones you left behind. Maybe this tragedy will Wake Them Up also!!! We miss you, but actually am glad in a way, to know that Finally ALL your pain and suffering is over….sleep with the Angels……..R-I-P. <3 Amanda

  4. David Huie Green on January 30th, 2013 5:22 pm

    “considering Strange assumption
    No one was condemning anyone by quoting Matthew 25:35. ”

    Please re read what you wrote: “I assume from your comments that you would rather her starve to death than have the opportunity to buy drugs or alcohol? You have assumed that this woman, and all others that beg, are on drugs or are alcoholics”

    You assume I wanted her to starve by suggesting giving food rather than drugs.

    You assumed I was assuming she was a particular way rather than that I had read her official record and what those who knew her said.

    You assume “For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:” actually means people are supposed to drop a little cash and ignore the real need.

    You assume those who disagree in how to meet a need aren’t real Christians.

    You assume it is okay to condemn those who decide to avoid this disease for not supporting those who didn’t.

    “David if you ever have anything positive to say about anything or anybody Please, Please put it on the front page.”

    The front page of what?
    Oh, never mind, you aren’t commenting further.

    I have had many positive things to say about people. In this instance, I praise those who chose to not give a lady a serpent when she needed a fish, those who didn‘t decide all they had to do was give her scraps of money and write her off, those who didn‘t try to shame others into doing the wrong thing by pretending it was the right thing.

    David hoping your prayers are answered
    and eyes opened

  5. NO Excuses on January 30th, 2013 3:16 pm

    I feel badly for what happened to Melisa. However, I am with David. Don’t give money to an addict. If they need food, feed them. If they need clothes, clothe them. Don’t give them what they need to feed their addiction. Usually, that’s money.

    Homeless shelters are also available if shelter is needed. She might only need a ride to get her there. Many times, it’s simply easier to give them money and not worry about it. You should – those drugs keep people like Melisa where they are.

  6. Christina on January 30th, 2013 2:53 pm

    This is such a terrible thing to happen to anyone regardless of their situation. Its even sadder to me that people are more focused on casting stones than finding a murderer. Regardless of what this lady did or didnt do, she still didnt deserve this. For those of you that are quoting scriptures…your leaving out the ones about murderers. Only She and God know her troubles, and God is the only person she will have to answer to. As some of you will have to answer for your comments oneday.

    Most of you should truly practice those scriptures you preach and read up about the DISEASE of addiction. Maybe you will gather facts and realize that addiction is not a choice.

    I pray that this lady found peace and comfort in God if even just for a minute of her life. I pray the person that did this to her is caught and held accountable for their crime. I pray her family finds peace and strength in this difficult time. I also pray that some of you people find some sort of compassion or atleast the ability to empathize.

    Christina – For the Victims Rights

  7. Simply amazed on January 30th, 2013 9:14 am

    considering Strange assumption

    No one was condemning anyone by quoting Matthew 25:35. Simply saying you never know who is an angel when you wave them off. My last comment on this matter is this. David if you ever have anything positive to say about anything or anybody Please, Please put it on the front page.
    May God bless and keep you is my prayer

  8. David Huie Green on January 30th, 2013 8:54 am

    Strange assumption.
    I assume in this instance the public record is accurate.
    I assume when Christ said a father would not give a serpent to a child who asked for a fish that a request for food should be honored but not in a way which would turn it into a serpent.
    I assume people should not be shamed into doing evil.
    I assume the lady was not beyond saving and needing to be hurried toward her grave.

    Of course, I could be wrong and you could be right.

    David for reasonable assumptions and actions

  9. JAS on January 30th, 2013 8:31 am

    Really ? a womans life has been taken by someone this is the second time that I know of in a year on HWY 29 , We should worried about it happening again next time it might be someone we know & love .. Have a little respect for this woman just because she was doing something you don’t aprove of her lifestyle wasn’t good doesnt mean she deserved to die because she beggd for money .” DON’T JUDGE !!”
    Sending prayers to this family during this awful time, don’t forget she was someones daughter !

  10. Abe on January 30th, 2013 7:31 am

    I assume from your comments that you would rather her starve to death than have the opportunity to buy drugs or alcohol? You have assumed that this woman, and all others that beg, are on drugs or are alcoholics. I assure you that their are a lot more people getting their drug of choice legally by way of perscription.

    She wasn’t a “king” or “prince” but certainly of a heavy heart.

    May God take her in his arms and comfort her and make her whole.

  11. David Huie Green on January 29th, 2013 10:10 pm

    And lest any think I don’t deeply regret the loss of this lady’s life, they’re wrong. Even though we all will die, it’s a shame every time someone decides to kill another or every time a life ends earlier than it might’ve.

    Whoever killed her might kill any one of us.

    It is simply irritating when folks condemn those who didn’t keep her on her path to destruction by claiming that Christ’s admonition to feed the hungry means “give them money so they can eat if they wish or buy drugs if they prefer”. If He had meant that, He would likely have said that.

    They even justify enabling by saying “Proverbs 31:7 says “Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more”.” Thereby totally perverting the instructions leading up to it:
    “4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink:
    “5 Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.
    “6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.”

    This clearly shows the result will be that they will perish. They try to shame caring people into supporting the drug habits of others.

    Whoever started her on the path to destruction with the lie that she should try it and could quit any time if she didn’t like it is every much to blame for her problems as those who kept helping her stay on that path or the one who finally killed her. The only difference is that the ones in the middle mean well as they help kill her.

    David for fewer wasted lives, wretched souls

  12. Not on January 29th, 2013 9:05 pm

    When are ya going to learnt that you can only help those that want to be helped. She didn’t want help or she wouldn’t have remained on the street. She had family that wanted to help her. People in the community apparently tried to help her. It didn’t work because she didn’t want it to work. It’s not about being a Christian. It’s not about going them money that you think would help support her habit. What it’s all about is realizing some people are beyond help and we shouldn’t for one second feel guilty for what she continued to do to herself. No one deserves to be murdered, but for all we know, she may have laid down to get high and overdosed using the money that se got from panhandling or selling herself.

    Be realistic.

  13. jackie on January 29th, 2013 4:09 pm

    i seen her everyday on burgess n 29 on my way to work n back…gave her a few dollars n cigarettes…i dont know what happened to her or how she died only wat ive heard but i just think about her laying there days before anyone found her and how much i wish i would’ve done more like went an bought her some food gave her some cloths a blanket. maybe talk to her a lil bit. sad to hear its but peope never realize somethings till its to late. i’ll pray for her family

  14. Larry on January 29th, 2013 4:01 pm

    My sister knew this girl, and she was not always in the condition she had fallen into. I want to say this to the family of this precious life that was so brutally taken. You Loved her, You tried to help her. Sometimes no matter what we do to try and help someone, it does not work. I will be praying for you, and I pray God will give you His Grace to get through this terrible time. Guilt is not what any of you should feel, but Love and a sense of family. I pray that this tragedy will spark a new wave of action to help those that are in the situation that Melissa was in and that this community will open their heart and show the true mean of what being a Christian is all about. It is not about a denomination, but about showing the Agape Love of Jesus Christ. Some will except it and their lives will be changed, some will deny it and their lives will surely suffer for it, but in any case we have to try and put a hand out and say to those like Melissa…”I Love you and I want to help you, If you will let me. It isn’t all about money and what you can give materially . What is given from the heart is worth so much more. Father be with Melissa’s family. Give them strength and give them Grace to get through this time.God only you can wrap your arms around them and give them the peace that they need. In JESUS NAME Amen and Amen!

  15. tw on January 29th, 2013 3:56 pm

    “Matthew 7:1&2 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Oh and let me not forget (v5) Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

    Notice there it doesn’t say ” I wanted Crack and you gave me money for it.”

    That’s our problem. Maybe we should be focusing on what it did say instead of what it didn’t say.

  16. David Huie Green on January 29th, 2013 1:16 pm

    “Matthew 7:1&2 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Oh and let me not forget (v5) Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

    Notice there it doesn’t say ” I wanted Crack and you gave me money for it.”

    David for working brains

  17. BIC (believers in Christ) on January 29th, 2013 8:23 am

    Matthew 7:1&2 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Oh and let me not forget (v5) Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
    Melisa actually joined a local church almost 2 years ago. People encounter circumstances and situations in life. you never know what hurt a person may be trying to numb or forget that causes them to lose their way in life.
    So from that get this, Matthew 25:35 For I was hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger and yet took me in:
    If you did any of this for Melisa you will be blessed. If you didn’t keep it moving and hush, because everybody need somebody or something sometime. Her issue may not be your issue but if you live on the earth created by My God you will have trials and tribulations, just hope you survive yours.

  18. David Huie Green on January 29th, 2013 5:47 am

    “It’s not up to us to decide what they’re going to do with the money; it is our duty to give assistance to the needy and plant a seed of love and hope ”

    Actually, it IS up to us to decide whether or not to be wise stewards of our monies and it IS NOT our duty to help a person stay on drugs. Giving a dope addict more drugs — or more money for drugs — is not helping them. The fact that beggars continue to beg shows enough support their “needs” but does not show they are or are not being helped — or at least that people are not TRYING to help. If they weren’t trying, beggars would try other ways of getting money.

    David for real help

  19. 429SCJ on January 29th, 2013 5:41 am

    Amen to the compassionate.

    Let us remember how Christ saved Mary Magdalene from stoning and cast out the 7 demons, that were afflicting her and the course of her life took there after.

    Christ warns us “Every idle word a man shall speak, they shall give an account thereof in the Day of Judgement” Matthew 12:36. I need to remember that one myself more often. See you all in that long long line.

  20. Barbara on January 28th, 2013 10:34 pm

    Yes, like many of you, I too have seen Melisa. You could tell that she was obviously a drug addict and I personally saw her get into a truck after speaking to a man very briefly at a red light. While this life style is a choice, to some there are very few choices to chose from. I am thankful to those who witnessed to her and showed her the true love of Christ. For those who harshly judge her for her way of life, be thankful for the life you have because anyone can become desperate given the right situation. Be thankful that addiction has not taken over your life. It can happen to anyone especially those who are weak….or mentally ill. As far as obeying God when it comes to financially helping people less fortunate, Christ followers, aka Christians, are called to obey. Too many of us question the calling…..making some sort of excuse as to why we dont want to obey. It isnt our right to question God. Just obey.

    For people like this, there are places that can and want to help. Nothing Lost Outreach operated through Ensley Baptist Church, provides hot meals, showers, haircuts, clothing, bedding and many necessities to those less fortunate every Sunday. They have a van that goes all over and picks up anyone who wants to come. Not only do they minister to these people by giving them these things but every person hears the Word of God and can participate in Sunday worship. There is much praising, singing, crying, praying, and repenting. And here u s the kicker….anyone can come volunteer! Some churches rotate volunteering but most forsake it when this ministry interferes with regular Sunday church gatherings. NLO will open your eyes and help you truly see what being a Christian really means. Your heart will forever be changed.
    I pray Melisa knew this kind of love.

    Check out the fb page for NLO…..or call their church for more information

  21. Janie on January 28th, 2013 10:00 pm

    In addition to my previous post, I want to add my prayers to the others for her loved ones. May the sweet presence of His Spirit comfort your hearts during this time.

  22. Janie on January 28th, 2013 8:08 pm

    I appreciate the comments of those who say they shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with Melissa. Personally I am impressed more than ever to be obedient to my Lord’s command as recorded in the gospel of Luke 14:23 : “Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that My house may be filled.” He said that we should spoil the strongman’s house and fill His Kingdom with the treasures of darkness. And,in response to the person who said everyone has the right to choose for himself whether he will accept the salvation Jesus purchased for him, I say this: While everyone does have that free choice to make for himself, it does not dismiss him from the consequences of making the wrong one. JESUS DIED FOR ALL.

  23. kat on January 28th, 2013 7:13 pm

    I work at a hotel on 29. I would see this woman everyday like clockwork walking down the rd. She has been ran out of here numerous times. She was known around here as eggrole. I have not sen her for about 3 weeks or so and had mentioned it just a few days ago. An investigator was in here asking questions about her and then I heard about the body and knew. I pray for her family and I hope she had God in her life at one point and her pain and worries are now gone.

  24. Preda on January 28th, 2013 7:11 pm

    I hope they find who killed her…We need to get the killer of the street. A life is a life.

  25. Praying on January 28th, 2013 4:41 pm

    Addiction can take you everywhere you don’t want to go. This young lady has a family who loves her so much. I am praying for them, there is not words that can provide comfort right now though. I can only imagine a member of my family being found in such a state. Words can be harsh, they can’t be taken back and her family shouldn’t have to reap her consequences. I’m praying…

  26. Me on January 28th, 2013 4:14 pm

    Please remember that Melissa has family that may see these comments. Her family is local and they tried everything to help her. Melissa’s lifestyle may not have been one that we would hope to strive for but her value as one of God’s children is much. Melissa frequented an area where my husband used to work and we saw her on a daily basis. Yes, talked with and prayed for her. Whatever choices she made or felt she had to make didn’t warrant her life being taken in this manner. Please, even though some make the choice to live in this manner, remember sometimes a smile, a “how are you today” or a small note that says “YOU DO MATTER” written on it and passed to one of these corner people might just make them come to realize they are worth loving. Perhaps inviting them to church (sometimes many times) might lead them to walk through that door one day. God uses the imperfect person to reach out, he doesn’t need perfection, he needs willingness to love and care. Sometimes the blessing is not so much for the least of these as much as it will touch your own life to help out of selfless love. Melissa did matter, she just lost her way and didn’t know how to get back.

  27. boo on January 28th, 2013 4:02 pm

    I used to see everyday walking the streets usually around hwy 29 when I heard about this lady my gut told me it was her no matter how you live you should not die that way!!

  28. people-r-crazy on January 28th, 2013 2:15 pm

    I work close to were she hangs out and she is a known prostitute and drug user. Always asking our employees and customers for money or offering some kind of “service”. She has been run out of our parking lot many times and has given a few Managers problems. It is so sad that her life turned out the way it did. No one deserves the end that she got, bad choices or not. I have prayed for her and the others like her. When my coworkers and I heard about this horrific act it is sad to say we all had a feeling it was one of them. So sad.

  29. jeeperman on January 28th, 2013 1:47 pm

    Some people actually CHOSE to live their life the way THEY want to live it.
    They are also free to seek what ever religion they desire to follow. IF at all.

  30. jack on January 28th, 2013 1:16 pm

    While we are quoting the charity verses, don’t forget :
    “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”
    Won’t apply in every homeless situation, but the verse is there.

  31. cygie on January 28th, 2013 12:35 pm

    Matthew 25:40 that which you have done to the least of these, my children, you have done to me. You never know who you are helping, or ignoring.

  32. cygie on January 28th, 2013 12:32 pm

    Hebrews 13:2 have hospitality to strangers, because some have unknowingly entertained angels.

  33. Sue Ellen on January 28th, 2013 11:17 am

    “So in all these comments nobody mentions feeding her, or inviting her to church, or even praying for her. That in itself is the real tragedy.”

    cygie, that’s the “Christian way” in north Escambia County…

  34. jody espitia on January 28th, 2013 10:04 am

    Wow- I have seen her on hwy 29 for several years and also over near Davis once. And yes, as commented earlier, she was obviously pregnant a while back. I remember commenteing to my husband about it. What happened to the baby? This is a sad way for any one to die. Such an empty , sad existence. But have to say I’m not surprised it ended so tragically.

  35. chix on January 28th, 2013 9:31 am

    Sad. Use to see her at the bar months ago. She looked bothered. :( I send my blessings

  36. Molino Mom on January 28th, 2013 8:49 am

    This is very sad. You wonder where her family was and what made her life this way.
    As far as giving money to the “beggers”….I know a minister in the Walnut Hill area, who would give money to these people and follow it up with “What you do with this money is between you and God”. I thought this was a very compassionate way of making that person think twice before they spent it on alcohol or drugs. I have never forgotten that. Thank you Ted Bridges for being such a Godly man and at least trying to help people on the street without passing judgement on them.

  37. LFA on January 28th, 2013 8:43 am

    I was driving hwy 29 everyday for the past 25 years to and from work, and I would stop and get gas at the race track gas station,seen this girl just about everytime that I stopped. she was always wanting money, I have given her 4or5 dollars alot of times. for food are she said it was for food but to look at her you could tell what she was realing wanting it for.there is alot of this that goes on at that store,looks like ECSO could do something to stop people from hanging around in that area,they could take a un-marked car park it there, and it would not take long and it just might stop some of this,if you remember the body found just across the street in the dumpster not long ago. when I heard about this she was the first person I though about. this is real sad!!

  38. Marie on January 28th, 2013 7:54 am

    She came in one night to the convience store with some old guy. Tried to have him by beer for her but could not get it because it was after sale hours, She got mad and bought a ciggarillo threw her change on the counter and lit up in the store. Very angry individual. Still very tragic way for anyone to die.

  39. Abe on January 28th, 2013 7:30 am

    @ Cygie: Agreed.
    Most people I know use the excuse that “they (the beggar) are just going to use the money to buy alcohol” so I’m going to be a “good steward of God’s money” and not give them anything for fear that they will use it for “evil” fermented beverages. (Even so: Proverbs 31:7 say’s “Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more”.)
    It’s not up to us to decide what they’re going to do with the money; it is our duty to give assistance to the needy and plant a seed of love and hope in doing so. Just a kind word at some point could have changed this poor woman’s outcome.
    We, as individuals, can’t help everyone; but we can help someone.

  40. cygie on January 28th, 2013 6:49 am

    So in all these comments nobody mentions feeding her, or inviting her to church, or even praying for her. That in itself is the real tragedy.

  41. I drive a lot. on January 28th, 2013 6:00 am

    I have seen her for years. Often at Burgess and 29 area. Lately I had been seeing her on North 9th avenue walking around with a 30′ ish guy. The area they where usually in was between Creighton and Olive on 9th. She was obviouslly quite pregnant awhile back. A horrible way for a person to go out.

  42. Wow on January 28th, 2013 1:48 am

    I too have seen her begging in traffic. 29 and Burgess lately. Used to be at Olive and Davis then she left to go work 29. Sad situation.

  43. Cor'Darius Jones on January 28th, 2013 1:38 am

    when i worked for Mcdonalds on Davis Hwy she came in there EVERY sinqle day , until she qot banned from the property .. soo sad :(

  44. amanda on January 28th, 2013 1:07 am

    Oh wow I’ve seen her standing begging for money all over sad :(

  45. E I Motel Hwy 29 on January 28th, 2013 12:55 am

    I’ve had conversations with this woman…as I told her to leave the property. She was a known prostitute. Always giving my Manager a hard time. Consistently sneaking into John’s Rooms at night, getting caught by the maids in the morning. Refusing to leave the room. One time locking her self in until the Police came by to arrest her. Heard from one of the Weekly Rental Guests that she was dumped off by a Trucker years ago.

    We all start out with fresh life. How we choose to treat it, will determine were we end up.

    These women live a harsh life. Most often not by choice…but once your in…and your Owned, you can’t get out. Perhaps Escambia could looking into some more Preventative Programs to keep Women from falling into this Last Resort Option.

    Sad that she was found in such a brutal way. But I had a feeling since I first saw her in 2008 that her path had a 90% probability of turning tragic.