Bill Would Keep Current Bright Futures Test Threshold

January 23, 2013

Applicants for Florida Bright Future Scholarships would not have to meet higher testing standards scheduled to kick in next school year under a measure filed Tuesday that would maintain the testing threshold at existing levels.

The bill, HB 387, would maintain current law that requires students to score at least a 22 on the ACT or 1070 on the SAT to qualify for the scholarship. The scores represent the 51st percentile on each test. Those standards are scheduled to increase beginning in the 2013-14 academic year to 26 on the ACT and 1170 on the SAT, scores that represent the 75th percentile.

The bill was filed by Rep. Ricardo Rangel, D-Kissimmee.


One Response to “Bill Would Keep Current Bright Futures Test Threshold”

  1. David Huie Green on January 25th, 2013 6:26 am

    And if anyone wonders, percentile in this case means 51% of those who took the test scored as well or better. It does not they got 51% right. They may have gotten more or less, depending on the question