Baseball, Softball Registrations Begin At Area Ballparks

January 11, 2013

Baseball and softball registrations across the area are underway. Here’s a look at registration information for Northwest Escambia, Molino Ballpark, Cantonment Ballpark, the First Baptist Church of Cantonment, Northeast Pensacola and the Pensacola Miracle League:

Northwest Escambia

Northwest Escambia will hold open baseball and softball registration for ages 3-18.

Registration will be held at Bradberry Park in Walnut Hill as follows:

  • Friday, January 18 — 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, January 19 — 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
  • Saturday, January 26 — 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The cost is $100 per child, including a $45 registration fee, $30 for a uniform shirt and hat, and a $25 concession stand fee.  A payment option of $60 at registration and $40 at tryouts is available. Visa, Mastercard and Discover are accepted. A copy of the child’s birth certificate is needed at the time of registration.

NWE is also looking for people willing to volunteer on the board of directors, and as managers, coaches and umpires.

Molino Ballpark

Registration at the Molino Ballpark will be held on Saturdays, February 2, 9 and 16, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the ballpark on Crabbtree Church Road. Wee Ball, T-ball, baseball and softball for ages 3-16. $55 registration fee for the first child. Birth certificate needed at registration. For more information, call (850) 712-6267.

Cantonment Spring Registration

Registration  will be held every Saturday until February 16 from 9 a.m. until noon at the Cantonment Ballpark. The cost is $80 per child.

For more information email or visit this Facebook page.

First Baptist Cantonment

The First Baptist Church of Cantonment will hold registration this Saturday, January 169 from ages 4-12 for T-ball through coach pitch. Registration will be at the Grocery Advantage on Highway 29 beginning at 10 a.m., or register at the church office during the week.

The cost is $35 per child. Games begin March 16. There will be no intense practices and no traveling is required. All games are Saturdays only.

Northeast Pensacola

Northeast Pensacola Ballpark on Nine Mile Road will hold registration every Saturday through January 26 from 9 a.m. until noon and Friday, February  1 from 6- 8 p.m. at Academy Sports and Outdoors on Davis Highway. Online

Online registration for NEP is also available by clicking here.

Miracle League of Pensacola

Registration for the Miracle League of Pensacola will be held Saturday, February 2 and Saturday, February 9 from 9 a.m. until noon at the ballpark on Nine Mile Road. The season begins Friday, March 15.


27 Responses to “Baseball, Softball Registrations Begin At Area Ballparks”

  1. Me on March 28th, 2019 1:11 pm

    In Cantonment it was 80 per kid to sign up, and only includes uniform jersey, had to pay separately 20 for the child’s hat, along with pants, glove, bat, and helmet because couches don’t even have helmets. Now being told what are team didn’t raise out of 1,000 for sponsees we now need to split! Was not aware of all these additional fees when signing up.

  2. Faith on February 28th, 2014 11:23 am

    I meant $90 registration PLUS a mandatory $50 raffle purchase Plus uniform cost!

  3. Faith on February 28th, 2014 11:21 am

    Think that’s bad? Try going to Myrtle Grove. Tball is $90 plus uniform cost that range from $50-$70 and if you have 2 children playing there is no discount. Plus you are still responsible for raising $1300 for the league or you will be charged for them. INSANE!!!

  4. Adam on January 15th, 2013 9:04 pm

    Did any of you read the registration for cantonment, 80$ per child, that’s not including anything else. Everybody with 3 or 4 kids got used to it being Free! (keyword) after the 2nd child is the big culture shock. You shouldn’t put a price on time spent watching your kids having fun and learning the game. Support your community instead of finding negative’s about it.

  5. MomOfFour on January 15th, 2013 5:47 pm

    Well said Just Saying. I’m glad you could remember all io the prices because I’ve been trying to go through my checking statements to find what I paid last year. I also think for wee-ball the price should be drastically lower especially if you have a sibling playing in an older league. They play once a week and you can go to the YMCA and play for $35 (if you’re a member, I think it’s $50 if not) and that too includes shirt and hat. Also, the board members are quick to say “come to a board meeting” but from my understanding board members shoot down everything quick. I personally would rather them tack on $10 and provide my kids’ pants. That way I don’t have to wait and see what the coach wants, try to make sure they match the other team and drive out of town to get them. Also, I’m sure if the ballpark is purchasing about 150 (Or however many) pants I’m sure they could get a better deal than I could by drivng to Academy and digging through picked over selections.

  6. Just Saying on January 14th, 2013 11:38 am

    Proactive parent, read some of the other comments. If you only have one child, you aren’t paying that much more. And your two checks included pants, socks, and belt which will run you at least $30 more. If you are registering two children, you are paying a little more than past years as well but now you have to furnish the rest of TWO uniforms instead of one. If you are registering five, such as one of the previous posters, you are paying way more. Say this mom has three children who play wee ball or tee ball and the others play in the upper levels. Registration for the first two would have been $90 with the other three being free as any after two have always been registered free. Uniforms for wee and tee have been $30 for the complete set. The upper levels may have averaged around $54. So this mom would have paid $90 in registration and $198 in uniforms. This adds up to $288. Now this mom will pay $500 for registration, shirts, and hats. And if their teams decide to get the complete uniform, she will be paying at least another $150. So she’s paying close to $300 more than she would have paid last year. I don’t know many of us who can afford $300 extra anytime. So, Proactive, before you start being disappointed in the parents posting on here, walk a step or two in their shoes. You may not be paying that much more for your one child, but others will be if they have more.

  7. Proactive NWE parents on January 14th, 2013 7:43 am

    I am beyond disappointed in our community and the lack of support for the local park. They have not raised the prices, the wording is just different – and now some are trying to cause an uproar over words. I agree last year was rough, but as a community we have an obligation to try and make it better not up and leave. I have played at other parks – I promise you it’s not better or cheaper. If you go to ther parks you can not play for the all-star team. There are a lot of restrictions, plus your kids will know no one. I’ve been there, done that. If you don’t like the prices, be proactive- go to the meetings or find ways for the park to generate money otherwise. Our society is filled with people wanting something for free. Life’s not free. Sports are expensive. But I still don’t see where NWE has done anything wrong or different from last year! The price is the same! I wrote two checks last year. One for 65$ ( that doesn’t include my parent shirts) and one for $40. If you add those together, guess what $105! Geez!

  8. Disappointed on January 13th, 2013 10:36 pm

    From the comments I have been reading and hearing, it appears that NWE is losing several players this year. Last year I had a child who played t ball and it was a disaster. We were planning to return this year with the hopes that things would improve, but I will not pay $100 when I can go to another park for less. If parents pay double the amount this year from what they paid last year what is to stop the park from increasing the fees next year. We should take a stand and all take our kids to another park!

  9. mom of 5 on January 13th, 2013 5:14 pm

    my kids love playing t ball an i just cant affoed that price that is crazy this should be a sport that familys can afford and enjoy without putting their selves in a bind. guess we will be going somewhere else

  10. Kevin Bryan on January 13th, 2013 12:11 am

    I am on the board at NWE and the equipment manager this year and so far the running total to start the year off is $2,672.94 for balls, field equipment, etc. This does not count chalk , paint, league fees, insurance, and other misc. equipment we may need before the first pitch is even threw. As for the utility bills we did get a discount this year for power due to being overcharged the past 2 years; but until 2 years ago we didn’t have a electric bill and we didn’t raise the registration but $5.00 for the first child when this bill was added. When I first heard 100.00 it caught me by surprise also but it’s not any more than the past except for the change in pants which you can now buy yourself from Acadamey for $9.00 to $24.00 and know they fit and this is cheaper than the past. There has been several parents that have helped in the concession stand and throughout the park but you can’t continue to ask the same few to work and miss out on their child or children practicing or playing a game because we have already lost several good volunteers due to this and this is the reason for paying concession fees. Last year was the perfect storm with a new league and new uniform company and it was a mess and I believe the board has learned from it’s mistakes but we are human and ask for more volunteers and their ideas. I don’t want to see anyone leave the park or angry over this and I hope I haven’t offended anyone by writing this and I hope that we can have a great year and make our park even better. I don’t mind talking to anyone and you are more than welcome to come to a board meeting and discuss any problems.
    Thank You,
    Kevin Bryan

  11. MomOfFour on January 12th, 2013 11:11 pm

    I too am one if those parents who worked concessions (for all 3 of my children’s team so 6 times a year) and didn’t mind. I picked up garbage, helped rake fields before games and any other thing I could do to help. Granted the lark has never bought my kids gloves, cleats and such but I know that last year with 3 children I didn’t pay over $300 for them to play. As far as ball pants handed down, your child must not of slid much in them because my children’s pants from last year are not usable. Also. Who’s to say they will be the same color. I know personally how hard it was to get parents to pay their kids part in all-star uniform, the coaches actually came out if pocket for them because parents wouldn’t buy them. As far as gas is concerned its not like NWE is right around the corner from me. It’s always been out of the way for me but we loved the ballpark, I simply cannot afford $400 to play baseball:(

  12. Former NWE parent on January 12th, 2013 4:38 pm

    As I stated in my previous comment, I am not one of the parents who sits around and does nothing at the ball park. About as far from it as you can get. If you are only registering one child, you aren’t paying that much extra until you have to go buy the rest of the uniform. If you are registering more than one, and especially more than two, then you are going to be paying quite a bit more. And I’ve done the math. How on earth can you say it will actually be cheaper when you are out more money and get less product?

  13. NWE Parent on January 12th, 2013 3:02 pm

    Looking in the past payments to NWE for baseball and doing simple math.
    this is actually cheaper than the past few years. Plus I do not have to work in the concession for everyone else that will not work just for every reason you can imagine.
    Lot of players have pants from previous years they can wear ,not to mention their siblings pants which have outgrown them. I have heard many parents state this..
    So if you want to pay $3.50 per gallon of gas to travel to other parks, so be it.
    I will support my local community park. Really don’t see any of you at the park working to make a change. How many times have you walked by and asked anyone if you can help? Hats off to all the board members that care enough to volunteer their time to make the park safe for everyone else children. How many of you thank them… We have. The only thing people see is $100, not the total package deal.
    $45 registration fee is lower than the past 3 years, $25 concession fee, no worries on who is watching my other children and $30 for jersey and hat- finally I know that the pants will fit.

    NWE has never bought me cleats, gloves; don’t see your point.

    As I see it. NWE has it together this year.

  14. Mom on January 12th, 2013 11:57 am

    I still think it is high. Understandably if we played at NEP fees would be way more, look at their park and their market. Each team I’m sire will still have to raise the $200 and buy their pants, belts and socks. I logically understand that NWE has bills they have to pay but they need to logically understand I can go to Atmore and pay $45, not work the concession (although I don’t mind if I need to) an but my child’s own pants. So pretty much I can play in Atmore for about $60! Looks like my kids will be visitors t NWE this year. I wonder if the board ever asked parents if teyd rather work concessions or pay $25 extra. I know the parents I’ve talked to have all said they’d rather work it. I’ve been a part of NWE for several years and I gave never had a problem getting parents to work during our teams time. Sure there is always maybe two on a team who don’t do it but that stil leaves about 10 sets if parents to work. Maybe NWE will understand when majority of their players from last year are on visiting teams from Atmore, Poarch, Century and Flomaton this year.

  15. whatajoke on January 12th, 2013 9:58 am

    This is hilarious! Always wanting more money. NWE has gone downhill so badly since I was a child that its sad. Nothing is organized and things are so poorly conducted that its pathetic. Go to Flomaton, Century, or Molino and you WON’T be back at NWE. Granted, I don’t mind paying the $100, but I remember last year that we at NWE did not receive our uniforms until the season was almost over. And from what I know, the uniform company gave the LEAGUE 50% of the money back for the delay and screw up since every uniform was messed up in some way. I didn’t get one dime back from NWE! They claimed it would pay for our trophies but it DIDN’T because we still had to fork out money for it. We barely received uniforms by picture day and the coaches and parents didn’t have theirs until afterwards when there were only two games left! Its not just the baseball and softball that has went downhill so bad, its the football and cheerleading too! Get your act together NWE or you wont have enough players to start a league. Parents, if u make the switch to a different league, you will be happier guaranteed. My family and I were MUCH happier!

  16. Baseball mom on January 12th, 2013 8:52 am

    I guess after my child has played at MG the last two years And has done Allstars I think $100.00 to include shirt and hat isn’t bad. I had to pay a $90.00 registration fee that included nothing plus sale $50.00 worth of raffle tickets( so I bought what I couldn’t sale) , buy the uniform which usually was around $70.00 then each team had to raise I believe $1200.00. Then when he played Allstars I turned around and bought another uniform.i still have no clue where the money goes to!!!

  17. momof2 on January 12th, 2013 1:09 am

    Seriously? No concession working and shirts/hats are included in price?? I would not be complaining our registration is 55 and our uniforms often run 50 or more plus we work one week concession. Don’t get me wrong I love our park, but the prices work out to be pretty close so I don’t see what the issue is. I wonder how they run the park on the low fees sometimes. Can you imagine how much the electric bill must be each month? Or the cost to maintain the lawn? Or to repair a fence, kill ants, take care of bees, redo the benches or wood areas when messed up, pay for liability insurance, not to mention building insurance, maintain bathrooms and supplies, keep food stocked, keep parking area safe, print schedules, print flyers for schools, maintain equipment, buy trophies, etc. Come on get a grip. Prices are very reasonable. I wonder sometimes where I am going to come up with baseball registration, but my kids love it and I pray about it and it all works out.

  18. Nwe Volunteer on January 11th, 2013 3:15 pm

    The cost to be a volunteer or a Board of Director is zero dollars.
    If you are concerned as the rest of the ones volunteering then
    Be at the next BOB meeting and bring your ideas on solving
    these issues. Also the inmates are a one time deal they are not
    being used all season long so for the person that knows so much
    come up and help cut the grass that the county no longer does

  19. Ashley on January 11th, 2013 2:59 pm

    I would like to offer a breakdown of the prices, since there seems to be confusion on what this money is going towards. The total cost of playing this year is $100. $45 is the registration fee (last year it was $50). $30 is to pay for the player’s jersey and hat (which IS part of the uniform), and medallions for tee ball and wee ball. Last year a full uniform ran around $54, so that leaves a difference of $24 for the parent to purchase pants with. There is an additional fee of $25 to cover workers for the concession stand. Due to a lack of volunteers we have to pay someone to run the concession stand and the park cannot eat this cost. The park is community ran, with no county support. We are required to pay for all equipment, maintenance, advertisement, utilities, and insurance. That is what your registration fee is applied to. We are offering a payment option. $60 is due at registration and $40 is due at try-outs. If there are additional questions you can contact a board member and they will be happy to answer them.

  20. parent on January 11th, 2013 1:59 pm

    They (the park) may have to pay for utilities. Not groundskeepers cause this morning seen prisoners cleaning n raking fields….either way fee is tooooo high!!

  21. AJH on January 11th, 2013 12:29 pm

    I can’t pay for my 3 kids. I can’t pay for my 4 kids…………………………..
    Well, form a team of your own in your neighborhood, and try to do this with no cash.
    If you go and look at NEP’s website, and click on “financial”, you can see for yourself how much it costs to run a park of that size. If you want running water in the bathroom………if you want lights so the kids can play games in the evening………if you want the trashman to pick up your garbage………if you want the materials – fencing, nets, more clay, chalk, etc. – it’s not free. But the coaches work for free!

    The bottom line is SPORTS costs MONEY!!!

  22. areyoukidding? on January 11th, 2013 11:43 am

    well I guess my kids are out because I simply cannot pay 300 dollars worth of registration fees for three kids!

  23. wow... on January 11th, 2013 10:54 am

    I can’t believe that they have gone up double what it was last year. I understand that the ballpark has bills also and they had to hire out for the concession stand last year because some parents didn’t want to work their turn.(some, not all) Maybe they should go back to parents working the concession stand when it’s their teams time and if you don’t work, your child doesn’t play a game, it’s that simple!! It usually only averaged out having to work in there 2 times the whole season, that’s not that much. And yes, I was a parent that worked my time and then some and would do it again if needed. $100 is just too much by the time you have to buy pants, socks, cleats and gloves and anything else related to them playing plus gas to get there and back and eating at the concession stand some. I am seriously considering not letting my child play this year because of the price and it’s really sad because I know he wants to play but I also have more important things to pay for to provide for him and my other children. I have actually heard a lot of parents say that they won’t be playing at NWE because of the high price of registration and in the end NWE will be losing out. Maybe they need to rethink the price. :-/

  24. Jessica on January 11th, 2013 9:05 am

    Anyone know when Flomaton will be doing sign ups? And the ages?

  25. Former NWE parent on January 11th, 2013 8:58 am

    I was completely dumbfounded when I read the cost for registration this year at NWE. This $100 only covers registration, a hat, and a shirt. If your team choses to purchase pants, belts, socks, etc., then that will be more out of your pocket. My children have played at NWE for years and have never paid $100 per child for registration and complete uniform. And if it came close, that was because the ENTIRE uniform was included. I don’t understand how they can justify going up that much. NWE has had the added expense of having to pay their lights and water bills for the past couple of years but EREC has agreed to cut that bill almost in half. My children won’t be there this year and I hate it. By the time you add the extra expense of the remainder of the uniform, it will be way more than $100 per child. NWE put on Facebook (and then deleted it) that any other expenses would be up to the team to get sponsors, raise funds, or pay out of pocket. We all know how hard it has been to get sponsors for every team in the past few years. Some teams have had to just be NWE because they weren’t able to get a sponsor. NWE is a non-profit organization established for the children in our communities. Seems like somebody needs to remember that. And for anyone who wants to say I am an ignorant bystander who knows nothing about how it really is and if I want to change things then I need to show up, you have no idea how wrong you are.

  26. me on January 11th, 2013 7:44 am

    I hope that the hat and shirt is part of the team uniform. That way a parent dont pay 100 then have to turn around and fork out more money for a uniform. If it is i can see why its so high if not well yall to high

  27. MomOfFour on January 11th, 2013 7:01 am

    Guess my kids will have to play somewhere other than NWE! $400 plus 4 pair if pants, 4 pair of socks, 4 pair of cleats, 2 new gloves equals my kids playing somewhere else! I understand NWE has bills to pay that other ballparks may not but I have to look ur for my wallet. My kids and I have always loved this ballpark but we simply cannot afford to drop well over $500 to play baseball. I foresee a lot of NWE players in Atmore, Century and Flomaton:(