Attorney General: Nine Hate Crimes In Escambia, Santa Rosa Counties

January 6, 2013

Nine hate crimes were reported in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties during 2011, according to a report released last week by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

In Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, the following hate crimes were reported, along with the alleged motivation behind the offenses:

  • Escambia Sheriff’s Office: Two aggravated assaults due to ethnicity or national origin
  • Pensacola Police Department: One simple assault due to race or color; one simple assault due to sexual orientation
  • Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office: One case of intimidation due to race or color; three cases of intimidation due to ethnicity or national origin
  • Milton Police Department: One aggravated assault due to ethnicity or national origin

The numbers represent an increase for Escambia County and Pensacola over 2010. Escambia County reported three hate crimes in 2010, while the City of Pensacola reported zero.

During 2011, there were 139 reported hate crimes in Florida. Hate crimes motivated by the victim’s race represented 43.2 percent of all reported hate crimes, followed by religion at 20.9 percent; sexual orientation at 20.1 percent; ethnicity/national origin at 15.1 percent; and mental disability at 0.7 percent. No hate crimes were reported under the categories of physical disability or advanced age.

A hate crime is an act committed or attempted by one person or group against another – or that person’s property – that in any way constitutes an expression of hatred toward the victim based on his or her personal characteristics. It is a crime in which the perpetrator intentionally selects the victim based on one of the following characteristics: race, color, religion, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, advanced age or mental/physical disability.


21 Responses to “Attorney General: Nine Hate Crimes In Escambia, Santa Rosa Counties”

  1. David Huie Green on January 10th, 2013 6:07 pm

    Please note that the Duke of Wawbeek has been known to use satire to make a point.

    He does it well

  2. Mark on January 9th, 2013 9:32 am

    Gee Duke, it must be nice to be able to afford to have a security system installed, pay the monthly fee, and also be able to afford to install a panic room in your home. You must be one of those 1%ers.

    So you go run into your little room like a scared rabbit, while within 3 minutes, they will have grabbed enough of your high dollar items and split, before the police even arrive! (if you think that’s not the case, print your address for any would be criminal to test your theory)

    Myself, I am going to defend myself, my family and my property by any means possible!! If you break into my home, while I am there, you will not BE WALKING OUT! They will be carrying you out in a body bag, and I will not feel ONE BIT of remorse, because I just scrapped another turd off of society’s shoe!

    You also are VERY CONFUSED if you believe banning all firearms would mean that shotgun wouldn’t be there during that home invasion. Do you seriously believe criminals will voluntarily turn in a weapon that is NOT required to be registered?

    There are laws that say stealing is illegal, but it still goes on every day.

    “Only the law abiding will obey laws”.

  3. Really? on January 8th, 2013 5:09 pm

    Duke of what ever.. Really? If we pass laws to remove these dangerous weapons you would not have to worry about that shotgun? GUESS WHAT – Criminals do not follow the law, and even in countries where guns are 100% outlawed the criminals always find one and get it… wait for it.. ILLEGALLY!

    So basically you want to see all guns taken away, which would only happen with honest law abiding people. The same ones that will in turn, become victims when an armed criminal come calling and all they can do is scream for help. AS far as a safe room, that would be any room i am in as I CARRY A GUN for protection. Why? Because a cop is too heavy to carry around with me.

  4. Duke of Wawbeek on January 8th, 2013 2:40 pm

    Mark if you had listened to what Senator Feinstein and Mayor Bloomberg said about taking the guns off the street and banning sale and possesion you would not be worried about that shotgun. If you have a home security system and safe room as I do you just retreat and wait for law enforcement.

  5. Mark on January 8th, 2013 11:54 am

    @Duke, I suggest you do a little research on the subject.

    For the rest of you “gun control” nuts, I ask you this:

    You are home alone at night watching TV, when suddenly, 2 men kick in your door for a home invasion,. One of them is holding a large military looking knife, the other is carrying a sawed off 12 gauge shotgun. Their intent is to rape you, kill you, and take all of your possessions.

    Since you so strongly oppose guns, how do you defend yourself, or do you just curl up in a little ball and hope they go away?

    I know it is an old and repeated saying, but “if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns”.

  6. Duke of Wawbeek on January 8th, 2013 4:58 am

    To Richard. I do not believe you are correct about the Nazis registering and confiscating the guns and leaving the Jews helpless. If that were true then why is every Jew in congress and local government pushing to get these killing machines off the street. You sir are just confused or simply mistaken. If a thing were bad for a groups safety they would never endanger themselves by advocating it. duh.

  7. richard on January 7th, 2013 6:19 pm

    To duke of wawbeek
    Let me educate you. The first thing that Hitler did was call for complete gun registration. Once all guns were registered the Nazi party then knew where to go to confiscate them. At that point the only ones left with guns were the Nazi’s.
    Defenseless at that time theJews were sent to the concentration camps. So give up your gun if you want I will keep mine.

  8. David Huie Green on January 7th, 2013 5:49 pm

    “why not allow people to marry whatever other person they want and share the same priviliges as others? As long as people are seen and treated different in the eyes of the law, then hate crime laws will need to exist. ”

    So you believe if an adult wants to marry a ten year-old and she agrees, they should be allowed to do so?


    David considering problems

  9. David Huie Green on January 7th, 2013 5:45 pm

    “Parents need to teach their children love and acceptance.”

    And you hate or refuse to accept those who don’t?

    David seeing the problem

  10. CD on January 7th, 2013 5:22 pm

    @Trying not to hate: “Why can’t we Just get along.” I’ll tell you why. Because some people want to dominate others, because some people want to take what others have earned, because some people have no regard for their on life, much less yours or mine. Sad but true!

  11. Jason on January 7th, 2013 11:36 am

    Well, if we’re all created equal and no one is better than anyone else, why not allow people to marry whatever other person they want and share the same priviliges as others? As long as people are seen and treated different in the eyes of the law, then hate crime laws will need to exist. Give everyone a truly equal playing field and then you can do away with hate crime laws.

  12. Duke of Wawbeek on January 7th, 2013 10:40 am

    Getting these guns off the streets is a good way to reduce the number of hate crimes. One only need look at what happened in Germany. If the Nazis had not had access to guns much suffering and injustice could have been avoided.

  13. just saying on January 7th, 2013 7:55 am

    You know the entire concept of a hate crime is absurd. Assaulting or Harassing someone is wrong an against the law. It should not enhance the crime no matter what the perpetrators motives are. Now we have thought crimes. Because the powers that be believe you were thinking bad things about the person as you were assaulting them because of race or sexual orientation it some how becomes more heinous? Plus these hate crime convictions are so lop sided if you look at who is being convicted. They have one man in prison for 40 years in Florida for throwing a rock at a building no injuries but a hate crime enhancement sealed his fate. I agree such a person as an idiot but hey last time I checked being an idiot wasn’t a crime.

  14. Mike on January 7th, 2013 5:45 am

    just tired, automatic weapons ARE banned in the USA, only LEOs are allowed to possess those kinds of guns. You miss the point I was trying to make, that certain terms are used to stir up people’s emotions & create bias. :)

  15. old man on January 6th, 2013 11:55 pm

    if someone is breaking into my home i would rather have an ak 47 that shoots 100 round per minute than a single shot musket

  16. Common Sense on January 6th, 2013 11:37 pm

    I love the fact that everyone goes on and on about gun control and stricter laws. Just like a locked door (which can only keep an honest person out), taking guns away from the general public will not do anything other than cause more crime. Criminals don’t follow the law (and I am pretty sure they will not have a problem ignoring a new gun law)! I will happily keep my AR-15 “Assault Rifle” in my home if the criminals decide to visit and threaten my family. Does that make it an “Anti-Assault Rifle”?

  17. just tired on January 6th, 2013 11:01 pm

    Mike please think before you make comments, because your comment makes no sense. There is a very BIG difference between a kitchen knife and an A K 47. Although they both can be used to assault someone, there is no comparison. When someone uses an assault weapon (A K 47), which has the capability to shoot up to a hundred rounds per minute, they are looking to take out as many people as they can in a very limited time. These weapons have no place in general society and should be banned.

  18. LEO GUY on January 6th, 2013 9:16 am

    Hate crimes? Here’s a stupid question. What do we call other crimes? Happy crimes? Let us get get tough on all crimes. Lock them all up and keep them there till their sentence is served. We would see ALL crime rates go down because it is almost all ways the same crminals repeating criminal acts over and over again.

  19. yes! on January 6th, 2013 8:47 am

    “trying not to hate” you are so right! NOBODY is above another human being!! WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL!

  20. Mike on January 6th, 2013 8:33 am

    All crimes committed on one person or group against another are hate crimes, they don’t do it to you because they like you. The term “hate crime” is used to stir up people, that’s all. The same as with the term “assault weapon” that the gun control fanatics use, nonsense. Anything used by one person to harm another is an assault weapon, you stab someone with a kitchen knife, it becomes an assault kitchen knife. :)

    Terms like these are used to play on your emotions, don’t buy it.

  21. Trying Not to Hate on January 6th, 2013 5:14 am

    How sad. We’re all humans and God’s children. Why can’t we just get along. Parents need to teach their children love and acceptance.