Asbestos Containing Building Finally Demolished By Chamber

January 31, 2013

Nearly two years after the process began, a dilapidated  asbestos-containing building in Century is gone.

The building belonged to the Town of Century, which voted last October deed the property  to the Century Chamber of Commerce, shifting the demolition responsibility to the chamber.

The town council had voted to demolish the building at 7601 Mayo Street back in 2011, but asbestos concerns put those plans on hold. A study found asbestos in the older 6,400 square foot two story portion of the building, as well as in the newer single story portion of the structure, according to Century Mayor Freddie McCall.

The town located an available  grant from the Regional Planning Council to abate the asbestos and demolish the structure. Because the town was not eligible to receive the grant, the building was deeded to the chamber of commerce, which was eligible for the assistance.

Now that the building is demolished, the chamber will have up to 10 years to lure development to the property or it will revert back to the town. The town will approve or deny any lease or purchase of the property.

Until the property is sold to another party, it will be used for parking for the businesses and agencies in the Mayo and Church street area.

The white, mostly brick building at 7601 Mayo Street (across from the old hospital) once housed doctors’ offices and even a pharmacy and soda fountain years ago. It has been abandoned for several years and was in an obvious state of disrepair with roof and structural problems.

Pictured above: This building on Mayo Street was demolished. Pictured inset: The empty lot where the building once stood.Pictured below: The interior of the building prior to demolition. file photos.




6 Responses to “Asbestos Containing Building Finally Demolished By Chamber”

  1. Century Grad on February 1st, 2013 9:19 pm

    Yes….. memories were made here. Times, back in the ’70s, when high schoolers could walk from school to Century Drug Store and back at lunch… Vanilla sodas and Coke ‘Punches’! And I know this was a regular stop for my husband, a football player, and his buddies after practice.

  2. Sam on January 31st, 2013 7:03 pm

    Used to walk to the drugstore from the little league field after a game to get a vanilla coke. Was 11or 12 then, 64 now. Seems like yesterday.

  3. tw on January 31st, 2013 2:00 pm

    Yes it is sad…So many memories going there with my grandmother when I was a little girl.

  4. 429SCJ on January 31st, 2013 12:40 pm

    It is easy to feel nostalgia for old familiar places and faces.

  5. Armymajorswife on January 31st, 2013 10:41 am

    It’s so sad…. I hate to see old buildings destroyed… So many memories of going to Dr. Stewarts office for shots. lol Going to the gift shop for drinks and playing video games…

  6. Jnbjack on January 31st, 2013 4:57 am

    A sad day for both of us, and another piece of history gone. The Drs offices were upstairs, and the drug store and soda fountain were downstairs. Went to the Dr there many times, loved the soda fountain, and reading the commic books in the rack by the front door. So, so sad.