Analysts Question Scott’s Obamacare Estimates

January 9, 2013

Key state budget analysts found fault last month with Medicaid cost estimates that Gov. Rick Scott has repeatedly used to raise objections to the federal Affordable Care Act — but the Scott administration has refused to scrap the numbers, according to a report by Health News Florida.

The online news service obtained emails that showed questions were raised by Amy Baker, who leads the Legislature’s Office of Economic & Demographic Research, and Eric Pridgeon, the top staff member on the House Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee. Baker and Pridgeon play important roles in estimating the state’s expenditures on Medicaid and other health and human-services programs.

The Agency for Health Care Administration, which is under Scott, released a report last month that said Medicaid changes in the Affordable Care Act would cost the state $26 billion over 10 years. That was dramatically higher than earlier estimates, including estimates that Baker and Pridgeon helped put together.

Baker and Pridgeon quickly found flaws with AHCA’s estimates and said moving forward with the numbers would violate state law, according to Health News Florida.

After meeting Monday with U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleeen Sebelius, Scott relied on the $26 billion figure in expressing concerns about the cost of the federal health law, commonly known as Obamacare.

The state’s Social Services Estimating Conference, which includes analysts from the Legislature, Baker’s office and the Scott administration, is expected to update the official estimate of the Affordable Care Act costs. As of Tuesday morning, a meeting of the estimating conference had not been scheduled.

By The News Service of Florida


4 Responses to “Analysts Question Scott’s Obamacare Estimates”

  1. bill on January 10th, 2013 7:11 am

    You’re right Abe, Slick Rick has been able to skirt around the law even though his company was found guilty of over-billing Medicare several billion. His recent claims that the health law would cost us Floridians 26 billion was only 23 billion too high.

  2. Abe on January 9th, 2013 7:11 am

    “…moving forward with the numbers would violate state law. Since when has Rick Scott let little details like “Law” or “Facts” stand in his way?

  3. bill on January 9th, 2013 7:01 am

    Didn’t the state try to extort Medicaid payments from the counties that were double what they should have been? Isn’t that the same thing that Gov. Flim Flam’s HCA corporation did to the Fed’s before they had to pay a couple of billion in fines? Isn’t this just normal operating procedure for the Flim Flam man?

  4. Jan on January 9th, 2013 6:08 am

    Whatever their estimates you can be sure that it will cost MORE.