Arbor Day Trees Given Away

January 14, 2013

Hundreds of trees were given away Monday morning in Walnut Hill in celebration of Florida’s Arbor Day.

The tree giveaway was sponsored by Escambia County, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Science (UF/IFAS) Extension, and the Florida Forestry Service (FFS). A total of 4,000 trees were available for giveaway Monday morning in Walnut Hill and at an event in Warrington on Friday.

Species included crabapple, mayhaw, cherrybark oak, river birch, wax myrtle and bald cypress. Participants received two tree seedlings of their choice, and experts were on hand to offer planting and placement advice.

Pictured: Residents receive free trees during an Arbor Day tree giveaway Monday morning in Walnut Hill.  Pictured inset: The line for the free trees stretched into the parking lot of the Walnut Hill Community Center. Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Arbor Day Trees Given Away”

  1. bleeding blue and orange on January 15th, 2013 3:59 pm

    I wished they had crabapples too being that it was the variety I went to pick up. I am very happy to receive the wax myrtles though. I planted five and am going to plant the pine trees this weekend. Thanks for the posting again William, you keep us informed of so much going on in the area that we would not have known otherwise. Also thanks to all the peolple helping with the giveaway.

  2. CW on January 15th, 2013 11:31 am

    I bought a few of these a few years ago, they’re now about 10 feet tall. They’re native and less disease prone.

  3. Cynthia on January 15th, 2013 10:52 am

    I also was there to get crabapple trees. Stood in line for about 20 minutes before signing in to find out there were not any. It was very generous of the community to do this but someone should have told people standing in line what they didn’t have or had run out of. Thank you again for your hard work.

  4. Elmo on January 15th, 2013 8:35 am

    Thank You Arbor Day and all the sponsors for given away all the free trees to our community. I was wondering where somebody could get a crabapple tree? That’s what I was hoping for, but they said they did not come in. Again, Thanks for the trees.

  5. mnon on January 14th, 2013 6:40 pm

    Thank you so much for the trees! We starting planting them this evening. Very generous of all involved and very much appreciated!