Tate High Student To Represent Florida In U.S. Senate Program

December 11, 2012

Tate High School senior Amy Sapp has been selected as one of only two students to represent Florida in the U.S. Senate Youth Program.

The program recognizes students for their academic, leadership and public service accomplishments.  Sapp will receive a $5,000 scholarship and a trip to Washington D.C. as part of the Washington Week program.

In Washington, Sapp will meet with high level government officials and participate in a wide variety of experiences. She was selected as part of an interview process conducted by the Florida Law Related Education Association Inc. with the assistance of both U.S. Senate offices and the Florida Department of Education.

Sapp is also on the Mock Trial for Tate High School and was named as one of the top attorneys in the nation at the National Mock Trial Competition last May.


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