State Lawmaker Call For Armed Officers At Elementary Schools

December 22, 2012

Rep. Mike Fasano, R-New Port Richey, on Friday called on Gov. Rick Scott and fellow lawmakers to place an armed school resource officer in every Florida elementary school as a way to prevent a repeat of the tragic mass shootings are Sandy Hook Elementary School last week.

Echoing a proposal floated Friday morning by the National Rifle Association, Fasano said the mere presence of an armed law enforcement officer may be enough to prevent a repeat of the recent shooting the Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school that claimed the lives of 20 children.

“While this no doubt will be an expensive proposition, no price tag can be placed on the lives of the precious children our public schools are entrusted with each and every day of the school year,” Fasano wrote.

Escambia County currently has armed school resource officers at middle and high schools, but not elementary schools.


19 Responses to “State Lawmaker Call For Armed Officers At Elementary Schools”

  1. David Huie Green on December 24th, 2012 10:25 pm

    “What good is government if the elected officials don’t listen to the majority on any issue that the majority of people want action on locally and nationally.”

    A man shouts and declares himself the voice of the majority. The people listen and then turn away, knowing the man is mad.

    He continues to shout that the elected officials are in the pocket of assorted special interest groups. He never understands that the people HAVE spoken and he is not the majority nor does he represent respect for law because the supreme law of the nation limits even simple majorities and can only be changed by the deliberate voice of the people and they have not decided to abandon the Bill of Rights no matter how hard he shouts.

    In fact, it is the crazies which worry them enough that they fear to disarm themselves while he runs around loose.

    David for the people

  2. Bob on December 24th, 2012 11:38 am

    What good is government if the elected officials don’t listen to the majority on any issue that the majority of people want action on locally and nationally. Sounds like a lot of house/senate state and federal government members need replacing. They need to held accountable by the majority vote and replaced for not taking actions that are the will of the majority. Replace the IRA/NRA crazys!

  3. David Huie Green on December 23rd, 2012 9:55 am

    “I really don’t get it, you have to have a license to drive a car, you have to have a drivers ed course, you have to pass a test if you use your car to kill some one or hurt someone you lose your license. If you an alcoholic and get arrested you lose you license.”

    Many people are like yourself who don’t understand the basic concept of rights. A right is not something the government gives you. It is a thing you have not given up to the government. To avoid confusion, some of those rights are spelled out in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, The Bill of Rights.

    You don’t have to get a permit to operate a press.
    You don’t have to get permission to worship anything or nothing.
    You don’t have to get permission from the government to assemble.
    You don’t have to get a permit to say what you think.
    You don’t have to confess to crimes even if you are guilty.
    You don’t have to open your house to the government so they can see if you have done something illegal.
    You don’t have to get a permit to vote.
    You can’t be put in prison without a jury saying you are guilty of a crime.
    You don’t have to get a permit to keep and bear arms.

    Rights can be lost if you commit and are convicted of a felony just as you can lose a driving permit if you are caught driving while drunk. That even includes the right to keep and bear arms for convicted felons.

    Non criminals have not given up their enumerated rights just because you don’t like them.

    David for better civics classes

  4. curley on December 23rd, 2012 9:13 am

    I really don’t get it, you have to have a license to drive a car, you have to have a drivers ed course, you have to pass a test if you use your car to kill some one or hurt someone you lose your license. If you an alcoholic and get arrrested you lose you license. I see many guys going to the hunting cabin and theya re buying multiple cases of beer and think ita about partying. You don’t want assault weaspns regulated but you wanted armed guards in your schools. If you have a different point of view you are some perverted liberal who ought to leave and live somewhere else. Pensacola and Escambia County was liberal and democrat until Bowden left congress. Its your history. Get over your fears and use some reality to think out issues. Your rights to own asault weapons are no more important than childs right to live and breath.

  5. AE Josey on December 23rd, 2012 9:05 am

    What type of weapon are you talking about? The kind of weapon that shoots bullets? Are you suggesting we have rifles and pistols that shoot one bullet at a time or weapons painted any color other than black?
    Thomas Jefferson had written in the Declaration of Independence that if a government failed to protect its citizens and instead became the enemy, the citizens had the right to overthrow it! So one reason the citizens wanted to be armed was not just for defense against external enemies. They wanted protection from their own government. See Bob it’s not the crazy’s we’re protecting ourselves from it’s the right to keep our gov. in check so there is balance. I personally don’t own a semi-auto gun but it’s still my decision if I do or don’t.

  6. SEL on December 23rd, 2012 8:54 am

    So what about Middle Schools and High Schools? Don’t those kids deserve protection as well? My daughter’s Middle School doesn’t have an armed officer!

  7. keepit on December 23rd, 2012 7:16 am

    Make it a law once you buy a gun (as many as you want, and back ground checks on ALL SALES) you are totally in charge of anything that happens with that gun FOREVER! You can’t resale it, give it away or claim it was solen; it’s your’s no matter what. TAKING MORE CARE WITH THE GUNS, JUST MAYBE, IT WILL BE LESS OF THEM LANDING IN THE HANDS OF EVIL.

  8. Henry Coe on December 22nd, 2012 10:42 pm

    Really? Just One? I don’t think one will do it. Probably need a SWAT team and each school to cover every side. There would really need to be a few SWAT teams so they can change shift to make sure no one sneaks in after hours.

    If we are really going to be safe and secure about it, rather than getting rid of people owning Semi-Automatic Weapons, then we need to search everyone and all their cars when they enter school property.

    We should probably install 12 foot fences with serpentine wire all across the tops.

    Yes, it will be expensive, but I’m sure with pay cuts from Politicians and if stop funding projects like building roads or entertainment like the Blue Angels flying along with a Florida Income tax and an increase on property taxes, we will be able to afford it.

    And, we could set up check points everywhere and do random searches all the time.

  9. Bob on December 22nd, 2012 3:07 pm

    @molino Jim
    You recognize the parody.
    The parody is an imitation of the original, but exaggerating it, showing clichés which have been used, to make the original look ridiculous or to make a comment about an issue affecting society.
    What’s the difference same thought line NRA/IRA. If your not part of a good resolution your the problem. Hence IRA killed everyone NRA not helping anyone and all claim to be Republican read about it.
    joesey I own a weapon but not the type were talking about. The reason you can’t convince me is because you realize there’s no place in society for that type weapon.

  10. AE Josey on December 22nd, 2012 2:41 pm

    If it was as easy as outlawing guns then why do we have illegal drugs in every city, town and street corner?
    In law, assault is a crime that involves causing a victim to apprehend violence.
    A weapon is defined under various federal, state, and local laws, which vary by jurisdiction. A weapon is generally something used to injure, defeat, or destroy and may cover many types of instruments, such as a blackjack, slingshot, billy, metal knuckles, dagger, knife, pistol, revolver, or any other firearm, razor with an unguarded blade, and any metal pipe or bar used or intended to be used in a club, among others.
    Leave our guns alone and lets start fixing the real problem!

  11. Jim W on December 22nd, 2012 1:37 pm

    Careful what you wish for.

  12. AE Josey on December 22nd, 2012 1:09 pm

    Bob I just typed out about 3 paragraphs of reasons why your so wrong…then erased it due to the fact your hopeless! I know nothing I say will keep you from changing your mind. You like the fact you can get under peoples skin by the things you post. Please do all use a favor and move back to the place you came from with the rest of the Left Wing Liberals.

    P.S. We really need to do something about the illegal drugs we can get so accessibly. Think about it.

  13. molino jim on December 22nd, 2012 12:59 pm

    @Bob— Hope you mean NRA not IRA. The IRA was a group in Ireland that caused many deaths. An officers can never be every where on the grounds or in the buildings of a school. I know that none of us can have an answer that will work all the time. A few years ago a hate group planted dynamite in a church in B’ham with the intent of killing children on a Sunday morning. It went off while the children were in Sunday school. An armed guard or officers would have to be on duty 24/7–and still the crazies could try to find a way. Personal feeling only– an assault weapon is just that—it’s no good for hunting and has only one purpose, to be used as an assault weapon with a lot of fire power.

  14. David Huie Green on December 22nd, 2012 12:17 pm

    “If those high capacity weapons aren’t available to crazys. IRA members can’t lose them to the other crazys. ”

    So you believe if you make something illegal, everyone stops doing it.
    Let us consider the 55 mph speed limin on Hwy 97 as a test of that theory.

    Hmmm, theory fails reality test, is rejected as disproven.

    Next question: even if you could magically get rid of them, would it stop determined killers from killings?
    Since they aren’t the most commonly used instruments, the answer is NO.

    Killers use what is available. If others are disarmed, just using clubs or hands is sufficient but if guns aren’t available, killers can use other methods to kill. spears, arrows, darts (poison and otherwise), knives, poison, poison gas, explosives, vehicles, electricity, viruses, bacteria, water (drowning, high pressure, electrical conductivity, several other uses), rocks (see 1 Samuel chapter 17), rope, wire, acid.

    And I haven’t mentioned the most lethal methods, just the simplest ones.

    David for better people and rationality

  15. Bob on December 22nd, 2012 10:28 am

    If thoes high capacity weapons arnt available to crazys. IRA members can’t loose them to the other crazys. What’s the difference in blaming violent video games. And a IRA member at a target range shooting at a target and fantasizing killing a humans with a high capacity death killing weapon like killed the kids and teachers. If you really think about it it nuts. Most IRA members are Repubs. And they don’t want to fund anything for education etc but now you want to take my money to pay for a under armed guard at schools. Your really are messed up in the head.

  16. Ron McDonald on December 22nd, 2012 9:33 am

    Bob are you dumb, what keeps criminals that have no respect for the law from having weapons with high capacity magazines, as you should know if someone wants to kill innocent people they could care Less about the laws of the land. the only way to stop these type of people is to meet force with force and that means we should have armed guards at our school. thank god f for the NRA.

  17. Involved Parent on December 22nd, 2012 9:21 am

    “Escambia County currently has armed school resource officers at middle and high schools, but not elementary schools.”

    Well not quite a true statement. Beulah Academy and Brown Barge are both middle schools that don’t have them and neither does the contracted alternative school, which is right at ground zero for violent crime in Escambia County.

    Now look at the absenteeism of those officers assigned across the district as a whole and you’ll find officers off every campus at the same time for training that could and should be done on non-student days. But that’d take some planning, which seems to be in short supply. Look at Northview, this school has gone for weeks on end without an officer over the last two years. Even now if someone was actually tracking, the bad guy would see the school without full time presence at least once or twice every week. So the sheriff’s office can’t really be taking having an officer on campus very seriously. The leadership is just hoping that nothing goes bad when officers aren’t around.

  18. curley on December 22nd, 2012 9:01 am

    What kind of society hs toput armed guards at their schools? How does anyone explais in 2012? So enlightned we are.

  19. Bob on December 22nd, 2012 8:03 am

    Are these guys dumb or what. There trying to keep there NRA campaign money high. What makes them think a guy with a pistol volunteer or not is going to be at the wright place or defend against a semi auto gun in the hands of a crazy. I say band the sale of assault style guns with high volume capacity shooting. Make it illegal to possess one and a buy back program.