So Far, New Gun Proposals Are Few In Florida

December 19, 2012

The tragic mass killing at a Connecticut school last week has produced a stream of ideas on gun control and school safety at the national level — but reaction in Florida has been muted, at least in the form of concrete legislation.

Gov. Rick Scott has called for school districts to review their safety procedures after the shooting, which left 20 students and six adults dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in addition to the shooter and his mother, who was killed at her home.

But no gun legislation has been introduced in either the Florida House or the Senate since the tragedy. Legislative Republicans, who have traditionally worked to expand gun rights, have largely steered clear of the issue. A spokeswoman for Senate President Don Gaetz, R-Niceville, responded vaguely to questions about whether the Senate was planning a legislative response.

“As a former school superintendent, Senator Gaetz supports Governor Scott’s call for Florida’s school districts to review emergency procedures and determine if there are ways to improve security in Florida schools and to communicate these actions with Florida’s families,” spokeswoman Katie Betta wrote in an email.

Democrats have also seemed hesitant, mindful that the GOP-dominated Legislature is unlikely to pass sweeping new laws to control firearms.

“You have to look at the recent history of the Legislature,” said Rep. Mark Pafford, a West Palm Beach Democrat who heads up his caucus’ policy efforts. “The Legislature is very, very pro-gun lobby.”

Some lawmakers are still talking about the possibility of firearms legislation. A spokesman for House Democrats said members were discussing how to respond to the shooting.

And Senate Minority Leader Chris Smith, D-Fort Lauderdale, said his office was researching potential changes, including whether to transfer responsibility for background checks for concealed weapons permits from the Department of Agriculture to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Ideas for making it easier to check an applicant’s mental health history are also under consideration, Smith said.

“It’s not just the guns,” Smith said. “It’s the guns in the hands of people with mental illness.”

One Republican who spoke out on the issue of gun control Monday wound up trying to walk back statements he made seeming to suggest that guns should be allowed on school property.

“In our zealousness to protect people from harm we’ve created all these gun-free zones and what we’ve inadvertently done is we’ve made them a target,” House Judiciary Chairman Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, said Monday, according to the Associated Press. “A helpless target is exactly what a deranged person is looking for where they cannot be stopped.”

Baxley is telling constituents that he wasn’t trying to float a legislative proposal, his office said Tuesday. He also issued a media statement attempting to blunt the remarks.

“Our focus should be on the victims and their loved ones,” Baxley said. “Out of respect for them, we should not politicize a national tragedy. There will be plenty of time for debate in the near future.”

Even some Democrats say the larger issues, such as whether to limit access to high-capacity ammunition clips that can hold dozens of rounds, could be better handled on the federal level, instead of taking a state-to-state approach that could make rules harder to enforce.

“You don’t want a mish-mash of gun laws … by which all you have to do is (buy) a tank of gas and you have a different law apply,” said Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith.

Pafford said the state should at least take a look at the resources it devotes to mental health, where Florida ranks as one of the lowest-spending states in the nation.

“If it’s easier to actually fund mental health in this state, let’s do that,” he said.

By Brandon Larrabee, The News Service of Florida


29 Responses to “So Far, New Gun Proposals Are Few In Florida”

  1. David Huie Green on December 22nd, 2012 10:50 am

    “Jimbo I am really surprised that you would oppose gun control. ”

    Jimbo always writes reasonably.

    David for reasonable people

  2. David Huie Green on December 22nd, 2012 10:43 am

    “It will be America if high powered assault weapons are finally regulated. It does not violate the 2nd amendment.”

    The wording of the Second Amendment to the Constitution, in the Bill of Rights says:
    “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

    Assuming literacy, it DOES violate the second amendment to tell the people what arms they can keep and bear. It IS an infringement of that right.

    “Having them and using them to kill AMERICANS violates everyone’s rights.”

    Using weapons to kill Americans does not always violate everyone’s rights. If those Americans are killing small children, killing those killers is an appropriate use of weaponry. In fact if they are threatening Americans, killing them is often an appropriate use of weaponry. People have a right to live unless they try to take away the same rights from others.

    If people are using anything to murder people, they are violating their rights, the choice of weapon isn’t the problem.

    “All of our rights. small men need big guns to make them big. grow up and get big in your minds and hearts. Guns don’t make you men.”

    Rights aren’t about being big men or cowards; they are about things others can’t take away simply because they don’t want you to be able to do them. Those who would belittle others for exercising their rights are bullies. Please contemplate.

    David for honesty

  3. David Huie Green on December 22nd, 2012 10:29 am

    ” im sure the afl/cio idiots would start complaining that they would be violating a persons civil rights because they would be trying to deny that person the right to own a gun…”

    AFL/CIO is a labor union organization, interested in good jobs and benefits for its members. That is not idiotic nor is it related to civil liberties such as the right to keep and bear arms.

    David for proper letters

  4. jeff s on December 21st, 2012 9:16 pm

    i personally dont know how they would do the mental health thing unless they have been proven in court to be a mental case…
    they would hv to come up with a way to get around all the stupid hipaa laws they have nowadays..
    but then im sure the afl/cio idiots would start complaining that they would be violating a persons civil rights because they would be trying to deny that person the right to own a gun…
    but then a convicted felon cant own a gun can they…….

    just a few thoughts

  5. Marvin Giddeon on December 21st, 2012 9:49 am

    Is it just me, or is it always a guaranteed gun free zone that this sort of thing happens? The people who would do these crazy things are always the only one that is armed. The police (protection) can’t be everywhere at the same time, so they come and clean up after the shootings. My hat is off to them who perform those jobs, I am not bashing LEO. But common sense tells me, if more gun free zones are created, it is likely that these sorts of events will increase. I refuse to lose my status as a citizen and become a subject or servant to a tyrannical government.
    “You won’t get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There’s only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don’t actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time… It’s a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience.”
    ~Ronald Reagan
    To the gun controllers I only have this to say……MOLON LABE!!!!

  6. Duke of Wawbeek on December 21st, 2012 9:47 am

    Jimbo I am really surprised that you would oppose gun control. You think you know people for years and it turns out that you know nothing at all.

  7. Klondike Kid on December 20th, 2012 10:52 pm

    Nikki & Kathy, please re-read Friction Against the Machine’s second paragraph in his letter. This has nothing to do with being a “Macho Man” & everything to do with defense against a tyrannical government. The liberal media programming such as MSNBC news would have you believe otherwise.

  8. ralphyboy on December 20th, 2012 9:47 pm

    A school resource officer at every school needs to be considered. They could help with a lot of issues for deans and principles. Most schools already have a SRO. We have a lottery to help fund our school system I am sure they can find $50,000 a year per school for the budget increase. Gun control is not free it to will cost tax payers.

  9. Not a Gun lover but A Freedom lover on December 20th, 2012 1:51 pm

    America – Home of the Brave, Land of the Free

    Be Brave and stand up for our right to bear arms
    Live Free with the abilities to choose

  10. Niki on December 20th, 2012 12:02 pm

    Fla state congressional representatives and senators are too frightened of the NRA taking away the big bucks. Assault weapons should be regulated and controlled, there is no one that needs 50 rounds fired in 45 seconds to protect themselves or to hunt with, if you do you might shouldn’t have a gun in the first place. Freedom doesn’t mean stupidity. Regulate and control assault weapons, they are not for hunting, they are not for self protection they are to kill as many people as you can as quickly s you can. If you need an assault weapon you may not be a real man.

  11. Kathy on December 20th, 2012 11:56 am

    Florida republicans are chicken and afraid of losing their blessed NRA money for re-election. It will be America if high powered assault weapons are finally regulated. It does not violate the 2nd amendment. Having them a nd using them to kill AMERICANS violates everyones rights. All of our rights. small men need big guns to make them big. grow up and get big in your minds and hearts. Guns don’t make you men.

  12. bob hudson on December 20th, 2012 9:35 am

    I will say, if they try this, this will no longer be America.

  13. bob hudson on December 20th, 2012 9:34 am

    Never. If they want them, they will have to take them.

  14. Duke of Wawbeek on December 20th, 2012 7:45 am

    If president Obama will grant tax exemptions to the republicans in exchange for votes we will finally have the leverage in congress to take these guns off the streets. Personally I see this as a homeland security issue which should be overseen by that department and not congress. If only Michael Bloomberg were president. We would not have these problems. You have my vote Mr Mayor.

  15. Jimbo on December 20th, 2012 7:23 am

    The fact that there have been so many arrests of felons with guns in the past few years should reveal that criminals don’t follow the law. In saying that, we should know that no new law will dis-arm criminals. So, the conclusion is that unless we’re able to disarm every criminal that new laws restricting possession off firearms will only serve to endanger law abiding citizens. There are already laws against everything that brat did on the day he killed his mother, then stole her lawfully purchased and owned firearms. He continued this behavior by illegally possessing and transporting the weapons being under age 21. He illegally used the weapon to shoot into and break the glass that was keeping him from entering the school before going on his murderous rampage. It should be plain to a thinking person that laws didn’t prevent this tragedy.

  16. friction_against_the_machine on December 20th, 2012 5:59 am

    If they really wanted to do something to protect the schools they should issue grants to improve security. The kid that did this basically “stole” his mother’s guns. He never would have been allowed to buy a gun on his own. Therefore, seizing guns from those who have nothing to do with this isn’t going to be effective.

    However, that’s not why the politicians want your guns. They’re scared of you, they’re scared of the real reason the Founding Father’s put the 2nd Amendment into the Constitution. Jefferson believed that when a government became too tyranical, the people had a right to replace it by force of arms. Both Hitler and Stalin moved to seize private fire arms in their nations and once accomplished, they turned on their citizens. Don’t think it can happen here? Neither did anyone in Germany, since Germany was a “civilized” western nation.

    I’m very disappointed that our elected Reps and Senators haven’t stepped forward in opposition to any new gun control regs. The problem with most Republican politicans is that they are spineless when it comes to dealing with Obama and the left. They want to be apologist for their beliefs and their constituents. ANY Republican who supports ANY new regulation on guns should be voted out of office.

  17. Say What on December 20th, 2012 12:53 am

    No. More. Gun. Control. Legislation.

  18. dick tracy on December 19th, 2012 11:17 pm

    Gun control is coming…..are you ready to give up your firearms?????

  19. CW on December 19th, 2012 10:27 pm

    ” Why are those left wing group so quick to call for gun control, when they think it is fine to slaughter 1.2million of babies a year(abortion)”

    Well, what you call a baby, they call a fetus. Goes back to that question of when life begins.

  20. mike carnley on December 19th, 2012 7:55 pm

    It is not the guns or high capacity magazines that hurt people. The state can check the mental state with the background checks before issuing a weapon permit. My guns have always stayed loaded. I taught my children about my weapons and always told them if they ever want to look, touch or shoot them to come and let me know and we will do it together. If the state also looks into open carry, that will deter alot of the crimes. Criminals will see how many people are actually arming themselves. The citizines wouldn’t even have to pull the weapon in most cases.

  21. bigbill1961 on December 19th, 2012 4:23 pm

    First of all, keep praying for the victim’s and their families.
    Second, we don’t need gun control, we need idiot control.
    If we use the same knee-jerk reaction logic from those who
    would ban guns, we would have to ban cars too.

  22. bob hudson on December 19th, 2012 9:51 am

    As tragic as this is, and my prayers do out to those who have lost, Why are those left wing group so quick to call for gun control, when they think it is fine to slaughter 1.2million of babies a year(abortion),This does not make one bit of sense.Now we can address the issue’s of mental illness, violet video games, protecting our schools better.This young man broke ALL the laws we now have on the books.You never let people who are hell bent on gun control write the rules for gun control. Criminals will always find a way to get a gun.To ban a gun just Because it looks like a military weapon , is stupid. looks do not kill.This is how it starts, well this weapon kill these people, ban it, well then they illegally use another legal weapon to kill with, ban that to, pretty soon all guns are banned in the name of so-called (safety) We do not, or will we ever live in a safe world.

  23. mc on December 19th, 2012 9:15 am

    I don’t like guns, but I have them. Seems to me they (school) need to start teaching children some humanity (not political or religious) at the earliest possible age. make them realize that all the violence they are exposed to, is mostly for entertainment. And how to tell the difference. All you need is love.

  24. Patriot on December 19th, 2012 9:14 am

    Why is it that politicians and the media feel that every time a madman kills, new laws and restrictions are required?

    These types of crimes cannot be prevented without turning our schools (ALL schools) into places that would resemble prisons, with armed security and pat downs and each door. That’s not the country that I choose to live in.

    Living in a free society has inherent risks. How much freedom are you willing to give away to mitigate some of these risks?

    To quote Benjamin Franklin, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

  25. 429SCJ on December 19th, 2012 9:06 am

    @Dual Citizens of the 112th Congress. I hope that you push just as hard for gun control in the other nation of which you are also a citizen, as you push for gun control here in America.

    No man can serve two masters. Either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. Matthew 6:24

  26. Bigr on December 19th, 2012 8:48 am

    Criminals will always be able to get guns no matter what kind of gun control laws we have.
    The best way to stop someone with a gun is with another gun in the hands of someone who knows how to use it
    They need to arm some of the teachers willing to go through police training and maybe if something like this happens it can be ended with less lives lost.

  27. Sam on December 19th, 2012 6:20 am

    A terrible event that ignited this. I feel for those parents. I personally don’t need an assault weapon. I do have pistols and a shot gun. I have a permit also. I do carry consealed on trips. I have that right and wont give it up. Law or no law. More attention needs to be given to getting the mentally ill off the streets.

  28. Dave Stark on December 19th, 2012 6:07 am

    It seems to me that his mother’s misguided psychotherapy created this madman. She knew he had mental issues and somehow came to the conclusion that the way to “reach” him was to take him to the gun range and teach him how to use weapons. There are no laws that could ever have stopped this tragedy from happening. Only some good old common sense, which doesn’t seem to be so common anymore.

  29. 429SCJ on December 19th, 2012 5:50 am

    It is good to see issues such as mental health and the violent content of media programming being discussed for a change, as opposed to let’s just take everyones guns and not address the root causes of the problems.

    I must say that I could not help but notice the members of congress whom represent a small demographic, all screaming for gun bans ect ect. I find it odd that the very same demographic is prevalent in the organizations that fight to strip God and Nationalism from our schools and government institutions, and preach tolerance for whatever comes down the pike, which if you observe American history of the last 50 years appear to be the catylyst, which have brought us to our present condition and circustance?

    I cannot help but wonder why a 2% demographic works so very hard to influence the other 98%, and to what end?