Resident Wakes Up And Finds Car In Spare Bedroom

December 2, 2012

An Escambia County resident found an unwanted guest in his spare bedroom when he woke up Sunday morning.

He thought he heard a sound about midnight  but did not notice anything unusual because curtains and blinds covered the inside of the window. But after daylight Sunday, the resident of Condor Drive in Gonzalez found that someone had wrecked a car through the window of his unoccupied spare bedroom.

The Florida Highway Patrol determined that the Dodge Avenger had rolled backwards from a nearby street and into the home. Troopers said another driver had hit the car, which was parked by the curb, causing it to roll downhill.

The FHP is continuing to investigate and look for the driver that hit the Dodge.  The Ensley Station of  Escambia County Fire Rescue also responded to the call.

Pictured: A resident of Condor Drive woke up Sunday morning to find this car in his spare bedroom. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Resident Wakes Up And Finds Car In Spare Bedroom”

  1. Facetious Bob on December 3rd, 2012 12:43 pm

    Is it still against the law (Chapter 316 FSS) to park on the pavement outside a municipality?

  2. David P. on December 3rd, 2012 9:06 am

    It has been edited for sure….my first time reading had no mention of it being parked and hit by another car….

  3. Gregory on December 3rd, 2012 6:58 am

    The story was edited since the original comments. I think everyone read it just fine.
    People are so quick to prove someone wrong and point out faults.
    It’s not a competition to be right and point fingers. Try a little benefit of the doubt every once but in awhile. Maybe even practice a little patience now and then. I think you’ll see life is a little more enjoyable.
    This goes for every response to every story. I just can’t post it on all of them so I chose this one…..have a good one

  4. Hmmm on December 2nd, 2012 10:10 pm

    Hey folks read a little closer:
    “Troopers said another driver had hit the car, which was parked by the curb, causing it to roll downhill”
    This car was parked and someone crashed into it!!!
    Sounds like the homeowner sleeps like I do, Deep and Hard!!!
    Thank God he or no one else was in this bedroom..
    Hope FHP finds the Driver that has no reguards to human life.

  5. Re-Read on December 2nd, 2012 9:06 pm

    I think everyone is miss-reading the story. The car was originally parked at the curb. Someone hit the car which caused it to roll into the house. No one was driving the car when it crashed into the house

  6. cat on December 2nd, 2012 12:47 pm

    Or, they flee because they are under the influence of something illegal when they wrecked and if they flee, they can’t be tested (and arrested) at the scene – and the longer they are not caught it gives them time to sober up or if they are caught soon after they can say they had a drink after they left the scene to calm their nerves…..

  7. Patriot on December 2nd, 2012 11:47 am


    They flee because most of the time the car is stolen. When it’s their own car, they flee, then report their car stolen.

  8. CW on December 2nd, 2012 9:51 am

    Why do people flee the scene? Do they think they’ll not get caught? Cars have VIN numbers and tags, duh! I might could understand if the car was stolen, but people flee when its their own car.

  9. kathy on December 2nd, 2012 9:25 am

    How could you not wake up to that car hitting your house, someone must have been sleeping pretty hard. luckly know one was hurt. what about the driver .

  10. Betty on December 2nd, 2012 9:13 am

    You have got to be the soundest sleeper ever not to know until the next morning that someone has crashed through the wall of your house. Wish that I could sleep that well. Glad no one was injured.

  11. Susie Boutwell on December 2nd, 2012 8:45 am

    They must have been spinning to wreck the front of the car and then the rear end up in the house, so glad there wasnt nobody in the room….