Motorcyclist Killed In I-110 Crash

December 19, 2012

A motorcyclist died Tuesday night when he struck a barrier wall on I-110 and was ejected into the parking lot of the Pensacola Bay Center below.

The Florida Highway Patrol said 27-year old David Wayne Bryant, Jr., of Pensacola, was southbound at 11:35 p.m. on I-110 at a high rate of speed. He failed to negotiate a curve, struck a barrier wall and was ejected onto the parking lot below. Bryant was pronounced deceased at the scene.


15 Responses to “Motorcyclist Killed In I-110 Crash”

  1. Paul Carite on February 24th, 2013 10:02 am

    I know this is old but I just found this Blog. Has any one ask the state to look into Kens comments at top. seems valid to me

    Miss you Dave…..

    SIXPAC out..

  2. Ken on December 23rd, 2012 11:21 am

    The decending ramp is poorly designed. The expansion joints cause the bike to pump up and down while leaned over causing a loss of traction. bikes have to lean to corner and cant absorb the motion. If the ramp had more of a bank to it this wouldn’t happen so often.

    a catch fence might keep them from falling to the parking lot, possibly making it a survivable crash.

    So sorry for the friends and family of this rider.

  3. Vera on December 22nd, 2012 9:50 am

    This is so sad,my prayers go out to this guy’s family an friends .

  4. whatthe on December 20th, 2012 10:16 am

    satire is an inappropriate response when another human being has died.

  5. chad on December 20th, 2012 12:30 am

    Not only do I know the victim he was my best friend .he was a loving and caring person,that would help anybody he could.all who knew him will miss him greatly.banning motorcycles is a foolish idea,about as foolish as the individual who published the idea.the county should devise a way to stop this from recurring again for many have lost their life at this same spot.granted some the accidents have been the fault of the drivers but it is the county’s responsibility to help ensure the safety of its citizens also.

  6. Katie on December 19th, 2012 10:02 pm

    I appreciate those who send sympathy to the family. I do wish the comments were more like that rather than a place for people to get on their soapboxes, but thats y we have freedom of speech. His death is a tragedy and unfortunately it is not the first of its kind, but prayers and good thoughts are much appreciated.

  7. molino jim on December 19th, 2012 8:40 pm

    @ David–Not only do they vote—they reproduce. Even worse they serve on juries and come up with some strange reasoning in cases (if you can call it reasoning).

  8. No Excuses on December 19th, 2012 3:17 pm

    Several people have been killed in this area by being ejected from their motorcycles and falling to the street below. The primary cause is that they were going too fast. I recall a co-worker of mine being killed there in 1987 for the same reason – too fast for the area. Slow Down!

    My sympathies to the family of the deceased.

  9. David on December 19th, 2012 2:47 pm

    OMG!! Charie – I laughed at your comment until I read some of the other responses. You nailed it. And to think that some of these people vote!

  10. charlie on December 19th, 2012 12:06 pm

    Mark a word to the wise,Never use satire in the comments section.At best only 3% will catch on.

  11. contradiction on December 19th, 2012 11:03 am

    Mark, banning motorcycles will only stop motorcycle accidents, what’s goin to be next?? Do u not realize how many vehicle accidents happen on a daily basis?? You going to want to ban cars and trucks next? Accidents happen, people make bad decisions. But that’s no need for everyone to have things taken away because of other peoples choices……just saying

  12. DAGB on December 19th, 2012 10:21 am

    Lol Mark, that comment goes in the same category as guns kill people, or a spoon makes people fat. A human being is responsible, not an object.
    I however am sorry for the family of your loss.

  13. coach bell on December 19th, 2012 10:17 am

    That’s a great idea! And when someone gets killed in a car wreck, what then? Ban all cars? How about if someone were to be killed falling off the roof of their house putting up Christmas lights? Should we ban the Christmas lights? Or would that be the house that needs to be banned?

    How about the government realize that when people make decisions they need to be able to handle the responsibilities/risks that go along with making that decision. I don’t need the government telling me what is best for me. I think that Ronald Reagan said it best, “More government is not the answer to the problem…it is the problem.”

    I also realize I probably offended you by calling them “Christmas” lights instead of “Holiday” lights. Oh well.

  14. freda whaley on December 19th, 2012 10:16 am

    This is what, three that have done that so far? I’m thinking, maybe if they put up a fence high enough to stop the flight into the street below we *might* be able to save some lives. Mark, you had me going for a minute there.

  15. Mark on December 19th, 2012 9:38 am

    These tragedies happen on this way too often. I see the only way to stop the death of innocent motorcyclists it would be to ban all motorcycles. After all no motorcycle no death by motorcycle. This is in the Pensacola city limits; I believe Mayor Ashton Hayward should declare (as Obama will guns) “No more of these vehicles of death on our city streets” and be done with all the senseless deaths.

    All nonsense aside, Pray for the family this loss will only be compounded by the Christmas season.