Local Cotton Gin Sets International Example

December 9, 2012

The West Florida Gin in Davisville and quality local cotton from North Escambia are setting an international example.

A group of Chinese business people visited the West Florida Gin Saturday afternoon to get a firsthand look at recent equipment upgrades.

“Always eager to put technology to a higher level they (the Chinese) strive to make the best even better,” West Florida Gin Manager Robert Godwin said.

All 15 of the Chinese business people that visited the West Florida Gin agreed that quality cotton fiber is of essence.

There are 2,200 mills in China, the largest cotton producer in the world, but they need cotton from around the world to feed their appetite for the product, Godwin said.

” I feel honored for a group such as this to take the time to visit our facility,although we are not the largest we certainly have consistent high grades,” said Godwin.


12 Responses to “Local Cotton Gin Sets International Example”

  1. 429SCJ on December 12th, 2012 6:27 am

    The Chinese only want to improve their processes and the quality of their equipment used therein.

  2. Bob on December 11th, 2012 3:59 pm

    We are not talking about 22-2300 cotton gins. we are talking about that many textile mills that process raw cotton. These mills used to be in the Carolinas and Tennessee,Georgia and so on. Thanks to Bill Clinton and the NAFTA agreements our technology has been sold to foreign countries where there are no labor unions to deal with and labor is cheap. Sounds sad and it really is but the market for our cotton is almost wholly owned by the Chinese. In other words we are our own worst enemy.

  3. David Huie Green on December 11th, 2012 12:18 pm

    “Wait until they have 2300 mills in China and then you can advise us about the Boogieman.”

    I never advise about the Boogieman. I just can’t keep up with who he is since he keeps changing.

    China has 2200 cotton gins and around 1.35 billion people (give or take a hundred million). That’s a lot of socks and tee shirts. Maybe that’s why they have a cotton gin for every 600,000 or so people.

    David for the touch, the feel of cotton

  4. . on December 10th, 2012 10:46 pm

    I know some guys from there who is merle ?

  5. doubtingthomas on December 10th, 2012 8:10 am

    Let me see,we need to name a few things you will not see in China. Unemployment compensation,disability checks,social security,medicaid,medicare,ebt coupons,food stamps of any kind. I could go on but i am sure you get the picture. Everyone has a job and the elderly are taken care of by their siblings. Might not be a bad place to live.

  6. Mark T on December 9th, 2012 10:02 pm

    Nobody said China was the Boogieman, But reality is that Chinese products Dominate the American market in case you haven’t notice David. Wait until they have 2300 mills in China and then you can advise us about the Boogieman. I’m 100% behind U.S. Manufacture’s and yes more power to them all!!!!!

  7. David Huie Green on December 9th, 2012 3:25 pm

    So the Chinese are the latest Boogie Man?

    It’s hard to keep up. It was the Ruskies, the Krauts, the Japs, the oil companies, the bankers, Big Bidness, the Democrats, the Republicans, the Tea Partiers, teachers, the tree huggers and other environmentalists, the hair spray makers, the coal companies, the anti coal interests, the hydroelectric dam makers, the anti hydroelectric dam people, the nuclear industry, the No Nukes/China Syndrome crowd, the One Percenters, the Atheists, the Christians, the Muslims, the gas and oil frackers, the ???

    Anyway, it’s nice that the local cotton gin hasn’t just given up, decided it’s hopeless and shut down. More power to ‘em.

  8. Trish on December 9th, 2012 3:11 pm

    The article said THEY BUY FROM OUTSIDE THEIR COUNTRY because their 2200 mills can’t meet the demand for it. Possibly this could increase production here to serve their needs. Export………..is good for local business, good for employment.

  9. Mark T on December 9th, 2012 12:00 pm

    The only thing the Chinese are striving for is to put the West Florida Gin out of Business!!!!!

  10. nudo on December 9th, 2012 11:18 am

    And how is this a good thing? They are filming and getting ideas from you. In 5-10 years you will be out of business because they make it cheaper.

  11. northendbratt on December 9th, 2012 4:54 am

    It is a good thing that the local Cotton Gin set such high standards, but it’s depressing to see Chinese touring the facility. THEY HAVE 2,200 mills, how many of those were here at one time? Hate to start the day out on a negative note but it is what it is!!

  12. Amanda on December 9th, 2012 1:02 am

    My grandpa merle works there of course its awesome :)