For The Kids: Santa Talks About Tonight’s Visit To North Escambia Area

December 24, 2012

Tonight’s the big night for the jolly old elf, with Santa Claus expected to visit all the good little boys and girls in the North Escambia area tonight. spoke to Santa Claus by phone Sunday from the North Pole, and we learned that he has a long list of girls and boys to visit tonight in our area.

“There have been a lot of good boys and girls around North Escambia this year,” Santa Claus told us. “I’m going to be making a lot of deliveries. Let’s see…Molino, Century, Walnut Hill, Bratt, McDavid, Bogia, Christian Home, Davisville, Barinneau Park, Dogwood Park, Gandyville, Atmore, Flomaton, Cantonment, Byrneville, Cottage Hill…they are all on my list tonight.”

“The boys and girls at Bratt Elementary, Molino Park Elementary, Byrneville Elementary,  Jim Allen, Ransom and Ernest Ward have been so good in school this year. Even most of the big kids at Northview have been good this year, plus they won that state championship” Santa said with a chuckle.

What kind of toys will Santa have in his sleigh this year? Most everything he said.

“Wii, Wii, Wii. Ho, Ho, Ho,” Santa said with a grin. “There will be a few of those on the sleigh. Lots of Xbox boxes. Star Wars toys,  iPods, iPads, mp3 players, laptop computers, toy trucks and tractors, makeup and even a few clothes will be on the sleigh tonight. But, best of all, there will be a lot of surprises!”

Santa’s funniest request from North Escambia this year came from a lady in Cantonment. She asked for a rich husband.

“I won’t have any rich husbands on the sleigh tonight,” Santa Claus said. “I emailed her request over to Cupid. I think he might fix her up for Valentine’s Day.”

Santa said he won’t be able to bring everything that every boy and girl asked for this year, but he’ll do his best.

“Sometimes kids ask for things I just can’t bring to them,” Santa Claus said. “But I always try to surprise them with something I know they will enjoy. I know the boys and girls will enjoy Christmas morning.”

Santa spent a lot of time in North Escambia this year. From riding fire trucks around neighborhoods, to the ballpark in Molino, to the library in Century, to the parades all around, Santa said he enjoyed meeting all the boys and girls in person.

In our exclusive interview, Santa let into a little secret. That red light you see blinking in the sky around here might not be a big radio tower. It might be Santa’s most famous reindeer of them all.

“I really enjoy visiting down there in the summer,” Santa Claus said. “I like to take the reindeer down there to enjoy the warm weather. I have a buddy in Walnut Hill. We fly down, and the reindeer get to run around the woods there in Walnut Hill. Then we head over to Bluff Springs and do a little fishing. I like to visit the diner in Molino for lunch, in a disguise of course, and then head up to Century and get some ice cream.”

The most important thing for all the children in North Escambia to remember tonight is to get to bed early. Santa said he expects to be in North Escambia pretty early this year. has teamed up with NORAD to track Santa all day. To see Santa’s latest location, click here.


2 Responses to “For The Kids: Santa Talks About Tonight’s Visit To North Escambia Area”

  1. Atmore on December 24th, 2012 11:14 am

    This is awesome! :)

  2. AL on December 24th, 2012 10:01 am

    An interview with SANTA?!?!?! William, you are the MAN!