Florida Issuing Record Number Of Concealed Weapons Permits

December 13, 2012

The number of licensed concealed weapons holders in Florida is expected to top 1 million next week, state Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam told reporters Wednesday.

Doubling since 2007, the number of concealed weapons license holders will top 5 percent of Florida’s 19.1 million residents in a state that is number one nationally in licenses issued.

“Clearly it is a popular law and has been taken advantage of by a large number of Floridians who have acted responsibly,” Putnam said.

Florida has been licensing concealed weapons since 1987, when state officials took over authority from counties that had a patchwork of requirements regarding who could carry and what was needed to qualify for a license. Since then, more than 2 million licenses have been issued.

License holders are predominantly male and most are over 31 years old, with more than 219,000 at least 65 years old. While still a relative minority, representing about 20 percent of all license holders, more than 200,000 women also have licenses to carry.

Putnam said that of the 2 million issued, only 0.3 percent have been revoked.

“Floridians who are obtaining these licenses are obtaining them for the right reason and are using them in an appropriate way,” Putnam told reporters.

Gun advocates have long argued the legal gun ownership is a deterrent to crime, a message that was repeated Wednesday by Marion Hammer, executive director of United Sportsmen of Florida and former president for the National Rifle Association.

“Criminals commit crimes, but they aren’t stupid,” Hammer said. “They don’t want to get shot.”

Overall gun sales are also up. On Tuesday, Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Gerald Bailey, said the agency processed more criminal background checks for firearms on the Black Friday shopping day than any single day in the agency’s history.

Background checks are required for all gun purchases. Persons seeking concealed weapons licenses must undergo further screening and submit fingerprints.

A concealed weapons permit now takes a little over a month to obtain, down from more than 15 weeks only a few years ago. About 10 percent of licenses issued in Florida are for out-of-state residents.

By The News Service Florida


14 Responses to “Florida Issuing Record Number Of Concealed Weapons Permits”

  1. 429SCJ on December 16th, 2012 6:07 pm

    @Murph, I agree 100%. When I see the members of congress who represent just a 2% portion of the US demographic, pushing 90%+ of the firearm control legislation, I ask myself what are their true motives in trying to ride roughshod over the other 98%.

    I wonder if I am needlessly concerned when I see members of the 112th congress and other government officals, who hold dual citizenship with the US and other nations. I can only ask myself where does their loyalty rest, with us or them?

  2. Bobby on December 16th, 2012 2:19 am

    Eeroye, the right to keep and bare arms is not so that we can overthrow the gov’t. It is so that we can prevent the gov’t from overthrowing us. It IS so that we can fight and wage war on our gov’t if need be. If you celebrate July 4th, this is what you celebrate. Freedom from gov’t control. This country wouldn’t be here today if your way of thinking had been instituted 300 years ago. You have what you have and get to say what you say because of farmers and normal folk having arms to raise up against a controlling gov’t (England)

  3. Bob on December 15th, 2012 12:02 pm

    The issues are not the 5 or 6 shooter guns or single shot muzzleloader for protection that was in use at the time the constitution was declared the law of the land. It’s the user, high capacity (Quantity) magazines rounds, assault rifles designed to kill, high capacity magazines for assault rifles, armor pearsing ammunition designed to kill. Now all you IRA and Repubes start screaming about your wrights. We’re not being invaded. My little six shooter will stop that home invader if I’m a good shot. And maby I’ll get his buddy if he doesn’t get me first. Some of thoes kids might still be alive if this guy had limited shots 5 or 6 maby 2 guns and the adults could have had a chance to rush him when he’s reloading. I’m done now so start screaming about your wrights.

  4. Willis on December 14th, 2012 7:52 pm

    Received my renewal in the mail today.

  5. Bob hudson on December 14th, 2012 3:57 pm

    Yes , I am sure it was a gun free zone. For those who abide by the law. When will liberals learn that , when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. They(those who break the law)do not care what the laws are.

  6. Lawson on December 14th, 2012 1:48 pm

    With today’s shooting at the school in Connetticut, I’m sure we will hear more folks screaming about gun control. Have you ever noticed, these nuts who want to shoot folks almost always pick the place least likely to find anyone armed?
    All the gun control laws in the world won’t stop these kinds of folks.

  7. Bob hudson on December 13th, 2012 7:44 pm

    I agree. Any one who decides to use a weapon, must practice with it. A gun is useless if you can not hit your target. You must know what you are doing. And hell no , it should not be a mandate from the federal government. It is called common sense. We have laws in place that cover that. By the way , if I own a gun, why would I not practice with it? Liberals are idiots.

  8. just me on December 13th, 2012 6:57 pm

    I got mine and wish my wife would get hers.I feel safer and yes I would use it if I had to.but that should always be a last resort. To anyone thinking of getting one I would recommend you take the time to learn the proper way to shoot and especially the safty side of it. Maybe a class.

  9. No Excuses on December 13th, 2012 6:31 pm

    Differing opinions not withstanding, it is an American’s constitutional right to bear arms if they so desire. I have a few myself, but I don’t consider myself paranoid or unprepared to use one if needed. I’ve had the training and I refresh on it several times a year. I would suggest that anyone who wishes to carry a firearm be trained to properly use it to keep themselves and others safe and for maximum protective effectiveness if needed.

  10. Ifish4 on December 13th, 2012 6:04 pm

    ..eeyore…..I can tell you from experience that having a concealed weapon is very effective if the need arises. Over the years I’ve had to pull my gun on someone 4 times and it was extremely effect each time, I didn’t have to shoot in any case, but it stopped the intended crime immediately. I’m not paranoid, I’m armed. Maybe you are the paranoid one worrying about over throwing the government, but don’t worry we get a chance to over throw the government in every election.

  11. Bob hudson on December 13th, 2012 5:26 pm

    eeyore, Seems you have no idea what the 2 amendment is about, I am very sure that most of us who carry , know what to do when it comes time. I sense more liberal trash will come from your blog , so let me put it to a point, his highness won by , lets say 51%, given a 3 % margin, that means 48 % of us do not agree with who won.So be it, Liberals hate the 2 amendment because it means their are folks who will not bend down and kiss their ring. They hate independent thinkers, and those who do well with out their so called (direction). No we are not planning to (over throw the government) by the time obama gets thru ,all those who voted for him will be sick of the democratic party. Liberals are spineless , crooks that live off the poor and ever one’ else’s money. So I guess a line has been drawn. Good enough for me.

  12. Michael Murph on December 13th, 2012 4:56 pm

    Paranoid – Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others.

    It is not irrational to take what precautions you can when people actually are committing violent crimes against others. If violent crimes didn’t happen, then it would be paranoid but that is not the case.

    Police rarely prevent crimes, they usually investigate them.

    As far as the second amendment’s purpose, here are some words from Tench Coxe while the Bill of Rights were being debated. Tench Coxe was a delegate to the Continental Congress. It also contradicts those who say the ordinary citizen should not have rifles like the military.

    ” As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow-citizens, the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.”

    — Tench Coxe (1755–1824), writing as “A Pennsylvanian,” in “Remarks On The First Part Of The Amendments To The Federal Constitution,” in the Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789, p. 2 col. 1

  13. Bob hudson on December 13th, 2012 4:11 pm

    I love this state. Just remember , commit a crime in this state , the odds of you getting shot, just went up. Score one for the good guys.

  14. eeyore on December 13th, 2012 9:24 am

    …boy, there sure are a lot of paranoid people out there arming themselves to the teeth just so the “boogie-man” wont get them…i just wonder how effective they will be if they actually have to use it in a real situation? and this image of the “boogie-man” to these folks? bet it doesn’t look like them…and as for the people claiming the right to arm themselves under the second admendment…are they planning to overthrow the government that they could not win the election for recently?