Escambia Man Gets 15 Years For Battery Of Pregnant Woman

December 20, 2012

An Escambia County man has been sentenced to 15 years in state prison on charges of aggravated battery on a pregnant person and battery.

Rafie Lee was sentenced by Judge Gary Bergosh as a prison releasee reoffender.  On April 7, 2012, Lee and the victim, Hope Cattell, were arguing when Lee pushed her to the ground and hit her several times. Cattell’s daughters, Brittni Freeman, who was nine-months pregnant at the time, called her grandfather for help. When Freeman attempted to hand the phone to her mother, Lee pushed Freeman to the ground and she fell on her stomach.


2 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 15 Years For Battery Of Pregnant Woman”

  1. 429SCJ on December 21st, 2012 6:19 am

    If someone had knocked my pregnant daughter to the ground, I would be taking a look at that offending hand and frequently.

  2. Jane on December 20th, 2012 5:17 am

    This one doesn’t need to be on the streets.