Community Mourns NWE, Ernest Ward Volunteer Charles Williams

December 26, 2012


Charles Williams, a former North Escambia Person of the Year, passed away Christmas day.

Williams was an instrumental and driving force behind sports programs for countless youth at Ernest Ward Middle School and the Northwest Escambia leagues. For funeral arrangements, click here.

Here is an earlier story about Mr. Charles Williams being named a North Escambia Person of the Year:

williams3.jpgCharles Williams is one of those behind the scenes people that makes the world go round — at least the world of youth sports in Walnut Hill.

From the Ernest Ward Middle School Sports Boosters to Northwest Escambia Football, Williams is always hard at work to make sure the area’s children have the opportunity to take part in sports.

He is sometimes the man on the public address system at NWE and Ernest Ward Middle School football games, but he is always the man behind the scenes.  From mowing the grass to working in the concession stand, he’s the model volunteer.

As president of the EWMS Sports Boosters, Williams is quick to point out that the group works to support every boy’s and girl’s sport at the school, not just the county’s only middle school football team. Williams and his army of volunteers make sure that every player of every sport is appreciated, and that every player is fed an appropriate meal or snack before every game.


“I just don’t know what we would do without Charles,” EWMS Principal Nancy Gindl-Perry said at a school sports banquet before presenting Williams with a small token of the school’s appreciation.

Williams accepted the gift quietly and humbly — that’s just the kind of man he is. And hundreds, if not thousands, of youth would tend to agree — he’s just one of those people that influences society quietly, one child a time.

“He’s a true hero,” Perry said. file photos, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Community Mourns NWE, Ernest Ward Volunteer Charles Williams”

  1. dee from the b.p. on December 29th, 2012 6:32 am

    mr. charles and his entire family are AMAZING people! hardworking, generous, they constantly do for ALL childeren, without judegment! it breaks my heart to have seen such a good man laid to rest, and his family hobbled, but he went on a day for rejoicing, christmas morning. and even though i know it will be hard, his hand shall be on them, and us all helping us to continue on, as if he was still anouncing the game!

  2. nwe mom on December 26th, 2012 10:11 pm

    He was a great man who always helped who ever ask of him. Prayes to his family. Extra prayes to Tristan his grandson. It is my understanding that his dad is being treated for cancer. Prayers to you all and god Bless

  3. Kevin Coon on December 26th, 2012 10:06 am

    My family sends its thoughts and prayers out to all of his family. Charles was a giving man with such a great heart. In our busy lives we sometime forget those we care about and this man I will never forget. He contributed countless hours to the youth football program and did a wonderful job with it.Without him it would probably would not have made it.Thanks Charles for the memorys and blessing you were to all those kids and parents.

  4. Cindy @ Jerry's on December 26th, 2012 8:44 am

    This is so sad to read. Charles was one of my customers and a man that I considered to be a friend and gentleman. The kindness in his heart was truly seen and felt by others. He gave so much of hisself and never expected anything in return. May God bless his family and comfort them. We are so sorry for their loss.

  5. Susan Marquis on December 26th, 2012 12:35 am

    My prayers go out for this family that is dear to my heart. Lord I am praying for your peace to sustain them during this time. Charles is an awesome man and will truly be missed. This family has been through so much in the past couple of years and are still overcoming battles today. Please keep them all lifted up in prayer.