Chiefs Week: What Does It Take To Win State? (With Video)

December 14, 2012

For the Northview Chiefs, winning a state championship last Friday night was the culmination of months of work and conditioning that began back during the summer.

The video below,. produced by Northview Football, takes a look at the Chiefs during their off season start toward the ultimate goal of a state title.


3 Responses to “Chiefs Week: What Does It Take To Win State? (With Video)”

  1. Willene and Preston Bryan on December 14th, 2012 7:32 am

    Hard work pays off. Way to go Chiefs !!!

  2. NHS Football Mom on December 14th, 2012 6:54 am

    Very good video! As a parent you see the heart, tears, sweat, and dedication they put into this every night. I’m so proud of each and everyone of these young men!

  3. Bondo on December 14th, 2012 5:39 am

    Awesome video!