Century Decks Out With New Utility Pole Decorations

December 3, 2012

The Town of Century is decked out with brand new Christmas decorations along North Century Boulevard.

The town purchased 42, 50-inch Christmas wreaths with energy saving LED bulbs and 24-inch bows. The wreaths were ordered from Dixie Decorations in Montavello, Ala., for $15,047, while the bows were purchased from a local business for $3,918. It also cost the town $2,734 to have Gulf Power wire three poles that previously did not have electricity for three of the wreaths.

Pictured: New lighted wreath decorations adorn nearly four dozen utility poles along North Century Boulevard in Century. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


28 Responses to “Century Decks Out With New Utility Pole Decorations”

  1. Lyn on December 5th, 2012 10:53 am

    So many Scrooges in Century! Be happy with what life brings. And if you are not happy, do something good for someone else. YOU COULD donate food to the food bank, or give things to the Goodwill, or just be happy for others.

    Happiness is Contagious! Smile and love the lights.

  2. Deborah Carnley on December 4th, 2012 8:49 am

    The wreaths look very nice but I find it hard to believe that they cost 15,000 dollars. Isn’t this a little extravagant? I love to decorate so I am not judging, but i also hope that we all remember the true meaning of Christmas. It is all about love and the birth of the one who died for us so that we could know real love.
    Merry Christmas to you all!

  3. cygie on December 4th, 2012 7:45 am

    21 grand would have gone really far at the Bay Area Food Bank, especially since 100 bucks buys 1000 pounds of food. Do the math.

  4. Nicole on December 3rd, 2012 11:25 pm

    Correction to my comment earlier: I think the RED BOWS are very nice. LOL (screen issue-color was distorted)

  5. Willene Bryan on December 3rd, 2012 9:08 pm

    Really like the new Christmas decorations. I put the energy saving LED bulbs on my tree to, so I can save some money on my electric bill. Looks good to me Century, and even more saving money.

  6. Molino Lady on December 3rd, 2012 7:58 pm

    Wonderful to have decorations for a beautiful holiday!

  7. Shorty on December 3rd, 2012 7:47 pm

    Seems like every time Century tries to do stuff to make the Town look better, someone always complaining. Some people just ain’t never happy. It looks great.

  8. well on December 3rd, 2012 7:15 pm

    Maybe Jen is missing Brad, sorry wrong story.


    They look nice and anything to brighten the season is GREAT!!


  9. sabrina on December 3rd, 2012 6:47 pm

    I must say I was VERY DISAPPOINTED when I seen those little things on the poles. I went through Atmore the other day and there’s looked a whole lot more like Christmas. If you ask me those wreaths were “A WASTE OF MONEY”!!!!!! I enjoy seeing lights and decorations at night and these pitiful things don’t even shine bright enough to see at night……….

  10. DJ on December 3rd, 2012 6:35 pm

    I to think that the wreaths look tacky..the lights are dim and you can’t even see the plastic bows..you could have maybe fixed the other lights up cheaper than what was paid for these.

  11. prter on December 3rd, 2012 6:31 pm

    hayi like this but who is paying for this the town of city hall we and that id a lot of money ??? thank you and marry christmas

  12. Molino Lady on December 3rd, 2012 6:19 pm

    Lovely decorations for a beautiful holiday!

  13. oh my goodness on December 3rd, 2012 5:09 pm

    2 bows on each wreath equals 84 bows divided by $3918.00 equals $46 and some change for each bow. Not bad for the durability and size. I think they’re beautiful and a great facelift for the town during Christmas time. Stop complaing.

  14. Jason on December 3rd, 2012 5:08 pm

    Hey Jen….I dont think the cost of the bows were $100 each. There are two bows per wreath…..84 bows in total. The cost per bow is abot $46 which I dont think is out of line for the cost material and time to make and apply each bow.

    Maybe next time you can submit a bid to pefrom the work….provided a course you have a qualified business that is properly licensed and insured.

  15. Safebear on December 3rd, 2012 3:44 pm

    Me thinks “JEN” is a spurned florist. When I looked at the pictures of the Flomaton Christmas parade here on NorthEscambia I saw the pole decorations there – Century should be proud, at least they are trying to make the city more appealing.

  16. Jen on December 3rd, 2012 1:42 pm

    First of all I would not have paid $100 for those horrible looking wreaths the lights are already out on half of them. And I would like to know who thought it would be a good idea to pay any florist almost $100 each to make those pitiful looking bows on those wreaths. I cannot believe this horrible council and mayor would approve a cost like this when there are so many other needs in this town. They should all be fired or removed from office for this decision. This is purely shameful…and then to actually put it on the news with the cost listed makes it even worse b/c now everyone can see how bad of a decision they made and make fun of us even more than they already do. I could have made much nicer bows for the wreaths and I would have done it for 1/2 the cost of course that would have still been too high for bows but since century likes to throw away money might as well take advantage and take advantage is exactly what the florist they paid did. And to whom ever that florist is please feel free to comment back and say how the materials and time cost you this and that…and I will still say “lies” my mom used to be a florist and I know exactly how much even the most expensive and most durable ribbon material cost and I know exactly how much work goes into making bows…NOT a 100 worth per bow….

  17. cygie on December 3rd, 2012 12:37 pm

    I am not really sure why anyone “deserves” Christmas decorations, especially in a town with as many needy people as Century. I am wondering about the connection between Century and Montavello, AL.

  18. Randy on December 3rd, 2012 10:46 am

    $95 per bow mighty costly to a little town crying for JOBS … FIRE ALL

  19. Nicole on December 3rd, 2012 10:42 am

    I agree with the other person, they looked kind of puny to me too as I was driving through Century at night… and during they day… why are the bows so dark? lol They don’t look very “merry.” Would not red bows have been more festive? Or something other than what appears to be black or navy blue? lol just saying, but I guess something is better than nothing.

  20. Momma of 3 on December 3rd, 2012 10:22 am

    I do not live in the town of Century, I hardly go through that town. But my goodness!!! People will complain about anything….I love Christmas time! Please let us enjoy it with out all the complaints for once.

  21. David Huie Green on December 3rd, 2012 9:24 am

    “We deserve some pretty Christmas wreaths for a change”


    Pretty things are nice but I don’t see where they are deserved.

    In fact, if they are deserved, nobody should be appreciative of them since they are simply what is due.

    David for appreciation

  22. Karen on December 3rd, 2012 9:20 am

    Very happy to see the support of local business….money well spent. The more we spend in our local economy, the better off our city will be.

  23. MHD on December 3rd, 2012 8:52 am

    I was a bit dissappointed in the new Christmas lights…..I am not usually a complainer but multi colored lights might have made the wreaths more noticeable. Lights (white?) around the bows would have made them visible at night and just more lights over all might have been a good idea. If there was not a wreath just outside my house and I saw it in the day light I would not have even noticed them as Christmas wreaths on my way to Flomaton last night.

    Puny was the word that came to mind…..wish they were more noticeable both in the day light and at night.

  24. Greg on December 3rd, 2012 8:34 am

    Worth every penny

  25. masterofsarcasm on December 3rd, 2012 8:28 am

    I bet the kids would be even more tickled if the 21K was used for something more productive for the community … or maybe given to the needy for Christmas. But wreaths are nice too. Maybe you should count the debt the town has instead of the number of decorations on the poles … but I guess reality is not always as pretty as the Christmas decorations …

  26. Sylvia on December 3rd, 2012 7:47 am

    For the skeptics that want to talk about the cost….We deserve some pretty Christmas wreaths for a change. All the small towns around us have pretty decorations, so I am so happy we got them. To band mom thanks for caring and I hope a lot of kids will notice them and be proud!

  27. NHS Tribal Beat Band Mom on December 3rd, 2012 6:53 am

    When I was a child, Mom used to have us count pole decorations on our Annual Christmas Road Trip. I thought it was so much fun! Of course, now I know it was a great way to occupy idle time (no electronics in our cars back then — hand held or otherwise!)

    We didn’t have any pole decorations in our town and I was always sad for the kids who were driving through on their annual Christmas Road Trip!

    I’m so tickled with Century’s new decorations, I might just drive around and count the wreaths for Old Times Sake!

  28. Matt on December 3rd, 2012 5:56 am

    …$21,699.00…. Merry Christmas Century!