Body Of Kidnapped Man Found

December 27, 2012

The body of a man kidnapped from his residence early Monday morning has been found. The man has been identified as Torrance L. Hackworth, 32, of the 1300 block of North J Street, Pensacola.

Pensacola Police Department Captain David Alexander said police responded to a wooded lot in the 1600 block of North S Street around 5:45 Wednesday night after receiving an anonymous tip that the body was there. Alexander said an autopsy will be done to determine cause of death.

Meanwhile, detectives continue pursuing leads on a suspect(s) involved in Hackworth’s abduction, which occurred around 2:45 a.m. Monday at his apartment. Although a motive for the home invasion/kidnapping remains under investigation, it is believed to have been drug related, Alexander said.

A 36-year-old woman told police she was sleeping in bed when four to five unknown males entered her apartment. The woman, who was awakened by people yelling, said all of the
men were wearing dark clothes and were holding guns. One of the men was pointing a gun in her face when she awoke.

The woman and four of her children – ranging in age from four to 10 – were ordered into the living room at gunpoint. She said she saw Hackworth – her boyfriend – tied up, lying on the
living room floor and bleeding. The woman told police the men ransacked the apartment, took some items – including her car keys – and then carried Hackworth, who had duct tape over his mouth, out to her car where they put him into the trunk and drove off with the car.

The vehicle was later found submerged at Sanders Beach in the 900 block of South I Street, but Hackworth was not found in the trunk.

Alexander said the Gun Crime Response Team has been activated and is assisting with the investigation. Anyone having information on the incident is asked to contact the Pensacola Police Department at (850) 435-1900.


9 Responses to “Body Of Kidnapped Man Found”

  1. Captain Willard on December 31st, 2012 10:55 am

    I will never understand why any person prefers to alter their reality through drugs, booze or whatever. I always believe that waking up each day is a win. As Duke Wayne said. “Tomorrow is the best day of your life.”

  2. David Huie Green on December 29th, 2012 9:40 am

    “How is it that none of the comments mention the horror of this particular CRIME and are more focused on the drugs and assuming the mother of the children was aware of what her boyfriend was involved in? “

    At a guess, they are figuring this particular crime is a natural outgrowth of the victim ignoring laws and putting himself and others in a position likely to produce a crime like this. When people live outside the law, they give up much of the expectation of the protection of those same laws. Their fellow outlaws are only limited by their personal sense of justice and quite often that sense is skewed or absent.

    And as to why they assumed the lady was aware of the activities going on, that is because they assume she is not a complete moron and are irritated at her for putting innocent children at risk by involving herself with an outlaw.

    David for assuming women aren’t morons

  3. Walnut Hill Roy on December 28th, 2012 8:00 am

    The article specifically says “4 of her children”, how many does she have and where were the others? There is definitely more than meets the eye involved here.

  4. 429SCJ on December 28th, 2012 7:38 am

    Sleep with a pistol under your pillow.

  5. Wm on December 27th, 2012 9:03 pm

    Thug life at its best…

    Deal in drugs with thugs — and why should it be a surprise someone ends up dead in a wooded lot.

    Until the “culture” changes from within — things will only get worse. No laws, police enforcement, or assistance programs will solve this problem.

    The people need to decide to change their lifestyles and choices – lest they end up in the same condition… D-E-A-D…

  6. Really? on December 27th, 2012 3:11 pm

    How is it that none of the comments mention the horror of this particular CRIME and are more focused on the drugs and assuming the mother of the children was aware of what her boyfriend was involved in?

    I have to ask, “How does a person in our community get yank out of bed in the middle of the night by criminals, is thrown into the back of a car trunk, and later found dead?” This stuff isn’t suppose to happen in our area – period!!! It sounds like something you’d watch on TV. This criminal act only has me asking more questions like:

    Can this happen again to another family? What is being done to prevent this mafia-type crime from occuring again? Is it drug related and how come these thuds haven’t been caught yet? Surely, someone has a lead or something… Reminds me of a crime that happened with the husband and wife and all those handicap children years ago – the horror of the crime itself. (I am NOT relating the Billings with any drugs. It’s the terrible mafia-styled crime I am relating it too.)

    Thank goodness the mother and children were not injured. How sad this really is – drug related or not.

    We are not suppose to worry about crimes like this occuring here.

  7. jakec on December 27th, 2012 10:38 am

    imn i agree. those kids aint got a chance. i couldnt imagine my kids going through that anytime but on especially on Christmas morning. its sad. i hope theycharge the “mom” with child endangerment at least.

  8. lmn on December 27th, 2012 9:52 am

    How likely is it that more than one of these children will become a violent criminal? They have been subjected to guns and drugs. How sad the mama should be punished for letting a drug dealing boyfriend sleep at her house with four innocent children. How traumatic for these children. Grown people need to own the things that they do and if she had just sent him packing she and her family would not have been in this situation. Guess that drug money is hard to resist. Bad guys killing bad guys. Don’t feel bad for the dead one but let’s get the other ones off our streets.

  9. Justin on December 27th, 2012 8:34 am

    All of this crime is almost ALWAYS drug related. If you don’t sell or deal in drugs, these bad things won’t happen to you. Period. These home invasions, murders, etc., are all products of this criminal lifestyle. When will this part of society start taking responsibility for their actions? There are reasons why you don’t ever, if rarely, hear about things like this happening in non-drug ridden areas. It’s not just a coincidence.