Woman Sentenced To Prison For Abusing Mentally Disabled Daughter

November 9, 2012

An Escambia County woman was sentenced Thursday to 69 months in state prison for abusing her mentally disabled daughter.

DeeAnn Hale, 59, was charged in April along with friend Clinton Michael Carr and her husband. Carr was sentenced Thursday to five years, six months in prison.

On April 12, law enforcement discovered that the daughter had been forced to wear a signboard that read “I am a liar and a theif” (sic) around her neck. She was forced to repeatedly walk the perimeter of a backyard pool allegedly as punishment for  “stealing” candy from food the family claimed was for the homeless.

The sign was made of two pieces of wet plywood, approximately 3-foot squared, being held around her neck with two heavy metal chains. Deputies asked the girl to kneel down and were able to remove the signs, which  were estimated to weigh about 40 pounds. Due to the weight of the signs the chain had slightly embedded into the victim’s neck, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The woman had also suffered a lacerated scalp which had been stitched closed with a common sewing needle and thread. Further investigation into the woman’s treatment revealed that during the previous 12 months, she had been forced to stay outside 24 hours a day for days on end and deprived of adequate shelter, food and medical attention, according to the State Attorney’s Office.

DeeAnne Hale’s husband, Rondal Hale, was previously convicted of four counts of aggravated abuse of a disabled adult and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Woman Sentenced To Prison For Abusing Mentally Disabled Daughter”

  1. Viola cox on October 20th, 2016 6:38 pm

    That was my sister that happen to I wish I was there when I was going on so I could of saved her

  2. Denise on January 7th, 2013 5:48 am

    Well, we are not to judge no one no matter what they’ve done But I can honestly tell you this time it is hard not to, This is something that should be brought back to court I hope this lady doesn’t try to get a lighter sentence while she is in there,

    My prayers is she gets what she deserves the guards at lowell correctional are no joke to mess with she is at a prison where she wish she would have never came too, You otta be ashame what you did to that girl she will never be the same …

  3. J.C on November 10th, 2012 8:42 pm

    This woman surely deserves more than what she got…I had a mentally challenged brother who is no longer with us, and I would hurt anyone who laid a finger on him…This is very disturbing to me that she is only getting that short ammount of time..The court system needs to be revised and certainly needs to be looked into for even letting her get away with this….

  4. joe on November 10th, 2012 6:53 pm

    we see what value the court places on human life. if it were animals the sentence would have been longer.
    we need new judges!

  5. Joani on November 9th, 2012 9:11 pm

    The men were charged with 2- 1st degree felony charges and 2- 2nd degree felony charges. The woman was only charged with one 1st degree felony and 2- 3rd degree felonies.

  6. Joani on November 9th, 2012 9:02 pm

    Disturbed Citizen

    Your comment is spot on! Four years is absolutely ridiculous. Animals cruelty would have drawn a longer sentence.

  7. Lily on November 9th, 2012 2:26 pm

    I saw this woman as she was being led by two deputies from the courtroom sck to lockup. She was red faced and hysterical. When I realized who she was I was sickened. Has she no remorse? @BB, I agree she should have to give that money back to the state.

  8. RobHinton on November 9th, 2012 12:23 pm

    They should set these three on fire and be done with it.

    Why provide them the basics they deprived the victim of for 5 – 15 yrs at our expense?

    People like this will never be a productive member of society…they are the anchor that holds us down.

  9. poohbear on November 9th, 2012 9:06 am

    It seems there is more to this story than we are reading. Rondal Hale got 15 years, his wife DeeAnne got four years, eleven months, Clinton Carr got five years, six months in prison. Why did the mom get the lightest sentence? Why did Rondal Hale so much more when it seems they were all in it together.

  10. river on November 9th, 2012 7:48 am

    Falls out in court ……. Maybe she can hang a plywood sign around her neck ” I did the crime but can’t do the time” !

  11. Becky on November 9th, 2012 7:23 am

    What a pity. When she gets out of prison she will no longer be able to get a monthly support check for that daughter! She should be made to pay all of that money back to the state because she was not ‘caring’ for her daughter! What a shame that this mentally ill girl had to live this way! BB

  12. Disturbed Citizen on November 9th, 2012 7:01 am

    59 months ? You have got to be kidding. If she would have done this to a dog or cat bet she would have hot more. This waa one of the sickest stories I ever read on here and I can not believe that’s all this lady got. Wow.

  13. chris1 on November 9th, 2012 6:41 am

    Should of been 59 years.

  14. Robert on November 9th, 2012 5:30 am

    I wish I could be there when they get to prison. I don ‘t like to see people suffer but when you treat someone like this you deserve to be treated worse than you treated them. The prison guards hopefully will do for that young girl what she could not do for herself. Maybe they can take spelling lessons too!

  15. Huh? on November 9th, 2012 3:41 am

    59 months?? The system needs a major overhaul!

  16. miranda on November 9th, 2012 2:51 am

    I believe you will have a special place reserved for you if you harm or mistreat kids mentally challanged
    people elderly people or animals i think whoever the judge was in this case needs to have a place reserved as well for not giving these crazy idiots what they deserved if i so much as look the wrong way crossing the street they would put me in jail for longer than these dirtbags have to stay.god bless this mentally challanged lady and thank god she is not with these people anymore.

  17. kevin enfinger on November 9th, 2012 12:30 am

    59 months thats it?!!!???? i mean what the heck this was a crime that significantly hurt another person and mentally will affect the victim for ever and she only got 59 months. is this were my tax dollars go? lets let the bad crimes run free and give th small crimes more time. i mean come on