Veterans Day Programs This Week At Northview, Ernest Ward

November 5, 2012

Veterans Day program are scheduled this week at Northview High and Ernest Ward Middle schools.

Northview High

Northview High School will hold its annual Veterans Day program on Wednesday, November 7 in the school theater. Identical programs will be held at 9:35 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The guest speaker will be Captain Carl Mock, United States Navy, retired.  Captain Mock is the former commanding officer of the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training (CNATT) located at NAS Pensacola. He  served 38 years before retiring in June 2005.  All veterans, their families and community members are invited to attend.

Ernest Ward Middle

Ernest Ward Middle School will hold its annual Veterans Day program at 9:45 a.m. on Thursday, November 8 in the school gym. The public is invited, and a special invitation is extended to veterans in the community. The event will feature guest speaker Albert Hunninghake from Walnut Hill, patriotic music and presentations. Refreshments to follow.

Pictured top: A flag ceremony during the annual Veterans Day Program last year at Northview High School. file photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Veterans Day Programs This Week At Northview, Ernest Ward”

  1. Joe Hall on November 5th, 2012 8:32 am

    I am a Vietnam Vet (1970-1971) with the 173rd ABN Inf. and received a letter from one of the students inviting me to their program at Ernest Ward School last week. This really made my day. I gradurated Ernest Ward in 1969 . The letter from the student reminded me of letters we would get when we were in Vietnam. Letters were the best moral boosters a soilder could get, when all else around him was going to pieces. Just knowing someone somewhere cared enough was special and made someone’s day a little better. That’s the way I felt the day this letter came and I will be there for their program at Ernest Ward School Thursday. Thanks Jasmine Elliot for your hand writen invitation This will be a great honor for me. May God bless each and every one of you, forever thankful , (SGT) Joe Hall.

  2. 429SCJ on November 5th, 2012 7:30 am

    I am a veteran of 21 years of service in Air Force logistics, however I am not (thank the Lord) a combat veteran. Those men and women who served us on the front lines of our wars and police actions deserve special recognition. Many came home with physical and emotional injuries and many are dealing with difficult problems and circumstance today.

    I just want to say that I appreciate your dedication in facing difficulties that I was spared. I hold an expert small arms ribbon, but thankfully never had to put it to the true test. I like to jokingly say, if you ever would have seen me firing my weapon, you would have known things were getting pretty bad. Their service was nothing to joke about, it was in your face, life and death and I thank them for it.