Sheriff’s Office Opens Video Visitation, Training Center, Nets $50K Power Rebate

November 29, 2012

A grand opening ribbon cutting was held Wednesday for a new Escambia County Sheriff’s Video Visitation and and Training facility near the Escambia County Jail, netting a rebate of over $50,000 from Gulf Power.

The facility has 60 stations for remotely visiting inmates housed in detention areas via audio and video equipment. Inmates’ visitors will use the video equipment rather than going to the jail where visits are currently separated by glass.

The building will house the Sheriff’s Office force on force, defensive tactics, and simulator training areas, a vehicle detailing area, a media center, training and meeting rooms, and offices.

A.E. New, Jr. Inc. was awarded the  $3,919,200 project to convert an existing 31,000 square foot building on Leonard Street into the new facility.

At the ribbon cutting, Gulf Power Company presented Sheriff David Morgan with a $52,500 Earth Cents rebate check for a new geothermal heating and cooling system at the facility.

Besides the rebate, the geothermal systems will save Escambia County in energy costs for months to come. The facility is  estimated to save 40 percent on space conditioning — typically the largest energy consumer in buildings today.

The rebates – up to $500 per ton – are available for Gulf Power commercial and residential customers when they install a geothermal system at their home or business. Non-governmental customers also are eligible for a federal tax incentive.

The Video Visitation Center is located at 1190 West Leonard Street at the intersection of “H” Street and Leonard Street.

Pictured top:  Keith Swilley, marketing manager for Gulf Power, County Administrator Larry Newsom and Sheriff David Morgan cut the ribbon on the ECSO’s new Video Visitation and Training building. Pictured top inset: The facility includes 60 stations for remotely visiting inmates housed in detention areas. Pictured below:  A training area inside the facility. Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Sheriff’s Office Opens Video Visitation, Training Center, Nets $50K Power Rebate”

  1. David Huie Green on December 1st, 2012 1:49 pm

    “It was provided by the 1 cent sales tax. ”

    It was?

    That’s good. It must mean all the dirt roads in the county have been paved.


    David for promises kept?

  2. T on December 1st, 2012 11:15 am

    No attorney/inmate conversations will be recorded. It was provided by the 1 cent sales tax. Not one county commissioner showed up, no city council person showed up.. Channel 3 did not come, only Channel 5 & 10, the mayor did not show. The next project to be done is the kitchen, and if I am not mistaken the inmates at CBD get a hot meal each evening (it is transported from the main jail). The people of Escambia County should be pround of this. We should all be disappointed that none of our elected officials thought it important enough to come. Speaks volumes!

  3. concerned on November 30th, 2012 10:42 pm

    just wondering why they could not have taken money to rebuild the kitchen so the inmates could have decent food cooked there instead of having sanwiched brought over from the other jail? i know they are not at the hilton and are in jail for something they have done wrong, but a warm meal could make a world of difference when you are in there over the holidays. or the laundry room could have maybe be been fixed so they would not have to leave and do laundry at the other jail. seems like nothing has or will be fixed since it flooded and no one seems to care,afterall they are still human. just my opinion but this seems like a waste of money.

  4. Phreda Colitz on November 29th, 2012 9:39 pm

    Great still nothing for the youth today to be involved with this town is just nothing really sit back and look at it what is there….I sometimes wish I could sell and move but thanks for the lack of code enforcment where I live I could never get a good amount for my home and land…I think I see why people are killing people around here they are bored and been just playing video games so much that it seems like real life skills. All the money spent on this what a waste. As far as Morgan I could really care less who is running this thing they are all the same.

  5. Jan on November 29th, 2012 7:10 pm

    I meant you will be able to hear more clearly. Sorry …….

  6. Jan on November 29th, 2012 7:07 pm

    It’s a great idea. At least you will be to hear more clearly. However I agree with an earlier comment, why couldn’t it have been done via the internet. by using SKYPE or something similar? Is it because of the inability to monitor the conversations? You should be able to do that either way. But I appreciate the improvement. I just pray that I won’t have to use it. Hats off to you and your department Sheriff Morgan.

  7. David Huie Green on November 29th, 2012 1:22 pm

    “What is wrong here is that some people would criticize what any elected official did, no matter what they did.”


    And your point???

  8. 429SCJ on November 29th, 2012 12:00 pm

    Video Visitation, sounds to me like they could have done that from people’s living room, over the internet.

  9. Ben Thar on November 29th, 2012 9:11 am

    Wow…they just got Skype for $3.9 million.

  10. Henry on November 29th, 2012 8:36 am

    Good progress. That should help with security and lower payroll cost in the jail.

    I wonder though, when it comes to inmates discussing a case, if this set up creates some right to privacy issues?

  11. EMD on November 29th, 2012 8:05 am

    What is wrong here is that some people would criticize what any elected official did, no matter what they did.

  12. resident5 on November 29th, 2012 6:17 am

    Good job ECSO. This shows the great fiscal leadership of David Morgan.

  13. dnutjob1 on November 29th, 2012 5:59 am

    Your tax dollars at work! Just like the inmate in jail for life up north, whom now is getting tax payer monies for its gender reassignment surgery. Bull!! and he is in for a life sentence SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE!