Police: Escambia Caregiver Sexually Assaulted 106-Year Old

November 6, 2012

An Escambia County woman was arrested Monday for sexually assaulting a 106-year old woman.

Taquita Lashay Watson, 29, was charged with sexual assault on a victim 12-years of age or older with special conditions. She was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $25,000.

Pensacola Police Department Detective Shannan Fortenberry said Watson had been providing in-home care for the victim, who is bedridden for the most part, for about three months. The investigation determined Watson had used a sexual instrument on the victim in October.

Fortenberry said the investigation is continuing to determine if anyone else may have been victimized by Watson, who has worked as a geriatric patient caregiver for over eight years.


16 Responses to “Police: Escambia Caregiver Sexually Assaulted 106-Year Old”

  1. JDHOGG on November 10th, 2012 7:51 pm

    The problem with this type of crime is that they so quickly toss a person in jail and then have to try to prove their case. It is the you are guilty until you are proven (beyond a shadow of a doubt)to be innocent. The will “prove” a case with no evidence, just hearsay, in order to save fave with the public. If the lady is guilty then by all means lock her up and through away the key. If not then do a public apology and help get her a new job. Either way this woman’s life is possibly ruined. She needs God’s mercy, but so do those that are judging her.

  2. Alice Harris on November 10th, 2012 6:11 pm

    Looks like one comment of 14 leaves room for the possibility the accused just might be not guilty. The concept of ” innocent until proven guilty” seems to have no room on these pages and no place in our minds.

  3. jcellops on November 8th, 2012 10:28 am

    as a healthcare provider, myself, i am very curious to hear her side of the story- consider this: to an elderly patient (with, or without dementia) a fleets enema could be viewed as a “sexual instrument”….for that matter,i would think that ANY benign object could be construed as a sexual instrument if its used in a sexual nature…..from the story, it sounds like it was a one-time event….any patient can feel “violated” when doing necessary proceedures or patient care dealing with their breasts, genital or rectal areas…..you explain what youre doing, prior to doing it, but..frequently, confused or demented patients just dont process that information properly…….years (and years) ago, i had a confused, elderly man complain that i had raped him when i did a routine foley catheter insertion….these things do happen…routine proceedures can be miscontrued, especially if the patients are confused….the male nurses that i work with will routinely get a female nurse to do some sensitive proceedures on female patients- just to avoid these types of misunderstandings or allegations….this is just a very bizzare story to wrap my imagination around- if it is true…

  4. Kimberly on November 7th, 2012 7:31 pm

    This is one of THE most disturbing things I’ve Ever read! When my precious Mama was in an assisted living facility the last year of her life, I spent nearly every day and lots of nights there with her when I wasn’t sick myself. But, it never even entered my mind that something like this was even a possibility!

    If a caretaker did something like this to “my” Mama, I wonder what they would set my bond at after I got my hands on them? Betcha it would be higher than $25,000! This is a messed up world we live in!
    God Help us! My thoughts and prayers go out to the victim and her family…

  5. dick tracy on November 7th, 2012 6:56 pm

    Please keep her locked up.

  6. puddin on November 7th, 2012 6:28 am

    This just breaks my heart. How could one woman do this to another? Someone needs to look into this monsters upbringing.

    People need to be watching over our elders and not just assuming that the people hired are doing thier job. Nanny cams are a great tool, as is dropping in randomly to see whats going on. This goes for nursing homes and assisted living facilities, as well as in home caregivers.

  7. Sarah on November 6th, 2012 10:23 pm

    This is sickening. So many of the elderly now days go with out the lack of care because of sickening people like this. They are afraid there are going to get someone so nasty as this. This is just sickening to my stomach.

  8. Wesley on November 6th, 2012 5:02 pm

    I can’t believe this. What kind of person could do this to another person, much less a 106 year old. There is a special place in HELL for people like this. How could this person get a $25000 bond, which is really only $2500 after a bail bond. It’s defenitely true that our justice system is set up for the criminal not the victim.

  9. Upset Female on November 6th, 2012 4:30 pm

    This is a disgrace to the human race… This heffer should pay and pay dearly. 106 years old and she will have to die knowing some crazy idiot still gets to walk the earth and possibly do it again…. And I agree with the others $25,000 bond. What was this judge thinking. A man get triple or more… She is no better.. Lock her up, they will take care of her in jail or prison… and she can’t run or hide from them.
    My heart goes to the family of this poor lady.

  10. Anna on November 6th, 2012 10:20 am

    WHAT, this is sickening, I agree $25,000.00 is a slap on the wirst!! Where is justice for our kids and elderly!!

  11. Bama girl on November 6th, 2012 8:26 am

    This makes be sick to my stomach and enraged! What judge would allow her any bond so low. Maybe while shes in jail some body will take xare of her dumb ass. So, so sad for this elderly lady that has lived such a long life.

  12. Angi B. on November 6th, 2012 7:21 am

    Another sicko, what the hell is wrong with people these days??? Take this womans license!!! She does not need to be caregiving anymore…

  13. UGH! on November 6th, 2012 6:29 am

    What was the judge thinking! Thumbs down to the judge. I hope she goes to prison for a very long time!

  14. doublewide on November 6th, 2012 4:21 am

    This is one sick person! I hope they don’t post bail. I really hope they don’t let her”CARE FOR ANY ONE ELSE”.

  15. dan-o on November 6th, 2012 2:16 am

    Just another example of a double standard. If this was a man (kinda expected that when I clicked on the story) his bond would’ve been a lot more. Read a similar story of sexual misconduct below this story. Are 106-year-olds not just as fragile as a minor? That guy’s bond was $260,000. Equality within sexes? I think not.

  16. paul on November 6th, 2012 1:03 am

    That $25,000 bond sure sends out a strong message to others who would think about doing something like this.. NOT..
    I’ve seen higher bonds on people mistreating animals..