Pensacola To Canceled New York Marathon Runners: C’mon Down

November 4, 2012

After Superstorm Sandy left devastation in the northeast and canceled the New York Marathon, the Pensacola Marathon is inviting displaced runners to head to Pensacola.

“The Pensacola Marathon sends our thoughts and prayers to those affected by the storm.  Pensacola and the Gulf Coast have experienced terrible, event changing storms as well, and are familiar with what the people affected are going through. We also know the importance of all the hard work and training the runners prepared for such an event,” local race officials said Saturday.

The Pensacola Marathon is opening slots in the ninth running of the Pensacola Marathon on November 11 for displaced New York Marathon runners.

The Pensacola Marathon, already at an all-time registration high, will be ordering special commemorative t-shirts for the additional runners and will be ordering additional Pensacola Marathon medals, which will be mailed to the runners upon their delivery.  The registration fee will include the race, event t-shirt, medal, and post-race party, which features a taste of Pensacola with food vendors providing samples of their local specialty.  Special hotel rates are still available for all runners, including staying on the white sandy beaches of Pensacola Beach.

For more information, visit


One Response to “Pensacola To Canceled New York Marathon Runners: C’mon Down”

  1. certifiableacct on November 4th, 2012 8:26 am

    Wonderful outreach. Same distance; different locale. (better in my opinion; sorry, just a native) I hope many of the runners from around the world take this opportunity to visit our beautiful coast.