Pair Indicted In Murder Of Davisville Store Owner

November 28, 2012

The Alabama men that allegedly robbed and shot a Davisville lottery store owner earlier this month were indicted Tuesday on murder charges.

Malcolm McGhee Jr., 24, and Brent Lambeth, 20, are accused in the shooting death of 74-year old Thomas “Tommy” Kroll during a robbery on November 6 at the State Line O’ Yes Lotto on Highway 97.

Tuesday, an Escambia County grand jury indicted both men for first degree murder. Both remain in the Escambia County Jail without bond and will appear in court Thursday for an arraignment hearing.

Investigators said McGhee and Lambeth targeted Kroll’s business because they had previous purchased “Spice” there and the duo intended on robbing the store of more of the synthetic marijuana.


13 Responses to “Pair Indicted In Murder Of Davisville Store Owner”

  1. Mike and ingrid on December 2nd, 2012 3:37 pm

    God bless you tommy kroll !

  2. SMH! on November 30th, 2012 5:28 pm

    I am sorry for Mr.Tommy and his family and im sorry to the boys who did this im sorry for your families.Everyone has there opinions about this but the ones who needs to be focused on right now is tommys family and tthose boys families cause they are the ones suffering right now.I hope and pray this has taught other people a lesson and it to me is a wakeup call to everyone that if you know someone who is addicted to spice,pot,wine anything help them dont let them go down the wrong path just like these boys did…I hope the mcghee family and the lambeth family and the kroll family finds peace in this hard time.

  3. Justice for the family on November 30th, 2012 12:19 am

    @ Mic and Mark — 100% agree with everything you both said. Everyone has a choice and the 2 so called men made the wrong one and now they must pay the consequences of their actions! To the others that think they were “good people”, put yourself in the victims families shoes! Heck if it was my husband, brother, or father, I would ensure LIFE!! And as I have said before God Bless everyone’s family that are involved.

  4. Hwy 198 on November 29th, 2012 6:45 am

    Are we really going to keep posting on here how these two boys ( not men by far) were good people? Are you kidding me!!! They walked into a store to ROB it first of all!! Second they KILLED a man…a man that is a hard worker at that!!! No matter if you are addicted to something… drugs, beer, cigarettes..whatever it may be..get a dang job and support your OWN habits!!! I know plenty of people that smoke and drink and are addicted to them to say the least and they work for the money to buy it!!! But it looks to me that there are a few who think oh if your addicted to drugs its ok for you to go rob someone for that!!! Get real people!!! If these boys were KILLED because someone
    ROBBED them oh it would be totally different!! Yes their families are hurting for the CHOICE they made but think about the MANS that was killed and his family!!! He didnt choose to wake up that morning and go to work and be killed by some punks!!! Yes they need to be on Death Row..and I say that cause thats where they will be for years and then again US working people will have to pay for them yet again!!!

  5. mick on November 28th, 2012 7:25 pm

    These two made the choice to rob this business with a firearm, regardless if it was for money, that spice crap or a bag of chips…they are responsible for their actions… everyone knows that their families are hurting because of their despicable actions, they didn’t even consider how this is affecting the ones who love them… so much for blood being thicker than water…a senseless selfish act by those two…

  6. David Huie Green on November 28th, 2012 5:52 pm

    “Why did this wonderful man choose to make money off addictable drugs when he had the lotto business?”

    The addictable gambling business?
    Or maybe he should just have sold cigarettes, also addictive.
    Or beer, also addictive.

    Regardless, it must be HIS fault, right?

    David for right choices
    or better blame

  7. Highway97 on November 28th, 2012 4:42 pm

    I know one of these young men and don’t think he intended this to happen. I think it was meant to be just a robbery to get the “stuff” and NEVER meant to be a murder. They are young and from what I hear this spice they were after is somethng like marajuana and maybe it was a “wean-off” from the hard stuff. I know the families of these young men are so hurt and don’t think it can’t happen to you or your family; it can and as bad as drugs are now it’s going to get worse.
    You don’t know what these young men have gone thru to get to this point. I hope this curtails these store owners to QUIT SELLING THE STUFF. Why did this wonderful man choose to make money off addictable drugs when he had the lotto business? So sorry for the family that has to bear his loss and so sorry for the families of these two young men. Let’s pray that God will intervene and help both sides.

  8. B on November 28th, 2012 3:53 pm

    These young men have families that are REALLY hurting over their decision to use and abuse the drugs that led them to this tragedy. Maybe the comments on here could be a bit more considerate of the parents. They have done everything in their power to help them.

  9. Mark on November 28th, 2012 2:04 pm

    To heck with that!! I’m gonna judge!!

    God gave them the ability to make a CHOICE! They chose to live that lifestyle, THEY made a choice to do the drugs, they chose to rob that store, and THEY chose to kill that poor man!

    THEY KILLED A MAN!!! He is NEVER coming back and no amount of “I’m sorry” is going to change that!

    If your “friend” had no intention of hurting anyone, then why didn’t he STOP the guy he was with? He made that CHOICE now he needs to pay the piper!

  10. Awayfromitall on November 28th, 2012 1:52 pm

    If you were not in the store that day, you have no idea what happened. Reserve your judgement for things you see right before your eyes and even then what you walk into can be deceiving. You have to be there from beginning to end. This is such a terrible event, but people who have nothing better to do than act as if they know it all make it even worse…for everyone.

  11. mac on November 28th, 2012 12:44 pm

    @ Ashley:
    so because he had no intentions and is addicted to drugs, it makes this all okay. WHATEVER. THEY BOTH not one but BOTH took and innocent man’s life and yes they both deserve the death penalty. Please try to find another excuse, these two men are by no means good people!!!!

  12. ashley on November 28th, 2012 11:49 am

    They are not the first nor will they be the last…so don’t say capital punishment to show the rest ….Brent is a good person he may have been there and shouldn’t have but he did not kill that man and I know he had no intention too you don’t know what its like to be addicted to drugs no they shouldn’t of robbed the place bit most people that are addicted will rob their family or whoever they can doesn’t make this right but just saying do not judge it could of been you or your family

  13. Marcus on November 28th, 2012 9:48 am

    They are scum of the earth. They murdered that man in cold blood without any remorse. These men need capital punishment to show the rest of society that murdering innocent hardworking class citizens will not be tolerated.

    Tommy was a hardworking citizen throughout his entire life. He showed kindness to all his friends and family only to be gunned down by two drug crazed men.

    I’m a hardworking citizen of Florida, hardworking citizen of Escambia county and I reccomend maximum punishment: Capital Punishment.