One Robbed At Atmore McDonald’s

November 21, 2012

One person has been arrested following the armed robbery of an individual outside an Atmore McDonald’s restaurant.

About 3:20 p.m. Monday, Atmore Police responded to the McDonald’s on South Main Street in Atmore after an individual reported that they had been robbed. The victim was able to give a detailed description of the suspects and vehicle, including license number.

Responding officer Lenard Conley observed a vehicle matching the description of the suspect’s vehicle and make a traffic stop at a bank on South Main Street.

Police arrested 19-year old Cornelius Hugh Palmer of Atmore and charged him with robbery first degree. He was booked into the Escambia County Detention Center in Brewton.


17 Responses to “One Robbed At Atmore McDonald’s”

  1. me on November 26th, 2012 9:30 am

    @ Ashley
    Don’t think that for one second I wouldn’t be judgemental towards my own. I have had family members do really stupid and iilegal things and yes! I talked crap about them and TO THEM and judge them the entire time. That is what is wrong here, you honestly think that people dont judge their owns or dont hold their own family members accountable for the things they do. That shows what it is like in your life. your way of thinking is why kids get away with so much these days. IF he did do this, he should be shuned! Everyone in his life should be disgusted by his actions and want nothing to do with him. He should not have a support team and someone telling him its okay and that everything will be ok. BECAUSE its not ok and No everything is not going to be okay… now he has to deal with the choices he has made… WELCOME TO REALITY!!!!!

  2. Anna on November 22nd, 2012 7:06 pm

    @Ashley.. I have yet to read of anyone “playing the race card” as you say. If you do the crime you must do the time, no matter what color you are!!! Good people make stupid mistakes all the time. The only thing to remember before passing judgement, is “innocent until proven guilty.” God help us all.

  3. cygie on November 22nd, 2012 6:55 pm

    @ashley: The only one who mentioned race was YOU!

  4. Friction against the machine on November 22nd, 2012 6:50 pm

    Way to go Lenny! I share Michelle’s frustration but when you read of some police officer or citizen stepping up it gives you hope for our embattled town. You can’t just move away if you have always lived here… You have to stay and fight to make this a better place. It’s ok to be critical….but we need solutions with the criticism.

  5. ashley on November 22nd, 2012 12:59 pm

    I think its pretty pathetic how all these people are judging. Think if that was your son, daughter, mother, father, brother, or sister. YOU wouldn’t be so judgemental about the situation, huh? I know him, and he isn’t the type to do things like this. The only reason this is such a big deal is due to society wanting to play that race card. That’s about it. He was on his way to cash his check form WORK, so please tell me why he would try to rob somebody?! #disgusted

  6. Marie on November 22nd, 2012 9:56 am

    I have been through Atmore on several occasions and it looks like a nice quiet little place to me. If you think it is terrible to shop in Atmore come to Pensacola, then you will see what terrible is.

  7. well on November 22nd, 2012 7:35 am

    @ susan odom
    How refreshing to hear someone sound like they have some sense. Crime, taxes and politicians are everywhere you go. No one should live in a place where they hate everything. Use your freedom and MOVE!!!

  8. Jane on November 22nd, 2012 6:36 am

    You can’t blame everything on the recession. Some people won’t make an attempt to get a good education/job. Others can’t find a job here because there just aren’t enough good jobs to pay the bills. All this means more crime. However, there seems to be an abundance of good jobs in other states and they still have high crime rates. You decide why.

  9. 429SCJ on November 22nd, 2012 4:13 am

    This young man is on his way to Prison, Fountain or Hollman, one of the two. He has thrown his future and any hope of a decent job out the window and will spend many years working in the hot Alabama sun. A CO will sit on a quarterhorse with a shotgun, waiting for him or a fellow inmate to make the foolish mistake of running and getting his legs cut out from under him. Time will pass slowly.

    The only thing optomistic about this situation is the fact that his family will not have to travel far to visit him.

    Think twice you gangsta tough guys out there as street credit won’t buy you crap in the real world.

  10. jcellops on November 21st, 2012 10:00 pm

    i really like taking day trips to atmore, via 97…low stress… noticed that the article didnt mention what kind of weapon was used in the “armed” robbery…you cant assume that it was a gun, as brass knuckles are considered a weapon, as well……..just wondering

  11. susan odom on November 21st, 2012 6:58 pm

    In response to Michelle…Atmore is NOT horrible but if you have such a low opinion of this town,then feel free to leave. I live, work and raise my family here. I grew up in pensacola and moved here about 10 years ago. Being in public service and having family in many areas of the nation, the crime rate in atmore is acutally less than the national average….certainly nothing out of the ordinary here compared to same size/type areas. There are thieves no matter where you live.
    I, for one, do all i can to shop in atmore first. There are some things that i cannot buy here. but for the most part, im able to shop here in my community, support the local businesses that are owned or run by my neighbors and friends. Country Charms is one locally owned business that i can always count on, not only for unique, wonderful items but that personal, one on one service that really counts. Also, while prices may be somewhat higher here on somethings, ive actually found things cheaper. But above that, after gas and my extra travel time to and from whereever, fighting tons of traffic and rude, impersonal salepeople, I would much rather stay close to home most of the time.
    As far as grocery stores, my dad was employed by a grocery store his entire life so Im pretty familier with the ins and outs of a grocery store. I have family members and friends employed by the grocery stores. I dont know what you are talking about the grocery stores being “horrible”. Are they perfect? Heck no but Ive seen a whole lot worse. And I get to shop close to home with people I know and trust. Sometimes it is nice to get out of town and shop elsewhere. And yes this town has its problems…just like every where else in the usa. So, dont feel sorry for everyone here and dont lump everyone in the same basket. Work together to make atmore a better place would be my suggestion.

  12. Alisa, Geisert on November 21st, 2012 12:59 pm

    Oh excuse me soooo many people steal in Atmore????????? Drug addicts ALL OVER THE WORLD rob & steal sweetie, where have you been??

  13. sonors on November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

    @mom,,, next thing you know, they will be holding a gun to our heads for calling that stuff food !

  14. Michellle on November 21st, 2012 9:36 am

    I HATE ATMORE !! The town is horrible ! It will NEVER change ! The people there will never let anything new into the area and you cant shop there, first of all because its too expensive, and second of all, there is NOWHERE to shop ! The grocery stores are horrible and the sales tax is crazy ! I go elsewhere to do all my business !! There are so many people in Atmore that steal !! Its UNBELIEVABLE !! I feel sorry for people that live there !!

  15. mom on November 21st, 2012 9:24 am

    WOW! You can’t even go out to eat anymore without a gun to protect yourself…sad

  16. denver on November 21st, 2012 8:37 am

    Way to go Lenny!!!

  17. Atmore Res. on November 21st, 2012 7:46 am

    Good job, APD!