No Injuries In School Bus Wreck

November 15, 2012

There were no injuries in a wreck Thursday afternoon on Highway 4 between Bratt and Byrneville near Canoe Creek.

The mirror on an Escambia County School District bus was struck by a passing truck that hauls large cotton bales. A window on the bus was knocked out by the collision. The bus was partially loaded with Northview High and Ernest Ward students.

The accident is under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. That investigation has not yet determined which driver, if either, was at fault in the crash.

Pictured above: A window was busted out of an Escambia County school bus Wednesday afternoon a bus mirror collided with a truck. Pictured below. There were no injures on bus 17-12 as a result of the collision. photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “No Injuries In School Bus Wreck”

  1. Parent concern on November 16th, 2012 10:03 am

    Wow you people are something else…..comments about “BAD” news where no one was hurt….BUT ONLY 2 COMMENTS ABOUT VETERANS DAY PROGRAMS- SAD, And yes I got a call from my child (who had her cell phone) and then a call from the bus driver and Mrs. Weaver (my child is in middle school). Your child DOES NOT have to ride a bus….take them to school. Also did anyone ever think about calling the school back today when things are calmer and talking to them? Oh no you would rather complain!!

  2. Momma Of Kid On Bus on November 16th, 2012 6:33 am

    School officials on scene did have a roster and did contact parents. Perhaps the person that did not receive contact did not property fill out or return that little “bus card” at the beginning of the school year.

  3. northender43 on November 16th, 2012 6:30 am

    As a district employee (former bus driver), I know for a fact that the schools do know what students are what buses. Bus drivers turn their rosters to the schools several times a year. This was a case of someone not wanting to do their job. This is a problem that our Superintendent needs to be aware of. The district in the last few years has gone to pot quick in every area. LET THE DISTRICT KNOW HOW WE FEEL ABOUT THINGS … GO TO THE MEETINGS … ESPECIALLY US IN THE NORTH END… WE ARE ESPECIALLY SHAFTED WHEN IT COMES TO ANYTHING … LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD!!!!!!!

  4. Shame on November 16th, 2012 6:23 am

    I know these cotton haulers have a job to do. They come down the hwy. in pairs really moving. That being said, i have had to leave the road several times because of kids and adults drifting across the lane at the Canoe bridge.

  5. Nikki & Roy on November 16th, 2012 6:19 am

    Yet again, need to fix the problem with this stretch of road. If you ask the county commisioner, he will tell you the road is wide!!!!!!!!! Guess he hasn’t been any further east on Hwy 4 than Northview!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jane on November 16th, 2012 5:15 am

    What has happened to this country that no one will take any responsibility for anything that happens? We don’t know who is on the bus…well, then maybe you need to stop putting them on buses at your location!

  7. Middle School Parent on November 16th, 2012 12:55 am

    I have noticed this year I don’t know what changed but things do not seem organized with the bus situations and the school authorities knowing what kids are on which bus and where they are, that would be devastating to hear ” there has been an incident ” and not know if YOUR CHILD is ok. SO ridiculous and DANGEROUS. I am so glad nobody was hurt and YES please SLOW down going down where those bridges are, you would think the county would do something there GOOD GRIEF !

  8. Tammy on November 15th, 2012 10:19 pm

    @Jessica Burkett…when Shila was in that wreck a couple of years back….we was told from a lady from the school broad that…what happen to my daughter was not their concern….my daughter had 3 back surgeries..needless to say I made it their concern….

  9. cameron white on November 15th, 2012 8:28 pm

    Glad no one got hurt

  10. Jessica Burkett on November 15th, 2012 7:29 pm

    My niece was on this bus. When she was not home 45 minutes after her normal drop off time we called Earnest Ward. We were told the school did not know which kids were on what bus nor where my niece might be. I was then told that was the Department of Transportations responsibility. I am bewildered how the school would not know who is on a bus when the kids get on the bus at the school!! The fact that they acted like it was no big deal and not their concern was disappointing. I was told there was a bus involved in an accident. Imagine how comforting this was considering she could not tell me if my niece was on the bus or was ok. I tried to call the Department of Transporation but because it was 5:00 I only got to hear their recording

    What happened to the kids being the schools, and school districts responsibility until the child got off the bus? What happened to the call to the child’s guardian letting them know what was going on? What happened to the school showing a little concern?

    I am not usually one to complain, and have not had many things to complain about Earnest Ward but how things were handled, or rather not handled today, has me Fumming!

  11. jackson moore on November 15th, 2012 7:14 pm

    thank god!! none of my friends where hurt

  12. S.L.B on November 15th, 2012 6:29 pm

    So thankful this accident wasn’t serious!

    Yup, just recently commented about the high potential of an accident occurring between a cotton truck and bus a few days ago on the last accident story that took a mans life in the “no man’s land” area between the bridges in Bratt/Byrneville.

    Again, everyone please slow down and pay close attention when traveling that area on hwy.4. It’s a dangerous area that has almost taken and has taken many people’s lives!