Molino Pharmacy ‘Underwear’ Armed Robber Gets 25 Years In Prison

November 16, 2012

A  Molino man that robbed a  local pharmacy in 2010 while wearing underwear on his head is headed to prison.

Joseph Daniel Flowers, now 58, was sentenced Thursday by Judge Gary Bergosh to a mandatory minimum 25 years in state prison. Flowers was convicted in October 2012 by an Escambia County Jury of robbery with a firearm, three counts of trafficking in illegal drugs, and three counts of possession of controlled substances for the September 20, 2010, holdup of Scott’s Pharmacy on Highway 29.

Flowers robbed the pharmacy at gunpoint while wearing  a blue bathrobe, slippers, yellow kitchen gloves and boxer shorts on his head.

During the course of the robbery, Flowers took more than 80 prescription bottles containing thousands of dollars worth of narcotics. After he exited the pharmacy, he ran behind the building where he was picked up by co-defendant Krystal Lynn Collin.

Witnesses inside the store were able to identify Flowers based on the fact that he was a frequent customer of the pharmacy.

Collins, the getaway car driver in the robbery, was previously found guilty in July 2011 of armed robbery with a firearm and a half dozen felony drug charges. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Pictured top: Joseph Daniel Flowers is detained by an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office shortly after the robbery of Scott’s Pharmacy in Molino. Pictured below: Scott’s Pharmacy in Molino was robbed September 20, 2010. exclusive file photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Molino Pharmacy ‘Underwear’ Armed Robber Gets 25 Years In Prison”

  1. Someone on November 20th, 2012 8:47 pm

    Roll Tide:)

  2. Saban on November 16th, 2012 8:33 pm

    Roll Tide!

  3. DJS on November 16th, 2012 4:57 pm

    Crystal was old enough to know what she was doing and getting into, therefore, she deserves what she got. She is the one that done this to her children, not Mr. Flowers. I didn’t hear anywhere that he made her do any crime against her will.

    As far as Judge Bergosh goes….he will not play in his courtroom. He will be the one you don’t want to go in front of, period. With him moving over to Escambia county, maybe in time he will be able to clean up the justice system over there.

  4. robert whitton on November 16th, 2012 3:18 pm

    Crystal was with this guy and knew what he was doing. Dont think one minute she wasnt going to share in the harvest. BIRDS OF A FEATHER ,STICK TOGETHER.

  5. molino mom on November 16th, 2012 2:10 pm

    If Crystal was innocent, then why didnt she help the states attorneys office when she had the opportunity to do so? Do you think an innocent person would turn the other cheek when they knew they were facing 25 years in prison for a crime they didnt commit..All in all you are right, Mr Flowers has used the system long enough but who do you think is gonna take care of him for the next 25 years;the same people who have been taking care of him most of his life!! The taxpayers of course, but he did the crime so now let the low life do the time..

  6. Michelle on November 16th, 2012 11:50 am

    Its about time !! I cant believe you used the system for this long Mr. Flowers !! Poor Crystal has been sitting in prison without her children in her life when she wasnt even driving the car !! I hope you sit in jail and think about what you did and how you screwed up Crystal’s life and how her children are suffering without their Mom in their life !!

  7. mom on November 16th, 2012 9:48 am

    anybody with any sense knows that if you rob a pharmacy, you gp directly to jail….but most everyone that knows this bunch, knows, no sense was involved in this case

  8. MOLINO RESIDENT on November 16th, 2012 9:06 am

    It was a long time coming, but finally justice has been served..Goes to show you, crime doesnt always pay.It was truly a shame a loser like you would do something so horrific to people that always went out of their way to help you and others..So thankful you got what you deserved..