Century Man Arrested For Ripping Copper Wire From Power Poles

November 23, 2012

A Century man has been arrested for ripping copper grounding wires from power poles in Walnut Hill.

Leland David Kite, Jr., 44, of Jefferson Avenue, was charged with grand theft of copper, criminal mischief with damage of $1,000 or more and violating driver’s license restrictions.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies were patrolling in an unmarked vehicle in the area of Pine Forest Road and Pelt Road when they reported finding Kite’s pickup blacked out beside the road.

When deputies questioned Kite, they reported that he appeared very nervous and was sweating heavily. In plain view in the back of his pickup, deputies observed a large cooler and a five gallon bucket containing copper wire. Kite told deputies that the copper wire was from a job site where he worked. Deputies discovered that was not the case.

In Kite’s truck, deputies reported finding a hammer, pliers and gloves by the gas pedal, and in his pocket they found small pieces of copper wire and a large staple. Deputies also discovered that ground wires had been cut and ripped from at least 10 power poles in the area. The wire and staples from the poles matched those in Kite’s truck and pocket, according to an arrest report.

The report states Escambia River Electric Cooperative estimated it would cost about $130 per pole to repair the damage allegedly caused by Kite.

Kite remains in the Escambia County Jail without bond.


19 Responses to “Century Man Arrested For Ripping Copper Wire From Power Poles”

  1. SHWANDA on November 26th, 2012 1:31 pm


  2. Mark on November 26th, 2012 12:59 pm

    @David Huie Green –

    You are so right!! We constantly hear how were should forgive these “wrongdoers”, but NOBODY thinks about the victim or their families!!

    There is always someone saying how much we should forgive, but they never seem to have any suggestions for helping the victims or their families of the crime.

    I have an idea, the next scumbag murderer/rapist/thief that gets arrested, and posted on this site, the FIRST person who starts ranting about how we should forgive this person gets to have the “thug” come live with them for 90 days.

    Let’s see how forgiving you are now…like they say, “put up or shut up”.

  3. David Huie Green on November 24th, 2012 11:03 pm

    “i feel sorry for the kids he was trying to help”

    Can you spare any pity at all for the linemen and others he was putting at risk by stealing the ground wires?
    For the spouses who might be widowed because of his thefts?
    For the children who might be made orphans because of his thefts?

    My bad, I know they don’t count; their daddys work for a living.

    David for a life well-lived

  4. David Huie Green on November 24th, 2012 10:58 pm

    His birthday is Sunday Nov 25, gets to be a mature 45 year old.
    Don’t forget to wish him a happy birthday.

  5. retard on November 24th, 2012 2:38 pm

    If prison didnt help him this want and to the person sayn hes been sober he has not at all since a week after he got out… And he was not doing it for money for christmas it was for his drug habit… Him and his whole bunch is no good and new what he was up to mabye hell go down once again for longer than before since he hasnt yet to learn

  6. trouble on November 24th, 2012 1:59 pm

    If you got of jail,you got a second chance. Going out to steal is not the way to give your kid a good Chirstmas. Going down the road and applying for a job isthe best way. I have a job that I really don’t like, but it will help pay for my Chirstmas. I am tired of the excuses about stealing, robbing,ect.. Everyone needs a hand up at one time or another, but just expecting help, evey time you do wrong doesn’t teach anyone anything!

  7. RENEE on November 24th, 2012 1:50 pm


  8. doofus on November 24th, 2012 1:49 pm

    He’s been arrested for battery, cocaine, and who knows what else before, and we are supposed to feel sorry for the guy because he needed money? Hmmm, wonder what for…

    Maybe he should have thought about his kids a few years back. Maybe this is what he needs to turn his life around, but to feel sorry for him, no way.

  9. lillady on November 24th, 2012 1:10 pm

    Its a ashame that Florida has programs for everybody, foodstamps,wellfare, housing, ssi, ect.. but not anything to help men and women who get out of jail. They need a jobs program, they have to pay 50.00 dolllars probation fee. They need a work program for these people,

  10. Captain Willard on November 24th, 2012 1:04 pm

    Stealing for presents sort of defeats the purpose of being a Christmasian. Better to have disappointed but proud children.

  11. country strong on November 24th, 2012 12:01 pm

    He was sober and he did have a job . he didnt go back to work for the next week . he was trying to pay for his kids to have a christmas . they are poor now how is his kids going to get a christmas without their father yall people are judging . i feel sorry for the kids he was trying to help

  12. David Huie Green on November 24th, 2012 12:48 am

    “Until we walk in anybody’s shoes we shouldn’t judge”

    Absolutely. I am ashamed of myself for thinking bad things about people who steal from others and endanger the lives of others for their own personal gain.

    On the other hand, if you think we should forgive such actions, surely you believe you have to forgive my wicked disagreement with the souls who prey on others like this.
    Come to think of it, I DO walk in somebody’s shoes — my own.

    David for being good
    – or at least not bad

  13. dont think so on November 23rd, 2012 10:32 pm

    U can get employment at burger king and various places sometimes that ego of working for min wage gets the better of some not saying that is the case with this man i dont know him i do know for a fact just because u have a record does not mean u cant get a job. Persistence is the key. I also know he has’nt applied for a job were i work. Lol most people wouldn’t want to work were i work doesn’t pay much but u know what its an honest living. With that said lets assume u cant find work that gives u No right to go out and steal

  14. molino jim on November 23rd, 2012 8:33 pm

    @Been Down. Based on what you’re saying it would be ok to rob a store or a person to get money. With a record it is hard to get a job–but not impossible. Being a theft is a good way to end up being a “lifer” or dead.

  15. cygie on November 23rd, 2012 5:35 pm

    @beendown – it seems it’s easier to point and judge then to open that hand and extend it. yes it’s a chance to help somebody who did time, but I can testify that I have seen men in jail at Escambia and now see them holding jobs, praising God and staying sober. Until we walk i anybody’s shoes we shouldn’t judge.

  16. LEO GUY on November 23rd, 2012 5:34 pm

    @been down,

    If you can’t do the time, don’t do do the crime. That includes the time after the time. When was being a thief, a crminal or a drug user considered a good plan for success? We all make our choices and we all live the results. Cry me a river.

  17. Brittanie on November 23rd, 2012 10:04 am

    Wow! He just got out of jail , I mean really some people never grow out of patheticness

  18. renee on November 23rd, 2012 8:37 am

    Iam very concerned about what I’am reading about this man , they live near my family, and there is always something going on over there. I fear for my friends around me . I would hope and pray , he dont come in my yard and try and steal something . this man just got out of prison , I will pray for the family he is living with. because they have had there hands full , with this bunch .

  19. Henry Coe on November 23rd, 2012 8:16 am

    By pulling ground wire, he was putting lives at risk, Like Linemen. The charges against him should raised to reflect the danger he was potentially creating for others.