Investigation Continues Into Shooting Incident That Injured Infant

November 15, 2012

The investigation is continuing into a shooting incident Wednesday afternoon that left a young child injured.

Escambia County Sheriff’s  deputies responded to a shots fired call at Forest Creek Apartments at  34 Patton Drive about 5:10 p.m. Deputies discovered an infant had been struck by fragments after a shot was fired inside an apartment. The child was transported to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Investigators said they interviewed all parties involved Thursday after they voluntarily went to the Sheriff’s Office for questioning.

The case is still under review, deputies said, and further information has not been released.


6 Responses to “Investigation Continues Into Shooting Incident That Injured Infant”

  1. Shelbie Coates on November 17th, 2012 5:03 pm

    I believe that any parent trying to protect their children has a right to have a gun inside their home. People aren’t aware of where I stay at apparently, otherwise they would understand. The police already knows who it is, and they are doing their job as well, there is no need in me turning him in. Everyone has came forward volenteerly with this case, so nobody is trying to hide out. Like I said before to other people, everyone doesn’t know the whole story & the news crew have twisted things also. But I AS A MOTHER wouldn’t intentially put my children in any harm whats so ever & the people that know me well enough, know that for a fact. I honestly don’t care about everyone elses opinions on this because if someone wants to critisize my parenting skills, they should look at the parents who beat their children & actually don’t do whats best for their children.

  2. trouble on November 17th, 2012 12:43 pm

    Why are you as a mother allowing a gun in your house with a baby. If you have information abuot who did the shooting, YOU NEED TO STAND UP AND TELL THE POLICE!!!! Then make sure you don’t allow it to happen again. Make sure of those who come into the house YOU pay for don’t have weapons. Ask the police how to do this leagally.

  3. John on November 17th, 2012 10:50 am

    Ms Coates ,you are a very lucky mother your child could have been killed. I do hope that if you know the person who fired the shot you would turn him/her in. These things will continue until people get inviolved and help law enforcement get theses scum bags off the street. It’s time people wake up take charge of their neighbor hood and help law enforcement. They need to be off the street and the only way this will happen if people speak up.
    Ms Coates if you are anyone you know have any knowledge of who did this turn them in and if you don’t then you and your neighborhood will never be safe.

  4. Shelbie Coates on November 15th, 2012 10:26 pm

    Thank you so much! I couldn’t thank God enough for not taking her from me. It was a hard thing to cope with, but I tried to stay strong for her.

  5. mary on November 15th, 2012 8:59 pm

    Shelbie,,,, so glad your baby is ok

  6. Shelbie Coates on November 15th, 2012 4:30 pm

    Hi, the infant that was involved in this incident was my 14 month year old daughter. She was taken to the hospital & everything is okay. Her face is cut up a little bit & lightly bruising, but she is doing fine.