In The End, Florida Finally Goes For Obama

November 9, 2012

Florida finally appeared to go for President Barack Obama on Thursday, ending an entirely academic exercise in which the state was decided almost two days after Obama won re-election.

Unofficial returns on the Florida Division of Elections website showed the Democratic incumbent clinging to a lead of slightly more than 58,000 votes over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Even without Florida’s 29 electoral votes, which were viewed as essential for any Romney win, Obama had already carried enough states to claim the presidency.

Still, Democrats touted a final victory after one of their strongest elections in years. U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson won re-election while the party gained seats in Congress and both chambers of the Legislature, though Republicans continue to hold commanding majorities in state government.

Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith issued a statement congratulating Obama for winning the state.

“Florida Democrats ran the strongest, largest ground game this state has ever seen: out-registering Republicans for eight consecutive months, cutting the GOP’s  historical absentee ballot advantage in half, requesting over a million Democratic absentee ballots for the first time in history, and out-pacing Republicans during every day of early voting, and this hard work has paid off,” Smith said.

Meanwhile, Romney Florida adviser Brett Doster told The Miami Herald in a statement that the campaign had lost Florida.

“We thought based on our polling and range of organization that we had done what we needed to win,” Doster said. “Obviously, we didn’t, and for that I and every other operative in Florida has a sick feeling that we left something on the table. I can assure you this won’t happen again.”

Brian Burgess, communications director for the Republican Party of Florida, essentially conceded defeat.

“We’re obviously not happy with the result, but given the wave that we saw all over the country, we’re glad that we gave them enough of a fight in Florida to prolong the battle here as long as we did,” Burgess said in an email. “But we’re not looking back, we’re looking forward to building a stronger coalition of Floridians who believe America can do much better than what we’ve seen over the last four years.”

The odyssey of Florida’s electoral votes began shortly after the polls officially closed. Some voters in Miami-Dade County waited in line until after 1 a.m. Wednesday — after several networks had called the race for Obama. Obama had already claimed 303 electoral votes before Thursday’s announcement, more than the 270 needed to win re-election.

By Brandon Larrabee
The News Service of Florida


44 Responses to “In The End, Florida Finally Goes For Obama”

  1. Bob hudson on November 14th, 2012 5:01 pm

    lets see, the market has fallen 719.83 points since 11-6- 2012. Not a lot of faith in mr.obama .or his agenda. In only 8 days. yep , he should be president. Oh yea , great idea to tax those who make over 250,000. bet your bottom dollar they will not be investing. Why should they? Bob , did your party ever really put any thought in to this? Real simple, you can’t plow a field with a dead mule, Translation, you load to much on those who work and pay tax’s, why work or create jobs? They quit= mule dies. Just asking, again, why will you not post your last name?? Just my opinion.

  2. Bob hudson on November 14th, 2012 3:01 pm

    3:00 pm market down by 201.50 and falling. never bite the hand that feeds you.

  3. Bob hudson on November 14th, 2012 2:59 pm

    Well Bob , does not seem to be going your way , how about that. Now why would I wish to go to Mexico? By the time he is done we’ll have the same standard of living.No investment = no jobs= less tax’s collected, Common sense. Why is it that liberals will not use their last name’s on this post? Afraid some one will find out ? We are all entitled to our opinion’s.

  4. Bob hudson on November 14th, 2012 2:49 pm

    2:47pm market down to 176.40 and falling.

  5. Bob hudson on November 14th, 2012 2:46 pm

    How about that, 2:32 pm and the market is down 156.03 points after obama speaks to the country, Lets see, people who make money get taxed, and the government gives it away, so the only people who support the government are the one’s who work and pay tax’s , I guess that would be the roughly the 48% that voted for Romney. I think the democrat’s are going to find out, you do not bite the hand that feeds you. Yep, he deserve’s to be president. What would you bet the unemployment is going to start climbing? Guess that blame will be placed on those who refuse to invest.

  6. Bob on November 14th, 2012 2:14 pm

    @Bob Hudson
    Better take your money out and run across the border to Mexico. Run Bob Run.

  7. Bob hudson on November 14th, 2012 1:27 pm

    Wow, 1:26pm and down a 123 points, falling like a rock

  8. Bob hudson on November 14th, 2012 1:25 pm

    Hmmm, the stock market is still falling, looks like the player’s are not happy, and you can not force them to invest. So where are they going to get the money to run the government? The president said compromise, that mean’s him and the senate to, so if it goes off the cliff, it will be every one’s fault. it seems he his headed back to ward the middle, well let’s hope so. 1:24 pm. let’s see how the market’s react after his speech.

  9. mik jon on November 14th, 2012 12:58 pm

    Legallize it or secede

  10. Abe on November 14th, 2012 7:42 am

    For most people it was enough to find out that their views were in the minority in Florida and the nation to make them quit spewing the false rhetoric and it’s been pleasantly quite from most of the Far Right Wingers lately. Others have doubled down and decided that maybe they were not screaming loud enough.

    So stock up on guns, ammo, freeze dried food and dig a hole in the ground as the GOP and The Tea Party died a week ago due to being hijacked by extremist.

    In other words, the Tea Party took the GOP to unworkable and thus unelectable extremes. God has blessed America.

  11. Bob on November 13th, 2012 8:18 pm

    Just because you keep spreading dome and despaired and blame Obama for all the US problems. You will never convince the majority that voted for Obama. Alll you can do is keep whining and blaming. Just think the senate (demoratic) majorty is going to change by simple majority vote for procedural changes and block the republicans out just like Florida was block out of affecting the presidential outcome that the Florida governor tried to do. Tax reform will be acomplished by “falling off the cliff”. That will caused all prior agreed mandated cuts that was agreed by House members and Obama. This will increase income by allowing the bush cuts expire on all Americans and mandate cuts will go into effect. Then the House and Obama can start from scratch on tax cuts and Obama through the senate will pass and veto line items for tax cuts. All that because of the GOP and there no policy. So sell your stock and move your 401k’s to a safe place. The GOP is going to cost everyone a lot of money. Obama will do what the majority voted for him to do. This won’t be any worse than when the house allowed us to be derated like the did.

  12. Bob hudson on November 13th, 2012 7:26 pm

    How about that? Down another 58.90 points…..By the way, the house , republicians have nothing to do with this, People do not invest( real working folks) in bad ideas.

  13. Bob hudson on November 13th, 2012 3:57 pm

    Well the stock market is still falling. Guess the liberals will soon fine out , that you may tax the rich, but you can not make them work or make money for those who would tax them to pay for their socialist programs. Sure if the house decides to close loop holes, and benefits and lock it down to a reasonal rate, good. But the president needs to make the same cuts to welfare, obamacare and all other social programs. If he does not , then send it over the cliff, He shall bare that burden alone. Veto away Mr. President , but it will be on your record. Prediction , If he does not get his way, it will be the house’s fault.

  14. Abe on November 13th, 2012 7:36 am

    For those that like to use the stock market to gauge the President explain this: The stock market is up 60% since Preident Obama was first inaugurated. Corporate profits are up 37%. When corporations lay off their profits usually go up due to increased efficiency.

    Companies will lay off when they become more efficient and need less labor or when demand is not there and they cannot sell what they are making, not because a President they didn’t like got elected or because they’re not “in the mood to hire more people and make more stuff to sell. Yet they may still blame the President to keep them from looking like the bad guy.

    These companies will hire again when the working class pays off their credit cards, gets a savings account established and starts spending again on items manufactured in the USA. These are the real “job creators”.

    The bottom line is that corporations do what is profitable for them and people usually do the same. When the housing/banking bubble burst under Bush things had gotten terribly out of balance and it takes time to get it going again.

    The main problem we have this time is that the US Government had max’ed out the credit card before we got into this mess and the middle class wages have not kept up with inflation over the last 30 years. Look at it this way: how much did you make back in say 1982 and how much was a gallon of gas or a loaf of bread.
    if you made say $8.00/hour and gas was $1.00/ gallon and bread was $.75 shouldn’t you make $24.00/hr. today for doing the same job since everything else has tripled in price? Who do you think pockets this discrepancy?

  15. Bob hudson on November 12th, 2012 12:14 pm

    Well come to think about it, Obama deserves to be president, now he must correct the mess he has make our of this country, Will not be able to blame Bush if he fails this time. And that is fair. But the stock market is not happy, and people are not going to invest in the economy , and you can not make them. oh you can tax them, but they will not invest if they think it is a bad idea. As we can now see.I find it odd that those of you who support obama say it was God’s will to have him elected, well you might be right, the democratic party had no problem throwing God under the bus in their convention, so I look at this as more of a punishment for our country than a blessing. God does not endorse what the Dem’s are supporting. At least my Bible does not. So let obama dig the hole on national debt deeper. And Bob, my last name is Hudson, what’s yours? I put my name on my opinion , why don’y you?

  16. just tired on November 12th, 2012 9:02 am

    You are right on with your comment. If the Republicans do not make some major changes it will become increasingly harder for them to win elections across the board. Times are changing and so are people. I’m not saying that they should change their core beliefs, but they need to reach out to a more broader range of people. We have to face it, soon what was once the “majority” will become the “minority”.

  17. Bob on November 11th, 2012 5:17 pm

    Stop whining!!! The law is Obamacare!!!! The law allows for tax breaks for children if you have one or twenty!!!!! The law allows for assistance to low income even a telephone. A cell phone is cheaper that a land line!!!! It’s very rare that the popular vote doesn’t correspond with the electoral college for president.Charlene Clayton your abousutely mentally ill to make a comment about the 53% comment that voted for Obama!!!!! Your got to be married, old and follow directions from your ratical husband. Bob Hudson your really messed up in the head. Thomas I’m prepared for that tax increase the question are you and your rich business buddies. Frank just shut up you don’t know what your talking about. doublewide get you a better job and stop whining.

  18. eeyore on November 11th, 2012 12:24 pm

    …this is what happens when one party only courts to one single demographic and religion…the tactics used to win an election when bush and reagan was courting votes does not work any more…the people who were deemed “irrelevant” (minorities, women, non-christians, youth, etc…) are now the collectively the majority…while the supposed “majority” are getting old and there are less and less of them as the years go by…without “inclusion” and “compromising”, the conservative side will get less people into office in the future…so, anyways…this area will eventually catch up to the rest of the nation sooner or later and then people can see first hand how american demographics is changing…one thing that always amazed me is that someone posted a picture of the nation of all the slave states back in the day…and which states voted for romney…its almost identical…

  19. doublewide on November 10th, 2012 3:33 pm

    I have a job I go to every day. My benifits are a check every week. The goverment said “you make to much so you can’t get any benifits”, but if I quit, spit out a kid or two I can get all the free stuff I want. (cell phone free food free housing ,able to get a break on my bills ect…) I choose NOT to just have kids’ so I guese I won’t free stuff and my taxes will go up so I can pay for others.I did vote!!!The people casting electoral votes DID NOT LISTEN TO US !!!!!

  20. Frank on November 10th, 2012 2:38 pm

    jcellops…you may not know but EVERYONE who does not have an insurance plan will be taxed (I say fined but Supreme court said tax) up to $2400 to force you to have health insurance…

  21. jcellops on November 10th, 2012 11:54 am

    if im not mistaken, that tax increase will affect COUPLES that make greater than $250,000 collectively, or INDIVIDUALS that make greater than $200,000… i incorrect?…….wish that we could elimenate that whole electoral vote process…just doesnt seem fair.

  22. Bob on November 10th, 2012 10:56 am

    Good job Kathy your wright. Republicans in this area have tunnel vision.

  23. Bob on November 10th, 2012 9:29 am

    But you see the same old attitude in the house can’t continue. It has to end if it impacks all. Sounds like you don’t like what the majority voted for and can’t or want find a path to resolve debt issues. Also if you listened to our reelected President Obama he want sighn a budget bill unless it is a balanced bill and includes tax increase on the wealthy. What do people like you and you don’t understand about what happened in the election that reelected our President? The whole problem with the House is all thoes Republicians cut there finger and became blood brothers to vow against obama and any tax increase. But the majority of votes for Obama also were cast for house republicans meaning the majority was reslected for support of president Obama. It will all change in the house in two years if they don’t act in favor of the current vote.

  24. Escambia residen on November 10th, 2012 9:23 am

    To ALL who prayed “Gods Will” for this election (and also voted Romney/Ryan),
    y’all need to be thanking your God for the outcome because apparently Obama winning WAS Gods WILL for this nation.
    So wake up, be the good Christians many of you claim to be, thank God & support our President!

  25. Kathy on November 10th, 2012 7:36 am

    No I am not independently wealthy, I am not living off the system, I do not have a great job with so many benefits. I do not have a free cell phone or medicaid or or food stamps. What I do have is intelligence and the ability to understand what goes on around me and thee. I am not blinded by ignorance, party affiliation, republicans are pretty foul especially northwest fla. republicans very ignorant and ego centric. Everything is someone else’s fault, never your own. God bless the president of the United States, I am so glad I voted for him again.

  26. Marie on November 10th, 2012 6:16 am

    Well at least gun sales have increased. I watched the news last night and gun stores are doing great .

  27. James LaBranche on November 10th, 2012 3:13 am

    Don’t you get it? This is not coke vs pepsi, it’s about finding solutions to our country’s problems. Name calling and gloom and doom predictions won’t cut it. Enough with the emotional rhetoric. Now it is time for our elected officials to sit down and negotiate solutions for the issues at hand.
    Whether you know it or not, the deficit increases over the last four years have actually been the lowest in 20 years. It goes to show that when forced to work together, our elected officials can break the unemployment curve and reduce spending to all of their credit. This needs to continue and improve in the coming years so we can come back to the democracy our forefathers envisioned and away from wasteful political manoevering that gets us no where.
    So enough of this meaningless postering. Now our politicians have been elected and it’s time for them to get to work.

  28. Thomas on November 9th, 2012 11:57 pm

    Guess what Bob you are going to have a tax increase on Jan. 1.

    You need to watch the documentray 2016 and leason to the words coming out of the Presidents mouth as he talks about himself. You may change your mind a little on what kind of man he is. You may find the other information interesting as well.

  29. Bob on November 9th, 2012 2:58 pm

    >>The DOER on November 9th, 2012 2:24 pm
    All your doing is blaming Democratic Party for all US layoffs. Most people have a more sinsible view than you. But if all these companies are using that to threaten the president or house and senate we don’t need thoes type people in US business. Let them close, this is a free market someone will take there place in the economy.
    Every republican who voted for Romney is whining about the deficit. The majority has reelected Obama because of his views on the budget. I am one that voted for Obama and his tax plan with the majority vote. If the same problems persist with the house as in the past 2 years I support Obama in vetoing any bill that doesn’t include increasing tax on people making over 250,000.00 that’s why I voted for Obama. This is not a tax increase this is a collection of tax that should have been collected for the past 8 or more years. This is one reason that the US is having these financial problems. If he rolls over for the “red dog” house members then he looses his support. Let us fall off that cliff the see how all those making over 250,000.00 do. I bet they want do so good. Neither will you. Remember whether you like it or not the majority rule in this country and they have spoken through there vote.

  30. The DOER on November 9th, 2012 2:24 pm

    Florida: Elections have consequences. Get ready.
    Headlines just today:
    Teco Coal in Eastern Kentucky to lay off 90 employees; Momentive Inc. to lay off 150; Wilkes Barre City Employees to announce mandatory layoffs; 600 Layoffs at Groupon; More Layoffs Announced at Anniston Weapons Incinerator; Murray Energy Confirms 150 Layoffs at Three Subsidiaries; 130 Laid Off in Minnesota Diary Plant; Stanford Brake Plant in Kentucky to Lay Off 75; TurboC
    are, Oce Laying off More Than 220; ATI Plans to Lay Off 172 Workers in North Richland Hills; Rocketdyne Lays Off 100; Providence Journal Lays Off 23; CVPH Lays Off 17; New Energy Lays Off 40; 102 Utah Miners Laid Off Because of War on Coal; Chicago U.S. Cellular Drop 640 Workers; Career Education to Cut 900 Jobs and 23 Campuses; Vestas to Cut 3,000 More Jobs; First Energy to Cut 400 Jobs; Galattia Lays Off 54 Miners and Blames Obama Administration; Canceled Program Costs 115 Jobs at Ohio Camp Base.

  31. Bob on November 9th, 2012 12:39 pm

    >>Charlene Clayton on November 9th, 2012 10:30 am
    “Kathy must have a very good job, great benefits etc if she believes the last four years has been prosperity and successful leadership or could she possibly be one of the 53% riding the free train that includes food, cell phones, housing etc.”

    You sound like one of the dumbest people I ever seen write what you did about Kathy.
    Charlene Clayton you’ve apparently listened or do to to much of the following.
    Romney and Ryan remember they lost the election by electoral and popular vote.
    Listen to the talking heads.
    Hide in your small rural community.
    Go to your small church and listen to the views like yours spew.
    Or stay on your small property with thoes keep out signs.
    Listen to your local radio broadcast that shout hate and discontent.
    Listen to your local tv station that want even make a comment about Florida is still undecided and never influenced the election outcome until today.
    Stay in your little local small unsociable world and watch it pass you up and leave you in the dust.
    Charlene Clayton I’m just sitting here waiting on my check. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  32. Perry on November 9th, 2012 12:34 pm

    I think its time for the Electoral College to be abolished. I’m guessing that would take a Constitutional Amendment? There’s no need for the Electoral College any more and it lessens the value of our individual vote. In this last election, it wouldn’t have mattered; but I think it’s inherently unfair that, in effect, an entire state’s votes end up being cast for the winning candidate – regardless of the margin of victory. At a minimum, Florida should apportion its electoral votes based on the number of votes for each candidate.

  33. Bob hudson on November 9th, 2012 12:04 pm

    Well speaking of the 2%, seems wall street is not happy, and when people with money are not happy , they will not spend it. And there is nothing you can to about that. They just take their marble’s and go home. end of game.

  34. Bob hudson on November 9th, 2012 12:01 pm

    Well the good thing about obama winning , is he will now have to take the blame for the mess this country is in now. So he thought he inherited a mess from George Bush? Well he thought he was just fighting a room fire , but it seems now the whole house is on fire.Be careful what you wish for , you might get it.

  35. Charlene Clayton on November 9th, 2012 10:30 am

    Kathy must have a very good job, great benefits etc if she believes the last four years has been prosperity and successful leadership or could she possibly be one of the 53% riding the free train that includes food, cell phones, housing etc.

  36. Henry Coe on November 9th, 2012 9:48 am

    DJS & Abe, President Obama won the popular vote by close to 3 million votes as well as the Electoral Collage vote. I have no problem with getting rid of the Electoral College and using only the popular vote. Had that been the case in 2000 GWB would have lost.

    I’m just sayin’, the Electoral College makes no difference in the outcome being that President Obama also won by popular vote.

  37. William E Livingston on November 9th, 2012 9:45 am

    Can we now all just support the President and stop fighting and get our country back to work? Jobs is what the Problem is and those are controlled by the top 2 % and the small business guy. Us poor folks are still spending as best we can but until they start paying better wages and hiring more people it does not matter how much we spend.

  38. scott on November 9th, 2012 9:35 am

    To “DJS”
    Do you not know how our presidents are elected? Every president has been elected the exact same way — not just the one(s) you support.

  39. Abe on November 9th, 2012 8:31 am

    @ DJS:
    I’m with you but be careful what you wish for.
    5 out of the last 6 elections the popular vote went to the Democrats. From 1968 to 1992 – 5 of the 6 elections the popular vote went to the Repulicans.

    Telling isn’t it.

    God has blessed America with enough intelligent people to see through the lies.

  40. Kathy on November 9th, 2012 8:11 am

    God Bless the President of the United States blessed with this most current victory. Winning both the the popular vote and electoral college, he will now be once again able to guide and lead the USA into a future of prosperity, success and great growth. It was good to see the nation vote for intelligent, successful leadership and not greed, big business and stupidity. I voted for President Obama because he was the best man for the job.

  41. Fairlane63 on November 9th, 2012 8:03 am

    “But we’re not looking back, we’re looking forward to building a stronger coalition of Floridians who believe America can do much better than what we’ve seen over the last four years.”

    Perhaps in the future the Republicans will nominate a candidate who is a real alternative to the Democrat instead of the usual “Socialist Lite” that’s been the Republican norm in the last several elections.

    I’d love to have the opportunity to vote for an actual conservative in the general election, but the Republicans haven’t nominated one since 1964. Why bother to vote Republican (or vote at all) if there’s little substantive difference between the two candidates?

  42. Patsy Green on November 9th, 2012 7:34 am

    I believe President Obama won the popular vote, too.

  43. Bob on November 9th, 2012 7:28 am

    I can’t believe this old grey haired married republican actually believed what he said.

    “Brian Burgess, communications director for the Republican Party of Florida, essentially conceded defeat.”
    “We’re obviously not happy with the result, but given the wave that we saw all over the country, we’re glad that we gave them enough of a fight in Florida to prolong the battle here as long as we did,” Burgess said in an email. “But we’re not looking back, we’re looking forward to building a stronger coalition of Floridians who believe America can do much better than what we’ve seen over the last four years.”

    Florida’s vote never influenced the election or prolonged the battle. Floridians could have stayed home and never voted.

  44. DJS on November 9th, 2012 7:08 am

    What is the use in getting out and voting if the electoral votes determine who takes office…..all I can say is…..GOD HELP AMERICA!