Governor Tours Navy Federal

November 21, 2012

Governor Rick Scott today toured Navy Federal Credit Union’s campus in Beulah, where 2,700 of the company’s employees are based. At a press conference following the tour, Scott highlighted Navy Federal Credit Union’s continued expansion that will result in 700 new jobs and a $6.75 million investment into the area.

“Thanks to Navy Federal Credit Union hundreds of Florida families will have jobs, which will benefit this community. I’ve made job creation my top priority, and while we’re headed in the right direction, we still have a lot of work to do,” Scott said.

Scott highlighted Navy Federal’s recent announcement of its campus development strategy, which could set the stage for a decade of annual growth.  To accommodate plans for a potentially larger campus, Navy Federal secured a 240-acre property from Escambia County 4-H located adjacent to its current site.

Debbie Calder, senior vice president of Navy Federal, led the tour and said, “Navy Federal is pleased to be part of the greater Pensacola community. We continue to hire talented individuals that possess the skills needed to provide world class service to our members.”


17 Responses to “Governor Tours Navy Federal”

  1. gulf coast on November 25th, 2012 10:48 am

    Try searching this very website. Feburary 28th article on langley bell center.
    I will paraphrase” without the sale of this property adding jobs in pensacola would difficult”. Carlton proctor’s blog was alittle more straight forward..

    Dont tell me my facts are off. I am way more in the know on this deal than you can imagine.

  2. gulf coast on November 25th, 2012 10:09 am

    You need to check your facts mark. The statement about NF leaving was in a Carlton Proctor blog in the pnj last spring..

    Nice try.

    I see you left the second fact alone. They would not compromise on the 40 acres to be left out of the deal..

  3. Reply to Gulf Coast on November 25th, 2012 8:27 am

    You need to check your facts my friend.

    NFCU never threatened to leave. It was never stated, implied, or spoken as an option/threat. You may have created this in your own mind, but that is where that lie should remain.

    You are incorrect with your perception that there was no compromising. NFCU agreed to allow them to remain on the property for an extended period of time for something like $1 if my memory serves me right. I believe this was to allow more than enough time to identify another property and transition.

    In your comments about the quality of jobs offered by NFCU, I think you are mistaken again. Just ask the hundreds of people who apply there each and every day…or better yet ask the thousands that work there already. NFCU is a classy operation who takes care of their employees just as much as they take care of their members.

    Im sorry you didnt like the deal, but dont make stuff up or confuse your opinion with facts.

  4. David Lamb on November 23rd, 2012 6:30 pm

    A snatch and grab? Possibly. When all the business leaders are for it and the Extension Office wanting rid of LBC because they were too lazy to utilize an asset thhat most would be proud to have, you can say that. Discipline, Leadership and the will for a successful 4H program takes EXTRA effort, something lacking in the current IFAS staff. Some of the last two posts I concur with. Some, I do not.
    The 4Hers still had the choice to sell or save. The vote was close. If I remember only 7 vote difference. A few voting delegates failed to vote. It was not a clear victory. Some voted for sale with understanding that the MOU would help get a better facility that could be more utilized. Problem: MOU cut out rights of 4Hers to decide their future. MOU can be a way for IFAS to continue their “wicked” ways. ONLY YOU, THE LOCAL PUBLIC CAN STOP THEM. FIGHT FOR RIGHT!

  5. gulf coast on November 23rd, 2012 4:49 pm

    It was a snatch and grab because it was everyone versus the kids. Extension, NFCU, county commissioners, and the chamber were coercing and influencing the kids to sell.

    Here is a fact Mark, NFCU said that if they didnt get that land, not land close but that particular piece of land, they would not only not expand but threatened to leave. That is a FACT…

    Here is another fact Mark, when approached by NFCU, some of the volunteers and 4H leaders asked NF if 4H could keep 40 acres out of 240 acres the answer a NO. There was never any commitment to work or compromise with 4H, it was all of it or none at all.. That is a FACT..

    The site was underutilized because extension has FAILED to do its job. The are perfectly happy to do their school presentations and sign up “4H” members that never go to the first meeting.. The work done to encourage 4H membership and those members participating in programs has fallen off considerably since the 1970s. Ask your friends at extension why the requirements to use the 4H center, before it was sold, were more strigent than requirements to use the equestrian center..

    I dont really care if you want the job or not, plenty of good people in this area would jump at the chance to work for a company like KIA.
    As far as the car manufacturing plant, you seem to be way off base.. Apples to apples who makes more money the guy in the “deadend” job at KIA or the same guy in the deadend job at NFCU? What you failed to understand is the county that had KIA had all the support manufacturing as well. Just like Mobile and Baldwin counties are gonna have all the airplane facilities..

  6. Mark on November 23rd, 2012 3:48 pm

    @429SCJ, a “Snatch and “Grab”???? How so? Please, give me FACTS, that is was a snatch and grab. Read David’s comments, as he seems to understand.

    As a “community member” I had toured the 4H facilities, and although impressive, I always thought it was VERY under utilized. It seems there are only events a few times a year that only draw a hundred or so people. Seems like a waste to me. I may be wrong, but I believe in the “good of the many” instead of the “good of the few”.

    @Gulf Coast, Navy Federal is the first step in getting the kind of business you talk about, although being a native of Detroit and VERY familiar with the auto industry, I really don’t want a factory “assembly line”, going nowhere job. It always seems those supporting the making of the cars, make more money than those involved in the manufacturing process!!

  7. David Lamb on November 22nd, 2012 6:38 pm

    As a native Cottage Hill person and a 4H memb er for 10 years, I was saddened by the sale of LBC. . I talked with many before the vote and was most suprised wwith the commitment of Debbie Calder. She did not force anything and let the 4H members decide the vote. It was a close vote and the best decision for economic development. I have no gripe with NFCU or Debbie Calder. My gripe is with Pam Allen and Kieth Diem and IFAS.
    I want to see a like amount of land in a better part of Escambia for 4H. The proposed Bayer property fits that description and under the right leadership can be self supporting. Please support the Task Force and let your opinions about future land purchases for 4H be known. Escambia 4H can return to its days of the best of the best with vision and dedication. There are good people in the area fighting for this cause. SUPPORT THEM. GET INVOLVED!

  8. 429SCJ on November 22nd, 2012 7:15 am

    ???? Not me Jane,,,, not in about 37 years anyway.

    Happy! Thanks Giving.

  9. Jane on November 22nd, 2012 6:27 am

    Ok, now tell me why no one is utilizing the big business park on Hwy. 29 between Cantonment and Molino????

  10. Gulf Coast on November 22nd, 2012 5:40 am

    Thanks for worrying about me but I have a great job. Never said NFCU wasnt a good job, but if you think that is the end all job, then you should take a trip into Alabama and see the KIA plant at the Alabama/GA line. That plant plus all the other supporting sites near it. I havent been that way in a couple of years until recently and it is impressive. That is the kinda jobs the chamber and the commission should be after.

    I apologize but the 1600 number was the number given to me by Debbie Caulder herself approx this time last year. She also said they were planning to hire between 100-200 per year.

  11. 429SCJ on November 22nd, 2012 3:28 am

    Mark, yes Navy Federal has provided jobs. What you fail to realize is that the way those jobs were obtained, amounted to a snatch and grab. The children of 4H were gracious enough to invite them in to share their home and Navy Federal decided that they wanted to take it all from them. Yes there were jobs provided for the needy, but the end did not justify the means. I realize that desperate people will accept anything, but would you betray a group of children and a wonderful organization such as 4H for a loaf of bread? I can see that you would.

    I have an excellent employment record and the rank and decorations accorded it.
    I just despise the unbridled ambition of opportunist and I realize in this age, that institution and tradition matter little to those who would feather their nest and the desperate for whom the wolf is at their door. Remember, nothing good comes through betrayal.

  12. Mark on November 21st, 2012 11:31 am

    WOW! Sounds like there is still a lot of sour grapes out there! Your employment record not good enough to get hired at NF?

    NF has been nothing but a boon to this community, and if you can’t see that, you are the type that will be working for Wal-Mart, sitting behind the counter of a Tom Thumb, or doing some other menial job that pays nothing and has zero benefits.

    Before you trash talk NF, DO SOME FREAKING RESEARCH (I’m speaking to you @Gulf Coast) before you spout incorrect or just plain WRONG information!

  13. William on November 21st, 2012 10:11 am

    >>Amazing that this time last year the official job count was 1600, with ~100 employees per year growth. Now they have 2700?? I think someone fed William some bad info.

    The number is correct at 2,700. Just verified with Navy Federal.

  14. gulf Coast on November 21st, 2012 9:56 am

    Amazing that this time last year the official job count was 1600, with ~100 employees per year growth. Now they have 2700?? I think someone fed William some bad info. Of course 2700 is alot closer to actual than the 9000 jobs that WEAR TV said have been created there since 2003..

    Gov Scott, like him or not did sweeten the pot on the 4H land deal giving NFCU somewhere around 1 million if the land deal could be agreed to by June 1, 2012, which is why the vote got shoved down those 4H kids throats in April.

    Be sure to support the 4H task force talk to your commissioners and the task force members about what you would like to see the new 4H center look like.. If you appreciate the jobs that Navy Federal “created” dont thank NFCU, Gov Scott, the chamber of commerce, and certainly dont thank extension, thank a 4H member they are the only ones who have gave up anything for this deal.

  15. bill on November 21st, 2012 9:23 am

    Navy Federal has been a blessing to this county. Gov. Flim Flam had nothing to do with bringing these jobs here!

  16. Bob on November 21st, 2012 6:18 am

    Look at Scott trying to lay claim on this development. This all started before he was elected. What a scam. Shame on pink slip Rick.

  17. 429SCJ on November 21st, 2012 4:10 am

    Strategy, Secured.

    To your decade of annual growth, may you receive all you deserve.