Flomaton Man Charged With Century Thefts

November 19, 2012

A Flomaton man was jailed for burglary and theft after allegedly stealing and recycling several items from a vacant home.

Michael Dannell Pleasant was charged with felony burglary and felony grand theft.

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigator observed the vehicle on Elsie Davis Road and spoke to Pleasant, the driver. The vehicle was observed to contain a gas stove, vehicle transmission and a double iron sink that were later identified as coming from inside and outside a vacant property in the 600 block of Elsie Davis Road.

When stopped later by an Escambia County deputy, Pleasant had tickets from a Flomaton recycling company for $178.65 for the sale of scrap metal.

Pleasant was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $2,000 bond.


7 Responses to “Flomaton Man Charged With Century Thefts”

  1. David Huie Green on November 19th, 2012 1:02 pm

    “u can’t do that without a police report . when u have receipts ,pictures , witnesses and it still take months to get a report. then the facts aren’t even right , dates times even the address is wrong.”

    Thus showing once again the value of a good education. You need Law Enforcement Officers who can read and write. Or at least, it would be nice, But you also need them to be conscientious about doing their jobs serving and protecting the citizens.

    David for good LEOs

  2. landloard on November 19th, 2012 9:13 am

    FLOMATON CITIZAN first of all this isn’t my first rodeo. I do realize that it is my responsibility to file charges and u can’t do that without a police report . when u have receipts ,pictures , witnesses and it still take months to get a report. then the facts aren’t even right , dates times even the address is wrong. so flomaton citizen when u have someone come on your property and steal your belongings, please don’t just remember IT’S A CAVIL MATTER

  3. flomaton citizen on November 19th, 2012 8:24 am


    1). In most cases it is a civil matter, otherwise you have to prove intent, and second when you recieve a report it is your responsibility to file the charge not the police. the police are not the ones in charge of your property and know what should be therr or not; you are, at the end of the day it is YOUR responsibility to file the charges, when you recieve a report.

    To many people think that the police should just file charge, or arrest people on assumption, just because they think someone did this or did that, and then when you are given a report and told to file charges you just throw it away or forget about then blame the police because nothing was done; if that be the case then maybe they should start writing tickets on the assumption that your gonna speed, or break the law just because some one said they believe youi did it.

  4. poplardell on November 19th, 2012 7:20 am

    So they had to wait until he sold the items before it was theft?

  5. Duke of Wawbeek on November 19th, 2012 6:53 am

    Landlord, perhaps you should employ a Landlord/Tennant Liason to deal with these civil matters. Someone whom understands Maslow’s theories and their practical applications in dealing with problem renters.

  6. Thom on November 19th, 2012 2:12 am

    ‘landlord’ sounds very much like a friend of mine. I just recently moved to Flomaton and this guy came into my yard while I and my family were moving in, wanting to know who owed the property across the street from me ( a very overgrown and wooded lot) that contained alot of metal and machinery. Lucky for me my wife had our dog out for some fresh air and the dog came around to the front and kindly showed this gentleman back to his car.

  7. landloard on November 19th, 2012 1:29 am

    I have renters in Flomaton that move out and steal everything , this is not what the deposit is for and all i get from police department that ( IT’S A CIVIL MATTER) nothing is ever done it’s like pulling teeth to get a police report. sure wish my houses were in Florida. they don’t mess around. good thing he wasn’t caught in Flomaton , nothing would have ever happened