Extreme Sports: Local Athlete Competes In Spartan Race

November 14, 2012

Most athletes welcome a good challenge, but sometimes hardcore athletes want to go a little more extreme.

Jay High School junior Eddie Agrait recently competed in the Gulf Coast Spartan Sprint Race  in Perkinston, Mississippi. Considered one of the toughest of all organized obstacle race courses, Agrait finished in the top one percent of competitors for his age and gender. Beating over 2,300 other athletes it was a learning experience for him.

“The first Spartan race helped me learn how to train to compete in these kinds of races. I wanted to do more than a race. I wanted to do something that would test my strength and speed,” Agrait said after the event.

Spartan Races are coordinated by parent company Peak Races throughout the U.S. other countries. Spartan Races are designed by the military. Participants confront obstacles ranging from extreme to absurd that gain their inspiration from different sources such as Navy Seal training and American Gladiators. ESPN describes the Spartan Race as “a true test of will”.

Agrait hopes to compete in future Spartan Races throughout the country and develop his overall athletic skills in strength, power, speed, and endurance.


3 Responses to “Extreme Sports: Local Athlete Competes In Spartan Race”

  1. Nicole Barnes on November 14th, 2012 11:54 am

    @Julie: Oh! Then I should say, way to go, Alisha!! ;) ;) lol Seriously, I have competed in one of these competitions as an adult when I was stationed at Ft. Carson, in Colorado Springs… and have volunteered at a couple as well. It is awesome to see the young people put forth what it takes to get there and finish strong! It’s tough!

  2. Julie Roberts on November 14th, 2012 9:20 am

    Nicole this is Alisha’s boyfriend, he is a wonderful kid, we love him and so very proud of him! He will have success in life, good job Eddie :)

  3. Nicole Barnes on November 14th, 2012 2:31 am

    This is Awesome! We’ve never met, but I predict much achievement/success in this kid’s future! Ambition, drive, guts, strength, endurance, ambition, sheer determination, and heart…. I love it! Way to go, Eddie!