Ernest Ward Middle Honors Veterans (With Gallery)

November 9, 2012

An emotional program honored veterans Thursday morning at Ernest Ward Middle School in Walnut Hill.

Much of the program centered around the story of Albert Hunninghake of Walnut Hill. Appearing in a video produced by the school, Hunninghake provided a firsthand account of the attack on Pearl Harbor days after he enlisted in the Navy. He told of being stranded afloat in a life raft in the Pacific for 28 days, an ordeal he survived by thinking of being back on the family farm.

Hunninghake also watched nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll, and watched from a neighboring ship through long binoculars on September 2, 1945, as Japan surrendered aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

The program included a slideshow of students’ and faculty members’ family members that have served in the armed forces, along with music from the EWMS band and choir.

Each branch of the armed forces was recognized in a solemn  hat ceremony as members of the Patriot Guard and the Northivew High School NJROTC stood at attention.

Many wiped tears from their eyes as the students prepared a small, white table with a place setting for one  in front of an empty black chair. The ceremony represented the never-ending hope for the return of MIA soldiers.

The annual Veterans Day program at Ernest Ward is a longstanding community tradition, held annually for about the last 20 years.

For a photo gallery, click here.

Pictured: Seth Killam, Ian Schneider, Zach Sheldon, Mitchell Singleton and Triston Long take part in a hat ceremony honored the branches of the military Thursday morning at Ernest Ward Middle School. Pictured top inset: Scores of local veterans attended the program. Pictured bottom inset: A table set during a ceremony to remember MIA soldiers. Pictured below: The Ernest Ward choir performs a patriotic selection. photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Ernest Ward Middle Honors Veterans (With Gallery)”

  1. Nancy Perry on November 10th, 2012 12:32 pm

    I am so proud of our students, faculty, staff, and community members as we HONORED the Veterans!! What an awesome yet emotional program…..THANK YOU to all those who has served or is serving to protect our FREEDOM…..Today’s program is another small reminder FREEDOM IS NOT FREE . It was an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity to Thank these wonderful HEROES.
    “Remember, All gave some and some gave all. And some stood through for the red, white and blue And some had to fall….”GOD BLESS OUR VETERANS!!!s

    PS- Thanks William for the coverage and the pics I used from !!:))

  2. Daddy's girl on November 9th, 2012 5:55 pm

    Ernest ward is a great school u should go there and they did a great performance. God bless America!!